Michael Jackson

Did Michael Jackson really molest children??

  • NO WAY

    Votes: 14 13.7%

    Votes: 52 51.0%

    Votes: 36 35.3%

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Same point; MJ could have chosen to go to AA or a clinic or climb a mountain and live with monks to get clean.

I'm trying to keep this in that context. But I keep coming back to a person that lived a life of abuse on a variety of levels going all the way back to childhood. We are looking at a person that may not have been able to put things in their logical order to even begin to know how identify, let alone solve, these problems. Could it be possible that MJ had some mental disorders that prevented him from being able to even identify that he had a problem? And in the interest of keeping him out there on that stage to pump more music into our ears, to make that next million, no one, NOT ONE PERSON in his life had HIS best interest in mind to make sure he was safe. I mean when you watch interviews of this guy do you see a guy that is mentally all there; someone able to solve his own problems?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm trying to keep this in that context. But I keep coming back to a person that lived a life of abuse on a variety of levels going all the way back to childhood. We are looking at a person that may not have been able to put things in their logical order to even begin to know how identify, let alone solve, these problems. Could it be possible that MJ had some mental disorders that prevented him from being able to even identify that he had a problem? And in the interest of keeping him out there on that stage to pump more music into our ears, to make that next million, no one, NOT ONE PERSON in his life had HIS best interest in mind to make sure he was safe. I mean when you watch interviews of this guy do you see a guy that is mentally all there; someone able to solve his own problems?

We're either gonna make excuse for him or we're not. I am NOT saying it woulda been an easy fix for him or anyone else. I am saying that, at some point, call it the first $100 mil, he could have started distancing himself from the life. At the end of the day, we have an adult all too happy to live the life of a pampered superstar and he made that choice between that and getting well.


We're either gonna make excuse for him or we're not. I am NOT saying it woulda been an easy fix for him or anyone else. I am saying that, at some point, call it the first $100 mil, he could have started distancing himself from the life. At the end of the day, we have an adult all too happy to live the life of a pampered superstar and he made that choice between that and getting well.

I keep trying to say "not an excuse, but an explanation". MJ is accountable to MJ. If he had been found guilty of child molestation I would have been the first there to say "punish the guy". There's always that possibility that he had some pretty serious mental problems; which - IMHO - were pretty evident. If you know anyone with mental disabilities you would know that changes everything in terms of their ability to make so many rational decisions on their own.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I keep trying to say "not an excuse, but an explanation". MJ is accountable to MJ. If he had been found guilty of child molestation I would have been the first there to say "punish the guy". There's always that possibility that he had some pretty serious mental problems; which - IMHO - were pretty evident. If you know anyone with mental disabilities you would know that changes everything in terms of their ability to make so many rational decisions on their own.

What the hell are we arguing about?


What the hell are we arguing about?

Does everything have to be in the context of an argument? I consider this a discussion. I'm not arguing against your points. I'm simply trying to point out another way of looking at this. You can either think about it or dismiss it. Doesn't much matter to me one way or the other.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Does everything have to be in the context of an argument? I consider this a discussion. I'm not arguing against your points. I'm simply trying to point out another way of looking at this. You can either think about it or dismiss it. Doesn't much matter to me one way or the other.

I use the word argue in the same context; debate, discussion. Now, you're getting pissy about it. :lol:


New Member
Care to comment on the parents that would allow their kids to be in his care?
I think any parent who would leave their children in his care are as equally culpable. I think they are abhorent parents, and I wish there were a way to punish them.


New Member
My mother is one of them. She grew up with an alcoholic father that was abusive on a routine basis. You will not meet a kinder, more gentle, and loving person in your life. How do you explain that, given your belief that people that are physically abused are more likely to commit sex crimes?

I am not saying that if you are abused, you will abuse. A common characteristic of someone who abuses children is having been physically or sexually abused themselves. Same common characteristic of other types of criminals.

And let me reiterate, I'm not trying to prove or disprove anything. I'm simply saying that MJ had a pained life from childhood. Hundreds of people took advantage of him. I don’t find that as an opportunity to entertain myself with shameful jokes. From all I saw from MJ I saw a simple mind, almost child-like. This could have been a front; but I just don’t know. I know he was a genius on stage; one of greatest entertainers this country has ever had; but still a very screwed up person. If you’ve ever read about Mozart you’d know that this kind of genius and mental chaos can exist in the same brain.

But you said it yourself. Your mother was a loving caring person. She did whatever she needed to do to deal with those demons. This guy had all the resources in the world and chose not to deal. He was complete scum.

Why? Why would someone resort to this? Do you these believe people are innately evil? Or do they suffer from some sort of disorder? I could never consider someone that commits such crimes as sane. Would you?

I believe people who commit this crime have some sort of disorder. But there are people out there with disorders, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc, who find methods to cope with their disorders. He chose not to! May he rot in hell.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
We're either gonna make excuse for him or we're not. I am NOT saying it woulda been an easy fix for him or anyone else. I am saying that, at some point, call it the first $100 mil, he could have started distancing himself from the life. At the end of the day, we have an adult all too happy to live the life of a pampered superstar and he made that choice between that and getting well.

I keep trying to say "not an excuse, but an explanation". MJ is accountable to MJ. If he had been found guilty of child molestation I would have been the first there to say "punish the guy". There's always that possibility that he had some pretty serious mental problems; which - IMHO - were pretty evident. If you know anyone with mental disabilities you would know that changes everything in terms of their ability to make so many rational decisions on their own.

Does everything have to be in the context of an argument? I consider this a discussion. I'm not arguing against your points. I'm simply trying to point out another way of looking at this. You can either think about it or dismiss it. Doesn't much matter to me one way or the other.

I use the word argue in the same context; debate, discussion. Now, you're getting pissy about it. :lol:

I agree with all of y'all's (Larry & Psyops) posts in here today. I don't have time to itemize all the points - I'm in between picking up kids at camps and stuff.

From viewing some of the videos spanning his career, I have been stunned at the transformation of his appearance. I saw it over the years, but to see the progression in various performances in a period of about an hour or so - it is quite stunning. I have no earthly idea what kind of mental illness can cause a person to do that to themselves. (besides the fact that Drs. did it and people never tried to stop him from himself, which I know opens a whole new can of worms.)

I can say this much about the whole spectacle his death has become - pay attention to Joseph Jackson. His actions since MJ died have been quite enlightening.

Follow the money. (or the promise of it)


I agree with all of y'all's (Larry & Psyops) posts in here today. I don't have time to itemize all the points - I'm in between picking up kids at camps and stuff.

From viewing some of the videos spanning his career, I have been stunned at the transformation of his appearance. I saw it over the years, but to see the progression in various performances in a period of about an hour or so - it is quite stunning. I have no earthly idea what kind of mental illness can cause a person to do that to themselves. (besides the fact that Drs. did it and people never tried to stop him from himself, which I know opens a whole new can of worms.)

I can say this much about the whole spectacle his death has become - pay attention to Joseph Jackson. His actions since MJ died have been quite enlightening.

Follow the money. (or the promise of it)

Self mutilation :shrug:


New Member
I do not think Michael Jackson molested children, I think that the people that accused him were money hungry. I think he did not get a chance to live his childhood because he was constantly being worked so hard to make money for his father. I think he was someone who was f'd in the head from all of the abuse he suffered at the hands of his DaD. I think he loved children and wanted to brighten their lives and by doing this, it brightened his. He also probably could never trust people, children have a way of bringing happiness to people. They do not gossup like adults do and say hurtful things. I guess everyone has different feelings .