Men thinks this will work???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
1- "I don't like the way that outfit looks on you anymore."

Then poke your eyes out. And while we're talking about what does and doesn't look good, you might consider your moth-eaten Van Halen concert tee that you've had since high school.

2- "I can't get over how fat I feel."

Then quit #####ing and hit the gym.

3- "Your friend isn't nearly as attractive since she gained that weight."

I'm sure she cares what you think. And what are you doing looking at my friend, anyway?

4- "I have a new female trainer at the gym."

Good for you. :coffee:

5- "The saleswoman said it was for smaller women."

Then what the hell did you buy it for?

6- "Let's help each other lose a couple of pounds?"

Okay. I'll start by throwing out all your ice cream, cookies and beer.



Well-Known Member
harleygirl said:
They are sadly mistaken if they think these will work.........
Actually, they are mistaken if they think ANYTHING will work. You can't guilt, shame, humiliate, nag or jealous someone into losing weight. They have to want it themselves.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
Actually, they are mistaken if they think ANYTHING will work. You can't guilt, shame, humiliate, nag or jealous someone into losing weight. They have to want it themselves.
Not only that, but when you love someone, a few extra pounds shouldn't make any difference.

And if they're obese enough that you feel the need to say something, then they're already feeling insecure and unloved (otherwise why wallow in food?) so threatening them or manipulating them will just make it worse.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Not only that, but when you love someone, a few extra pounds shouldn't make any difference.

And if they're obese enough that you feel the need to say something, then they're already feeling insecure and unloved (otherwise why wallow in food?) so threatening them or manipulating them will just make it worse.



vraiblonde said:
Not only that, but when you love someone, a few extra pounds shouldn't make any difference.

And if they're obese enough that you feel the need to say something, then they're already feeling insecure and unloved (otherwise why wallow in food?) so threatening them or manipulating them will just make it worse.
Or they just like cheesecake


Set Trippin
SamSpade said:
Actually, they are mistaken if they think ANYTHING will work. You can't guilt, shame, humiliate, nag or jealous someone into losing weight. They have to want it themselves.
:yeahthat: That article is total horseshit....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Or they just like cheesecake
Nobody likes cheesecake enough to gain 100 lbs on it. Whenever someone is that overweight, it's not the food that's the problem.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
My friend's SIL has the opposite problem... Her hubby is the one that has expanded to unreasonable proportions and it has traumatically affected the way she feels about him. So much so, she confided in his sister. She can't tolerate even thoughts of sex, much less feel attracted to him as she has lost respect for him as she feels it represents a loss of respect for himself in the form of gluttony...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
virgovictoria said:
she feels it represents a loss of respect for himself in the form of gluttony...
There you go. She needs to get him into counseling, because all the nagging in the world won't help. In fact, it will just make his self-esteem take a nosedive, and guess what he'll do to make himself "feel better"?


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
Nobody likes cheesecake enough to gain 100 lbs on it. Whenever someone is that overweight, it's not the food that's the problem.
I don't know, have you ever had the kind with chocolate chips? :whistle:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
There you go. She needs to get him into counseling, because all the nagging in the world won't help. In fact, it will just make his self-esteem take a nosedive, and guess what he'll do to make himself "feel better"?
As women already know, 'nagging' doesn't do anything except get short-term results - because people only respond to 'nagging' to shut you up. Hence, you can nag a kid to take out the trash, but you can't nag them into having more ambition or getting more exercise. You can't nag a spouse into not smoking, especially if they don't want to. Nagging about weight only reminds people what they're already trying to *ignore*.

I'm surprised how many folks I know that think nagging is the same thing as 'encouraging'.


24/7 Single Dad
vraiblonde said:
There you go. She needs to get him into counseling, because all the nagging in the world won't help. In fact, it will just make his self-esteem take a nosedive, and guess what he'll do to make himself "feel better"?
:lol: How female.
The concept of eating to feel better seems weird to me.
:shrug: guess that's why I'm thin.