Michael Vick


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I understand that he's "paid his debt to society" or whatever. But by supporting his return to the NFL, we - and by "we" I mean "you" - are saying it's okay for your kids to idolize a felon and think of him as a hero.

Because, as you know, that's what kids do - idolize professional athletes.

I don't think anyone who's been convicted of a crime should be able to play professional sports. It's sends the wrong message to impressionable youth.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I understand that he's "paid his debt to society" or whatever. But by supporting his return to the NFL, we - and by "we" I mean "you" - are saying it's okay for your kids to idolize a felon and think of him as a hero.

Because, as you know, that's what kids do - idolize professional athletes.

I don't think anyone who's been convicted of a crime should be able to play professional sports. It's sends the wrong message to impressionable youth.

Pro sports wants it both ways; selling role models AND having the best talent possible they can get away with and they killed this commercial as fast as they could.

In my view, Vick is over the line.


New Member
I understand that he's "paid his debt to society" or whatever. But by supporting his return to the NFL, we - and by "we" I mean "you" - are saying it's okay for your kids to idolize a felon and think of him as a hero.

Because, as you know, that's what kids do - idolize professional athletes.

I don't think anyone who's been convicted of a crime should be able to play professional sports. It's sends the wrong message to impressionable youth.

He made a mistake. I'm sure he isn't the only one in the world who fights dogs. He didn't get convicted of drugs, murder, rape or steroids so give the guy a break.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
He made a mistake. I'm sure he isn't the only one in the world who fights dogs. He didn't get convicted of drugs, murder, rape or steroids so give the guy a break.


A MISTAKE????????????? Are you out of your mind or have you simply not read what he did?


New Member
A MISTAKE????????????? Are you out of your mind or have you simply not read what he did?

DOGFIGHTING........ Come September 15TH your probably going deer hunting. Should you be thrown in the slammer and banned from your job because there animals too?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
DOGFIGHTING........ Come September 15TH your probably going deer hunting. Should you be thrown in the slammer and banned from your job because there animals too?

I have yet to take a deer and slam it against a tree until dead, electrocute it or drown it or choke one to death. I have yet to stick two deer in a pit and goad them or train them into fighting one another. And torture and kill the loser.

I am guessing you don't have a clue what Vick did?


DOGFIGHTING........ Come September 15TH your probably going deer hunting. Should you be thrown in the slammer and banned from your job because there animals too?
As far as I know, deer hunting in season is perfectly legal. I didn't know they made dogfighting legal in the US. :doh:


New Member
I have yet to take a deer and slam it against a tree until dead, electrocute it or drown it or choke one to death. I have yet to stick two deer in a pit and goad them or train them into fighting one another. And torture and kill the loser.

I am guessing you don't have a clue what Vick did?

So if dog fighting was legal you would support him? Maybe you haven't done this to deers you would just take your buckshot and straw and shoot them in cold blood. But that's all legal so it doesn't matter.


professional daydreamer
So if dog fighting was legal you would support him? Maybe you haven't done this to deers you would just take your buckshot and straw and shoot them in cold blood. But that's all legal so it doesn't matter.

Apples and oranges. No one is eating the dogs after the fight.


New Member
I'm guessing that dolemite is a teenager, and therefore his opinion isn't worth consideration.

Furthermore if you don't support the guy turn off your tv and go out in your field. Let me watch the explosive qb play in the NFL once again. Motivation makes a person Strive for the best. So haters get on your job.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So if dog fighting was legal you would support him? Maybe you haven't done this to deers you would just take your buckshot and straw and shoot them in cold blood. But that's all legal so it doesn't matter.

You are not a toddler. I've known toddlers. I was a toddler. You, dolemite, are no toddler. :lol:

Do you not see a clear distinction between shooting a deer, gutting it and using it for food and the simple viciousness of Vick torturing animals and slowly, miserably, horrifyingly killing them?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So if dog fighting was legal you would support him? Maybe you haven't done this to deers you would just take your buckshot and straw and shoot them in cold blood. But that's all legal so it doesn't matter.

As ugly as it is, actual dog fighting is not as bad as what Vick did. Do some reading for crying out loud.


professional daydreamer
Furthermore if you don't support the guy turn off your tv and go out in your field. Let me watch the explosive qb play in the NFL once again. Motivation makes a person Strive for the best. So haters get on your job.

So, you're okay with dog fighting? Would you like to see it legalized?


New Member
You are not a toddler. I've known toddlers. I was a toddler. You, dolemite, are no toddler. :lol:

Do you not see a clear distinction between shooting a deer, gutting it and using it for food and the simple viciousness of Vick torturing animals and slowly, miserably, horrifyingly killing them?

:buddies: Maybe Vick's Chinese..... LOL what do you think your eating there? obviously that can't be real beef. Because no matter how much we beat, stomp, chop or marinate or beef we can't get it as tender as they do.