menopause questions?


New Member
Hello, ladies!

I hope someone can answer this question for me. I am peri-menopausal, 54 years old. My cycles have been getting further apart for the last six months or so. Up until yesterday it had been two or three months since the last cycle. Yesterday I woke up with cramping like I haven't had since being a teenager, and heavy bleeding. Today there isn't any cramping yet, but still pretty heavy bleeding. Does this sound normal? I hate to spend a lot of money going to my gyn. unless I really have to. Our co-pays just got raised. Just wondering if I should be concerned. I feel fine otherwise.

Thanks for your insights and experiences!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think most women know their bodies and know when something is wrong. If it were me, I wouldn't worry unless I was alarmed by it, if that makes sense. As in, if you think something may be wrong, go see your gyno; if you feel great and aren't particularly concerned, don't worry about it.

Menopause sucks but it doesn't suck as bad as having a period every month. :yahoo:


Active Member
Hello, ladies!

I hope someone can answer this question for me. I am peri-menopausal, 54 years old. My cycles have been getting further apart for the last six months or so. Up until yesterday it had been two or three months since the last cycle. Yesterday I woke up with cramping like I haven't had since being a teenager, and heavy bleeding. Today there isn't any cramping yet, but still pretty heavy bleeding. Does this sound normal? I hate to spend a lot of money going to my gyn. unless I really have to. Our co-pays just got raised. Just wondering if I should be concerned. I feel fine otherwise.

Thanks for your insights and experiences!
I went through the same thing as you. If the bleeding gets out of hand, go see the Gyn. They can give you the Depoprovera Injection that will, or should stop the bleeding. As long as you have been diligent about going to your yearly exams, you probably don't have anything to worry about.


Well-Known Member
I did the exact same thing. Wouldn't have anything for 3 or 4 months, in fact, I went 7 months without anything and then the damn flood gates opened. Had cramps and backaches. That lasted about two years. Have been period free :yahoo: for 8 years now.


I went through the same thing as you. If the bleeding gets out of hand, go see the Gyn. They can give you the Depoprovera Injection that will, or should stop the bleeding. As long as you have been diligent about going to your yearly exams, you probably don't have anything to worry about.

It really is worth it if the bleeding continues.

I thought I was facing another oophorectomy which was going to also include a hysterectomy this month but all this has been put on hold as my symptoms have lessened a great deal the past month and recent tests/sonograms show improvement & menopause.

I'm a few years away from being 50 and am already going through menopause but I understood I would when I had an oophorectomy in my early 20's. The part I hate the most is being cold one minute and wanting to strip the next. :ohwell:


I wanna be a SMIB
Better than the alternative.

Not always. My first 5 yrs of menopause, I was sure if I didn't kill myself, I was surely gonna kill the hubby. It was so bad for me, no sleep for 5 yrs caused by hot flashes and night sweats. and when that wasn't happening the mood swings were swinging worse than a pendulum. Thank God that's over. Im back to my lovable self. No more b!tch caused by menopause, now Im just a b!tch naturally. lol


Well-Known Member
Not always. My first 5 yrs of menopause, I was sure if I didn't kill myself, I was surely gonna kill the hubby. It was so bad for me, no sleep for 5 yrs caused by hot flashes and night sweats. and when that wasn't happening the mood swings were swinging worse than a pendulum. Thank God that's over. Im back to my lovable self. No more b!tch caused by menopause, now Im just a b!tch naturally. lol



Well-Known Member
The hot flashes:hot: and night sweats were the worst. I wasn't too bad with mood swings but I did have my moments. There were days when I just wanted to kill someone or something and there were days when I cried at the stupidest things. Like I said, all in all, my experience wasn't too bad compared to other horror stories I have heard.


New Member
Thanks all for your replies. Now I know I am not alone! I don't have bad mood swings or hot flashes hardly at all since I started taking Estroblend/estroven (or whatever the generic version at Walmart is called.) It has really helped.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There were days when I just wanted to kill someone or something and there were days when I cried at the stupidest things.

See, and I've been like that since I was a teenager. The hot flashes are new, and sometimes they're pretty intense. mAlice used to call them "power surges". :lol:


See, and I've been like that since I was a teenager. The hot flashes are new, and sometimes they're pretty intense. mAlice used to call them "power surges". :lol:

Oh yeah, didn't even think of these when I moved to Florida, can't just walk outside and chill down. I've been known to jump in the pool at 3 am though. Ugh.


Active Member
I didn't have a lot of hot flashes, but once in awhile, it seems like my "thermostat" would get stuck and I would have trouble cooling down - especially after a very warm shower. I did experience some heavier periods for a handful of months, but about they dwindled down to nothing after that.

Actually, right before I had my bypass, I had a month or so where I got hot flashes and I thought "well here starts the menopause"....but it was 10 more years before I actually went through menopause. The nurse practitioner who followed me after the bypass told me that what I experienced was fairly common for people with blocked arteries; had nothing to do with menopause.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had a complete hysterectomy? I had a partical about 5 years ago, then had to go back to remove my ovaries because they thought I had ovarian cancer. I don't really get hot flashes, but I have noticed in the past 6 months or so that I go through these intense mood swings, like want to kill someone rages. It only lasts a day or two, but the last one was powerfull. I mean, I didn't even want to be around myself my rage was so intense, but it was an internal rage. I felt like I was about to explode, for no apparent reason. Everything and everyone was getting on my very last nerve. Not like me at all. I'm usually very even tempered and it takes a lot to get me really mad.

Has anyone experience this? I'm wondering if it has to do with the removal of my ovaries and I'll be 48 in the next few weeks. Can I experience memopause after a complete hysterectomy? And yes, I know I can google, just wondering if anyone here can relate.
Has anyone had a complete hysterectomy? I had a partical about 5 years ago, then had to go back to remove my ovaries because they thought I had ovarian cancer. I don't really get hot flashes, but I have noticed in the past 6 months or so that I go through these intense mood swings, like want to kill someone rages. It only lasts a day or two, but the last one was powerfull. I mean, I didn't even want to be around myself my rage was so intense, but it was an internal rage. I felt like I was about to explode, for no apparent reason. Everything and everyone was getting on my very last nerve. Not like me at all. I'm usually very even tempered and it takes a lot to get me really mad.

Has anyone experience this? I'm wondering if it has to do with the removal of my ovaries and I'll be 48 in the next few weeks. Can I experience memopause after a complete hysterectomy? And yes, I know I can google, just wondering if anyone here can relate.
I completely believe it has to do with the removal of your ovaries.

My mother was fully intact when she went through natural menopause. She had always been a consistently pleasant person up until then. While in menopause her wild and sometimes violent mood swings left me in a mode of calling my parents house everyday and having her put dad on the phone so I could make sure he was still alive and not buried in the cellar. After it was all over she would explain that there were times he couldnt breath right without pissing her off. I remember being in the vehicle with them once and he simply said, "There's a parking space" as he pointed to one and she went off the flipping handle screaming at him to not tell her how to drive... It's comical looking back at it now, but was pure hell then!


Well-Known Member
I completely believe it has to do with the removal of your ovaries.

My mother was fully intact when she went through natural menopause. She had always been a consistently pleasant person up until then. While in menopause her wild and sometimes violent mood swings left me in a mode of calling my parents house everyday and having her put dad on the phone so I could make sure he was still alive and not buried in the cellar. After it was all over she would explain that there were times he couldnt breath right without pissing her off. I remember being in the vehicle with them once and he simply said, "There's a parking space" as he pointed to one and she went off the flipping handle screaming at him to not tell her how to drive... It's comical looking back at it now, but was pure hell then!

Thank you. My ex is now calling me "bipolar" because of the simple fact that his breathing pushes me over the edge at times. :lol: There are times I'm alone and can feel the rage just brewing................... :elaine: It's not fun
Thank you. My ex is now calling me "bipolar" because of the simple fact that his breathing pushes me over the edge at times. :lol: There are times I'm alone and can feel the rage just brewing................... :elaine: It's not fun
I kinda can't wait for it all to start so it can be over with but on the other hand I'm in such a happy and content place in life right now that I don't want to mess it all up by raging....:lol: