Michael Moores Letter To Bush...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
remaxrealtor said:
...please remind me what professional organization you are a part of and describe what they are doing to help?
WETSPONGE - World’s self-proclaimed Elite That Seek Promotion Of Ner-do-wellers being Given Everything :biggrin:
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Qpid said:
The gov't.

They aint doin shyt. :lmao:

In my opinion, it is a sad thing to criticize while you sit there on you computer doing nothing. If you work for the government, we would all be better off using your salary to help these people.

However, you are an excellent example of those you admire...much like Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore, Al Sharpton....you sit back on your haunches, pointing fingers and staying far from any discomfort yourself.


remaxrealtor said:
In my opinion, it is a sad thing to criticize while you sit there on you computer doing nothing. If you work for the government, we would all be better off using your salary to help these people.

However, you are an excellent example of those you admire...much like Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore, Al Sharpton....you sit back on your haunches, pointing fingers and staying far from any discomfort yourself.
And with that I am going to stop at Ricks on the way home and get an philly. Let him know I am coming please. :yay:


elaine said:
I see we have a line forming for the short bus.

It isn't going anywhere. Gas prices have parked the :shortbus: :lol:

Michael Moore makes me sick. This thread is a waste of somd.com's server space.


New Member
remaxrealtor said:
In my opinion, it is a sad thing to criticize while you sit there on you computer doing nothing. If you work for the government, we would all be better off using your salary to help these people.

However, you are an excellent example of those you admire...much like Jesse Jackson, Michael Moore, Al Sharpton....you sit back on your haunches, pointing fingers and staying far from any discomfort yourself.

I can't stand Sharpton or Jesse...they do too much tap dancing for $$$.

There are tons of positions in the gov't were the work flow isn't as high anymore. Thats why I am here spending my quality time with you folk!!

Some of which I KNOW work for the gov't themselves :lmao:

oh and I did donate $$$. I have no clue what the FDA is doing for the hurrican victims.


Pete said:
And with that I am going to stop at Ricks on the way home and get an philly. Let him know I am coming please. :yay:

You're a faithful customer Pete! (great minds and all that :lol: ) Just got off the phone w/ the restaurant and they have strict instructions to make Pete's philly a deluxe...on me!


Well-Known Member
Jambalaya said:
I believe in helping others. Even in other countries. I've been over there and have been thanked by them. Its a good feeling. We have to wait for congress to give the go ahead to enter New Orleans and restore order. But, to do that they have to round up the Unruley who by the way have armed themselves with guns looted from sporting goods stores. Those that feel opressed by the government will not give up easily. I fear that the military that do go in will be forced to kill their fellow countrymen. That will be a hard pill to swallow. It is part of the Oath, "I will support and deffend the contitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

I hope you know as I do, the majority of Americans thank you too.

When the order is given to go in, I feel for the guys having to do so. Can you imagine what these Michael Moores and Cindy Sheehans are going to say, Al, Jesse? Frankly I don't care, we've been wimpy for much to long and worry about other peoples feeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllings.


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Sorry..I Didnt Know...I Figured I Come Here And Post Some Real Info Cause I Know How Biased This Forum Can Be..


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Skeez said:
Sorry..I Didnt Know...I Figured I Come Here And Post Some Real Info Cause I Know How Biased This Forum Can Be..

someone else who went against the masses and has red!!!

my favorite color :lmao:


But wait, there's more...
Skeez said:
Sorry..I Didnt Know...I Figured I Come Here And Post Some Real Info Cause I Know How Biased This Forum Can Be..
So the MEDIA is racist. Got it! :yay:
