Michael Douglas: Oral sex causes throat cancer


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"Michael Douglas says in an interview with The Guardian newspaper that throat cancer, as he battled in 2010, can be caused by performing oral sex on women who have a sexually-transmitted disease.

It being widely reported that the story went on to say Douglas' cancer had been caused because he contracted the human papillomavirus (HPV). "

Michael Douglas: Oral sex causes throat cancer
This is why boys are supposed to be getting the HPV vaccinations too and not just girls.
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Well-Known Member
"Michael Douglas says in an interview with The Guardian newspaper that throat cancer, as he battled in 2010, can be caused by performing oral sex on women who have a sexually-transmitted disease.

It being widely reported that the story went on to say Douglas' cancer had been caused because he contracted the human papillomavirus (HPV). "

Michael Douglas: Oral sex causes throat cancer

Gotta wonder.....does Catherine kiss him on the mouth?

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Registered User
Hmm..If he had practiced safe sex and had the women get tested before he took a sip...he wouldn't have anything to worry about.

It may make for an awkward conversation and kills the mood but healthy living makes it worth it!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hmm..If he had practiced safe sex and had the women get tested before he took a sip...he wouldn't have anything to worry about.

It may make for an awkward conversation and kills the mood but healthy living makes it worth it!

Here's the thing:

I doubt Michael Douglas had a lot of traditional dating scenarios where you go out a few times, get to know each other, decide you like each other, stop dating other people, and the physical relationship proceeds from there. THOSE are the situations where the health discussions are had.

With a pickup or booty call there's no point in having the discussion because your target will just lie.


Lawful neutral
Hmm..If he had practiced safe sex and had the women get tested before he took a sip...he wouldn't have anything to worry about.

It may make for an awkward conversation and kills the mood but healthy living makes it worth it!

He didn’t want to be rude and talk with his mouth full. :shrug:


Adopt me please !
Hmm..If he had practiced safe sex and had the women get tested before he took a sip...he wouldn't have anything to worry about.

It may make for an awkward conversation and kills the mood but healthy living makes it worth it!

This brings up a good point, however, how many people actually attempt to get testing done with a potential partner? Not many I bet. People literally risk their lives when they have sex, yes even those that are married. I can't tell you how many people during my life I have come across that I knew were having sex outside of their marriage, and it is scary to think that some unsuspecting men and women will one day find out they have a life-changing disease due to an unfaithful partner. According to many polls, more than half of the people married are also having sex with people other than their spouse. Celibacy may gain popularity with folks wanting to live a long and healthy life <g>.