That cat has durr eyees
Put it in a seal-able container and introduce starting fluid. Contains ether.
Did you know that you can actually re-use the traps?
I didn't have enough traps to cover the area outside the mouse hole so I borrowed some from my BF. When I told him I caught the mouse in two traps, he said great bring the traps back when you come over on Saturday - he thought there were mice in his garage. I asked what he meant by bring them back and he sounded really confused. Imagine my horror when I found out he actually releases the dead mice and uses the traps again.
Men. They're all nuts.
I think I've posted this before, but...
Middle of the night, stupid cat bouncing all over us, making stupid cat noises. Fussed at him, swatted at him, finally threw him off the bed.
Making the bed in the morning, trails of blood all over the comforter.
And bits of dead mouse in the hallway.
You're very brave. Did you ever look at them when they're dead in the traps? They don't close their eyes when they die. It's creepy.I had to reuse them at one time. The back to back blizzards we had (2012?), I had a da*m mouse colony move in. I had a pack of two traps, caught 2 and threw them out. I still saw that one (or more) were around. I could only find one pack of traps, after searching several stores. Everyone else must have been having problems with mice too that winter. I had to resort to reusing the only 2 traps I had. Note: I didn't touch these things with my bare hands.
You're very brave. Did you ever look at them when they're dead in the traps? They don't close their eyes when they die. It's creepy.
Best live trap if you have a bunch of mice. You can also put a snake in the bucket and make it self cleaning.
Best live trap if you have a bunch of mice. You can also put a snake in the bucket and make it self cleaning.
I take it moving wasn't an option?I'm not really brave, I just didn't have another choice. I was getting overrun with them that winter. I guess they didn't like the 2 feet of snow and 20 degrees temperature outside. They had their meals everyday from the dog bowl. It is creepy. The eyes are usually bulging out too. Thank goodness I haven't seen a mouse in a couple years.
My little hippy chick has an eccentric client who buys everything in bulk. She uses live traps in the "warehouse", takes them down some secluded back road, and releases them into the wild. I would really be surprised if she didn't try to feed them. She won't admit it, but I think she gives them cutesy little names before setting them free. She washes and reuses the live traps until they literally wear out and won't hold a set. Well worth the money.
Amazon product
A dead one ain't going to eat miceA LIVE SNAKE??????
Oh. I thought you might have been talking about one of those toilet thingys.A dead one ain't going to eat mice
You can have a live snake in the toiletOh. I thought you might have been talking about one of those toilet thingys.
I take it moving wasn't an option?