Men are so stupid


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
moosh - a term of affection towards a friend or loved one.

Moosh is a noun, so mooshing would be a verb.

BTW, my vocabulary has certainly increased due to the forums. Lots of terms that I was unfamiliar with. I don't run with a young crowd and they tend to use different terms. Years ago I used my teen aged son to help me interpret adolescent lingo.

There was a grandmother who was concerned her grandson was on drugs. She overheard him talking about getting some "camel toads". She thought they were either ingesting or smoking them.


What do women do, universally, that makes men consider homosexuality as an alternative?

For me, not a got-damn thing.

You see, I am heterosexual, not only because I find women exceedingly appealing (physically) and would be unable to give them up, I also find men absolutely repellant (physically), and could never bring myself to touch one in an even remotely sexual way.

However, what pisses me off about women is the incessant hysteria over dumb ####.

That, and nagging. (And I don't even want to hear "I wouldn't nag if you'd just do it the first time I asked you", because that's a filthy lie. I happen to know for a fact that the faster I respond to a first-request, the next request has a way shorter fuse for the nag-bomb.)

Plus you all get man-hatey when you get together. Every last freakin' one of you.

Still I'd rather deal with that, than handling some dudes junk, or even celibacy.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
For me, not a got-damn thing.

You see, I am heterosexual, not only because I find women exceedingly appealing (physically) and would be unable to give them up, I also find men absolutely repellant (physically), and could never bring myself to touch one in an even remotely sexual way.

However, what pisses me off about women is the incessant hysteria over dumb ####.

That, and nagging. (And I don't even want to hear "I wouldn't nag if you'd just do it the first time I asked you", because that's a filthy lie. I happen to know for a fact that the faster I respond to a first-request, the next request has a way shorter fuse for the nag-bomb.)

Plus you all get man-hatey when you get together. Every last freakin' one of you.

Still I'd rather deal with that, than handling some dudes junk, or even celibacy.

Unfortunately, I have encountered some men that are best described by your comments above about women. It goes both ways.


Soul Probe
I hate it. You can't say anything without it being something foul according to Urban Dictionary.


Yeah! If you had used a word found in a legitimate dictionary, then I wouldn't have had to look it up in the Urban Dictionary!! I'm scarred for life now, thank you. :mad:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I hate it. You can't say anything without it being something foul according to Urban Dictionary.


Further proof that individuals acting as such, absent the loving coercion of gummint, do just fine learning and evolving on our own. Standard English collapses off the grade charts and slang flourishes.


Not remembering stuff like "oh the check engine light has been on for 500 miles" but the instant we do something like not put the toilet seat down bringing up letting a woman that you consider prettier than you out in traffic 10 years ago.

Oh and asking "do these jeans make me look fat" when you know damn well it aint the jeans.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Any physical contact to a guy just initiates the launch sequence for sex. We’re just horny little robots calculating what stupid stuff we have to pretend to care about, like cuddling, to satisfy our own carnal nature.



Blanket statements like that are invariably wrong for the most part. Some guys cuddle before and after. :dance:

Some guys are just naturally affectionate. :yay: