Michael Jackson

Did Michael Jackson really molest children??

  • NO WAY

    Votes: 14 13.7%

    Votes: 52 51.0%

    Votes: 36 35.3%

  • Total voters


Interesting comments. Some people just have no idea how the courts work and how MJ got off. OK, bad use of words. If kids wanted to make up stories like this to get money, why doesn't it happen more often to other celebrities? Anyone with a little bit of a brain should be able to come to come to the conclusion that MJ was a little strange, liked to have little boys over lured them into his bed. I love his music and he was a great performer. I have a few DVD collections of him and will enjoy watching them from time to time but there is no doubt in my mind he had a dark side. The MJ who liked little boys.

If you really believe he is innocent, then you are probably the type who thinks OJ was innocent and think the Easter Bunny is real. I guess there's nothing we normal people can say to get through to you.

Have you ever considered it was a setup by the parents because they saw MJ as an easy cash cow? I think the whole thing looked really bad and I’m not prepared to say MJ is innocent. But the evil that exists in this world to conjure up ways to con wealthy people out of their money is astounding. It seems MJ made himself an easy target.


Just why would I have to let my kids sleep at his house? It makes you sound like a moron to even say such idiotic things. The second paragraph, there was no technicality, he was found "Not Guilty". That means him and his lawyer convinced the twelve people who mattered. On to the third paragraph, you're a hardheaded idiot who is so self righteous that the truth could come up and kick you in the balls and you still wouldn't accept it.

Where are the logic and facts you you think so highly of?

Never mind. I can see you are an idiot. You suggested I watch a movie. I suggested you watch reality. What was I thinking!


So, would you have let your kids sleep at his house? If you really think he was innocent, you would have to answer yes

So, would you have let your kids sleep at his house? If you really think he was innocent, you would have to answer yes. .

I wouldn’t let my kids sleep over with an adult even if they were innocent of anything. It’s a extremely strange. I don’t think anyone disagrees with that. I mean who the heck are these parents that put their kids in this situation anyway?

Do you know how many people get off due to a technicality? You know, maybe one little mistake the cops made. Or one little piece of evidence that disappeared.

So what was the technicality that got MJ off (oh cripes!)?


Have you ever considered it was a setup by the parents because they saw MJ as an easy cash cow? I think the whole thing looked really bad and I’m not prepared to say MJ is innocent. But the evil that exists in this world to conjure up ways to con wealthy people out of their money is astounding. It seems MJ made himself an easy target.

Where the heck did you get that theory? I like it though. I think I'm going to go tell the world that Bill Gates fondled me as a kid. Maybe, I'll go for Donald Trump. Or both. Damn, why didn't I think of that earlier? I will still never understand why anyone with half a brain would think MJ was innocent. It's just crazy.


Not worth the battle people. Just read the poll results. If you don't like them, sign on as our MPDs and boost the numbers in your favor. I will sleep well tonight knowing that my opinion is shared by the majority.


Where the heck did you get that theory? I like it though. I think I'm going to go tell the world that Bill Gates fondled me as a kid. Maybe, I'll go for Donald Trump. Or both. Damn, why didn't I think of that earlier? I will still never understand why anyone with half a brain would think MJ was innocent. It's just crazy.

You could do it, and for a time have people believing it if you were able to get enough media attention in your favor. It's not hard to accuse someone of molestation. I don't think there is a statute to limitations in any state for rape or child abuse (at least I know it is in MD); so someone can go back 10 years and accuse you of molesting them, report it to CPS and you'd have cops cuffing you and hauling you in and the your life will be ruined. The person doesn't need evidence or witnesses. Just a simple accusation.

As I wrote before, I don't have a clue if he's innocent or guilty. The courts found him not guilty. We are stuck with that. My larger point is how this guy, from his childhood, was abused by (probably) dozens of people, especially his father. His is a sad story from the beginning. It doesn't excuse his bizarre behavior; but it does explain it.


Not worth the battle people. Just read the poll results. If you don't like them, sign on as our MPDs and boost the numbers in your favor. I will sleep well tonight knowing that my opinion is shared by the majority.

Very impressive poll. A whole 50 people voted. :bigwhoop: How many members on the SOMD forum? In the hundreds I would guess.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Have you ever considered it was a setup by the parents because they saw MJ as an easy cash cow? I think the whole thing looked really bad and I’m not prepared to say MJ is innocent. But the evil that exists in this world to conjure up ways to con wealthy people out of their money is astounding. It seems MJ made himself an easy target.
He's incapable of considering anything but his own view, critical thinking is not his forte'.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I have no idea whether he did or not. If he did, may he rot in hell for it.

I don't know what happened to him 25-30 years ago, but to watch videos of him back then & see a perfectly normal looking person and compare that to how he ended up - it's just beyond my comprehension as to how or why it happened.


New Member
I'll tell you what's defenseless is the abuse MJ had to put up with all of his life, especially as a child. He was a screwed up human being because of it. To the end people were taking advantage of him. I have no clue if MJ molested any children. And no one on this forum knows this for a fact either. You either believe he did or didn't or just aren't sure.

You want to make jokes about something? Make jokes about the parents that ripped this poor kid from his childhood, abused him when he didn't perform to dad's liking and forced to do what he probably didn't want to do. Over time I'm certain the years of brainwashing into believing this was all he was born to do put him a place that he couldn't escape.

But the bigots will ignore this for their own pleasure to mount further abuse on someone that had zero control over his life. Especially now that he's gone.

I think it's sad that people are finding this as an opportunity to plague this forum (and other places) with jokes about a person that lived a painful and pathetic life. Makes me wonder what THOSE people have hidden in their closets.

And don't you find it ironic that the person that represented the highest level of success in the entertainment industry also lived the highest level of mental pain? His death doesn't make me sad. His life does.

Let me ask you something. Was anyboy ever convicted of abusing Michael Jackson? No. But here you are, taking the side of a person who was accused by multiple children of molesting them.

But lets say your information about Michael Jackson is correct and he was abused. Did you know, one of the traits found in many child molester is someone who was abused as a child.

Thank you for proving my point.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'll tell you what's defenseless is the abuse MJ had to put up with all of his life, especially as a child. He was a screwed up human being because of it. To the end people were taking advantage of him. I have no clue if MJ molested any children. And no one on this forum knows this for a fact either. You either believe he did or didn't or just aren't sure.

You want to make jokes about something? Make jokes about the parents that ripped this poor kid from his childhood, abused him when he didn't perform to dad's liking and forced to do what he probably didn't want to do. Over time I'm certain the years of brainwashing into believing this was all he was born to do put him a place that he couldn't escape.

But the bigots will ignore this for their own pleasure to mount further abuse on someone that had zero control over his life. Especially now that he's gone.

And don't you find it ironic that the person that represented the highest level of success in the entertainment industry also lived the highest level of mental pain? His death doesn't make me sad. His life does.

I agree with your whole point EXCEPT that he had ZERO control over his life. At some point, it became his responsibility. There is no doubt that his childhood colors his entire life, however, the definition of an adult is getting over it and moving on and bettering your life, breaking the chains, so to speak.


I agree with your whole point EXCEPT that he had ZERO control over his life. At some point, it became his responsibility. There is no doubt that his childhood colors his entire life, however, the definition of an adult is getting over it and moving on and bettering your life, breaking the chains, so to speak.

It's being reported on Fox this morning that MJ left his dad out of his will. This explains a lot. But I think I caveated (is that a word?) my explanation of his behavior with this: "It doesn't excuse his bizarre behavior; but it does explain it." I don't try to make excuses for adults' bad behavior. In the end we are ALL responsible for our own actions, no doubt. But I do believe there are explanations. MJ should have taken every advantage available to him (and there were plenty) to get his head on right. He sadly chose the way of Elvis.


New Member
It's being reported on Fox this morning that MJ left his dad out of his will. This explains a lot. But I think I caveated (is that a word?) my explanation of his behavior with this: "It doesn't excuse his bizarre behavior; but it does explain it." I don't try to make excuses for adults' bad behavior. In the end we are ALL responsible for our own actions, no doubt. But I do believe there are explanations. MJ should have taken every advantage available to him (and there were plenty) to get his head on right. He sadly chose the way of Elvis.
Thank God he can harm no other children.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's being reported on Fox this morning that MJ left his dad out of his will. This explains a lot. But I think I caveated (is that a word?) my explanation of his behavior with this: "It doesn't excuse his bizarre behavior; but it does explain it." I don't try to make excuses for adults' bad behavior. In the end we are ALL responsible for our own actions, no doubt. But I do believe there are explanations. MJ should have taken every advantage available to him (and there were plenty) to get his head on right. He sadly chose the way of Elvis.

You said he had zero control. That's all I am commenting on. The rest I agree with.


Let me ask you something. Was anyboy ever convicted of abusing Michael Jackson? No. But here you are, taking the side of a person who was accused by multiple children of molesting them.

But lets say your information about Michael Jackson is correct and he was abused. Did you know, that a person who is a victim of physical abuse by a parent is more likely to commit sex crimes.

Thank you for proving my point.

If you read my posts correctly you will see that I am NOT taking sides. I simply don't know if MJ did what he was accused of. I'm not (and neither are you) in a position to say because I wasn't there. He was found innocent. We are stuck with that.

We all know, though, that he was an abused child (primarily by his dad). You can draw conclusions about this based on information you’ve read, but that doesn’t mean you are right. It only means you have convinced yourself that MJ had to be guilty because… I know a few people that were abused that resorted to a variety of different ill-behaviors: drinking, drugs, physical abuse; and I know some of them exhibited no ill behavior at all. My mother is one of them. She grew up with an alcoholic father that was abusive on a routine basis. You will not meet a kinder, more gentle, and loving person in your life. How do you explain that, given your belief that people that are physically abused are more likely to commit sex crimes?

And let me reiterate, I'm not trying to prove or disprove anything. I'm simply saying that MJ had a pained life from childhood. Hundreds of people took advantage of him. I don’t find that as an opportunity to entertain myself with shameful jokes. From all I saw from MJ I saw a simple mind, almost child-like. This could have been a front; but I just don’t know. I know he was a genius on stage; one of greatest entertainers this country has ever had; but still a very screwed up person. If you’ve ever read about Mozart you’d know that this kind of genius and mental chaos can exist in the same brain.

So the only thing I have proven (or confirmed) is your belief that MJ is guilty of sex crimes. Consider this… Why? Why would someone resort to this? Do you these believe people are innately evil? Or do they suffer from some sort of disorder? I could never consider someone that commits such crimes as sane. Would you?



I don't quibble for the sake of quibbling. Far too many believe they have no control at 30; it's not their fault. Non sense.

Important point.

The one caveat to that may be addiction. People with addiction are controlled by that substance and need help. MJ seemed to be addicted to a variety of drugs. Although they still have to make that individual decision to identify the problem they will still need help. MJ had a compounding of substance and mental problems that I’m not prepared to begin to define how you solve them. I’m just at a point where I think he was a plane in a flat spin and just couldn’t get control over it. He seemed to have a lot of enablers as well, which had no interest in his well-being. How someone gets control over all of this I just don’t know.

Again… not excusing it; just trying to explain it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The one caveat to that may be addiction. People with addiction are controlled by that substance and need help. MJ seemed to be addicted to a variety of drugs. Although they still have to make that individual decision to identify the problem they will still need help. MJ had a compounding of substance and mental problems that I’m not prepared to begin to define how you solve them. I’m just at a point where I think he was a plane in a flat spin and just couldn’t get control over it. He seemed to have a lot of enablers as well, which had no interest in his well-being. How someone gets control over all of this I just don’t know.

Again… not excusing it; just trying to explain it.

Same point; MJ could have chosen to go to AA or a clinic or climb a mountain and live with monks to get clean.