Men, you're ugly. - Women. 80 percent of men are below average in looks according to women


Well-Known Member
I think the online dating and dating app thing is a haven for free mealers, scam artists, and very few people who are "looking for that special person"

Had a friend who tried it. He was a nice guy. Divorced with a couple kids. Good job. All around nice guy. He would constantly be frustrated because he would start talking to a woman and after a few days she would just ghost him. Either that or, he would get a re-direct attempt to some other pay site. After his trial was up, he wanted nothing to do with it but they kept harassing him to stay.

Even if I was single, I would NEVER do the dating app thing.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
A friend of mine is using one. She seems to have met a really nice guy she's spending time with. Then there is another she's chatting with. I set a set up from a mile away. I hope I'm wrong.


RBF expert
I mean, really... how many of you ladies would put up with my toys and hobbies at my age?
I agree with you here, in that I've found, other than a couple close friends who are like minded, women don't appreciate this. WHY?! Why do you actively want some oaf constantly underfoot wondering what you two are going to do next? Go do stuff! Be you! Leave me alone so I can be me :lmao: and then we can do something together and talk about all the things we did individually as well as appreciate that time together more! My husband: thankfully the same mind set. Our best easy dates early on were when I'd cook him dinner while he'd sit and tinker on his drones or go work on his car/my car. Or when I sat next to him reading a book while he played video games. I don't want to play games, I don't want to work on the car. I want you to go do those things so I can do my things i.e. sit here and read this book.

We're currently looking for houses and I cannot express enough how I want my husband to get or eventually build his dream workshop garage :lol: please leave me alone so I can love you more :lmao:

Also don't send randos pictures of your junk when they say hi.

How many time did it take for you to learn that lesson :poorbaby:


Well-Known Member
I did for a short time, maybe 2-3 months. Met a few women. Came to a resounding conclusion which led to my cancelling the service:

Women my age, who are single and on these sites, are single for very good reasons. :twitch:

Out of the 4 or 5 people that I have talked to that have used online or app based dating, only 1 has had a positive experience (for reference... all but 1 were men)

Funny enough... the woman was the happiest. Happy because she was able to get a free meal and drinks 3-4 times a week. all of the men said they had nothing but scammers. One of the guys said he met a woman that he thought was going somewhere. After about a month, she ended up ghosting him. This was after several dates (which he always paid for)


I did for a short time, maybe 2-3 months. Met a few women. Came to a resounding conclusion which led to my cancelling the service:

Women my age, who are single and on these sites, are single for very good reasons. :twitch:

It's true, I think for both sexes, that dating in your 40's (and up) is like rooting around in the landfill, trying to find the least broken thing.

And after twiddling around online for a while, I found my new/current better half in real life without the assistance of algorithms. I thought that was funny.


RBF expert
🤷 I met my husband online. 2 of my closest friends met their husbands online.

No doubt, I went thru several years of dating hell though, to get to the one. We all have interesting stories to tell.
It's true, I think for both sexes, that dating in your 40's (and up) is like rooting around in the landfill, trying to find the least broken thing.

And after twiddling around online for a while, I found my new/current better half in real life without the assistance of algorithms. I thought that was funny.

Agree. If it's meant to be, it will happen organically.


How many time did it take for you to learn that lesson :poorbaby:

As magnificent and awe inspiring as the sight of my naked form can be, I generally keep it in my pants until it is earned.

I am extraordinarily humble.

But apparently that's a real problem for ladies - the least bit of attention is apparently a dog-whistle for a lot of men which indicates: "Show me the manstick". Almost every single one that I talked to, had horror stories of this kind.


RBF expert
But apparently that's a real problem for ladies - the least bit of attention is apparently a dog-whistle for a lot of men which indicates: "Show me the manstick". Almost every single one that I talked to, had horror stories of this kind.
:howdy: absolutely. Unfortunately I can attest.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No doubt, I went thru several years of dating hell though, to get to the one. We all have interesting stories to tell.

But that happens even if you're meeting men IRL. You gotta kiss a lot of toads.

Monello and I connected online and you couldn't even come up with two people more different than him and I, but here we are - happily rolling down the road.


RBF expert
A GREAT Reason to go Dutch
my experience was the opposite. Guys were uncomfortable splitting the tab.

I usually offered for a coffee date or a quick lunch date in the beginning anyways. Or if we did dinner, I suggested some kind of fast casual place where we could order at a register and take our food to sit down and eat. That way I could order first and pay for myself, or if he ordered and then asked what I'd want, I'd then offer to order mine seperately. Usually they insisted on paying though 🤷

mens' egos are very sensitve :poorbaby: I'm sure they're out there but I've never known any women to just go on dates for free food. First dates are awful :lol: why would you want to sit thru that many times just for an overpriced entree and drink!