Middle East War Briefing


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Your Tax Dollars Helped Hamas Hide Their October 7 Planning From Israel's Intelligence Services

While nearly everyone agrees that it was a colossal intelligence failure on the part of Israel and its allies that led to the slaughter on October 7, the ensuing war in Gaza, and other instability in the region, the little-known truth is that it was US military aid to Lebanon provided by Joe Biden's national security brain trust that effectively prevented Israeli intelligence from sniffing out the plan and preventing the attack.

To understand this, one has to look at our history with Lebanon since the Bush (43) administration. If you find yourself asking how the United States ended up funding the internal security apparatus that rolled up Israel's intelligence networks and blinded them to the coming storm, the answer is a lot like the character Mike Campbell in his novel The Sun Also Rises explaining how he became bankrupt: "Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”

It started, as most foreign policy misadventures seem to, with an overabundance of hubris in George W. Bush's State Department. In 2006, Israel and Hezbollah fought a nasty little war. Even though Lebanon was a virtual Iranian satrapy under the de facto control of Hezbollah, the Diplomatic SmartSet® reasoned that we needed to try to retain some influence. As a result, we began a program of providing training and equipment to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and their Internal Security Forces (ISF). It wouldn't take a genius to figure out what would happen. Still, the logical and foreseeable consequences of training the ISF when Iran politically dominated the country were beyond the grasp of a Harvard Kennedy School grad.

The training and equipment paid immediate dividends to Hezbollah as the ISF began trading Israeli agents and sources to Hezbollah in return for survival. This is from an account of a 2009 Lebanese operation.

The chief of Lebanon’s domestic security forces had a warning for the Hezbollah commander: “You’ve been infiltrated.”
With that, Achraf Rifi, head of the U.S.-backed Internal Security Forces, handed over evidence showing that two trusted, mid-ranking Hezbollah commanders were working as informants for Israeli military intelligence, said a high-ranking Lebanese security official with knowledge of the April 2009 meeting.
Wafiq Safa, the security chief for the powerful Shiite Muslim militia and political organization, was silent.
“They were shocked,” said the security official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak on the subject.
Things moved quickly after that. The Hezbollah commander called Rifi the next day to assure him that the militant group would “take care of” the alleged infiltrators, who were never heard from again, the security official said.


Power with Control

Ooh there will be consequences. I sense a sternly worded letter of rebuke... F****** idiots kill some people. Destroy the m************ shooting at us. When some b**** ass little nation unleashes their poodle of war take the f****** leash off of ours will you, please...

Tell the State department to sit the f*** down and shut the f****** until the people shooting things stop breathing.

And yes read this in a pissed off outraged voice because by God that's how I feel about this.

And then when every goddamn launch site is a smoking crater, take one of those freaking ginsu missiles and nail the commander of the houthis


PREMO Member

Hamas Used Gaza’s Shifa Hospital as Terrorist Command Center, U.S. Intel Confirms

After nearly two months of a smear campaign against Israel for taking military action — albeit cautious and limited — against Hamas terrorists operating out of Gaza hospitals, the mainstream media is finally reporting about the misuse of Gaza’s main Shifa Hospital as a terrorist command center.

“Hamas and another Palestinian group fighting Israel used Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza to command forces and hold some hostages,” The New York Times reported Tuesday, citing U.S. intelligence sources.

The Shifa hospital in the heart of Gaza City, with over 500 beds and 1400 employees, was being used by Iran-backed Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist groups to direct attacks on Israeli troops conducting ground operations in Gaza. “The complex was used by both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad to command forces fighting against Israel, according to the intelligence,” the newspaper added.

In mid-November, the IDF evacuated the hospital and took control of the compound along with its vast subterranean terror complex.

Describing the complicity of mainstream media outlets like itself and globalist institutions like the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO), the NYT wrote:

In the weeks since the operation [conducted by the IDF in mid-November], news organizations have continued to raise questions about Hamas’s presence at the hospital. And health and humanitarian organizations have criticized the Israeli operation. A humanitarian team lead by the World Health Organization, which visited Al-Shifa immediately after Israeli forces stormed the hospital, called it a “death zone.”


PREMO Member
The Indian Navy wasted no time when a report said a ship bearing the Liberian flag with 15 Indians aboard was hijacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia in the North Arabian Sea, sending a stealth-guided missile destroyer to deal with the situation.

The hijackers apparently fled before the destroyer INS Chennai showed up to deal with the MV Lila Norfolk. The Indian Navy reported that all 21 members of the crew, which included 15 Indians, were safely evacuated and the hijackers were no longer there, commenting, “The attempt of hijacking by the pirates was probably abandoned with the forceful warning by the #IndianNavy MPA of interception by Indian Naval warship. #INSChennai is in the vicinity of MV and rendering support to restore the power generation & propulsion, and commence her voyage to next port of call.”



PREMO Member

Indian Commandos Give Somali Pirates a Bit of FO When They Decide to FA

On the 4th, the UK warning system got a message that a cargo ship – the Liberian flagged MV Lila Norfolk – had been boarded by 5 or 6 persons and the crew was holed up in the citadel.

It turns out at least 15 of the crew were Indian citizens, so the Indian Navy, patrolling the Arabian Sea in that area, swung into action.

…An Indian patrol aircraft was sent to establish contact with them, followed by the guided-missile destroyer INS Chennai.



PREMO Member

Hamas Leader Calls for 'Financial Jihad' as Terrorist Group Struggles to Keep Up Fight Against Israel

The Hamas leader also explained that “there is verbal Jihad, which is Jihad by the tongue” and that “the time has come for Jihad of the swords.”

Haniyeh appeared to reference the United States’ seemingly changed stance on its support for Israel as it seeks to eradicate Hamas.

Time is on our side. At the beginning of this aggression, the Americans were waving a big stick in the face of the world, and even in the Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities in some European countries—some of their prominent Palestinian or Arab figures were summoned and were told not to raise the Palestinian flag or do anything. But the language of the same countries has now changed. Why has it changed? Because of the [Palestinian] steadfastness. Were it not for this steadfastness, the conscience of the world would have been crushed. Brothers, we should build on this steadfastness. We should hold on to the victory that took place on October 7 and build upon it.

He went on to suggest that Islamic scholars can “establish groups and delegations on multiple levels” that would “meet the officials of the countries in which they live” and “even lead the masses [in protests].”

The terrorist leader called for supporters to donate money to the cause. “Let us call this ‘financial Jihad.’ The Islamic nation does not make ‘donations,’” he said.



PREMO Member
🚀 The Middle East war spread a little wider yesterday. Reuters ran the story under the headline, “US and Britain strike Yemen in retaliation for Houthi attacks on shipping.” It wasn’t a small strike, either. Reuters said U.S. and British warplanes, ships and submarines launched a total of 73 air strikes across Yemen last night.

Air Force Lieutenant-General Alex Grynkewich said 60 targets at 16 separate locations were hit using more than 100 precision-guided munitions. The strikes responded to various Yemenese Houthi attacks on commercial ships. Those attacks have closed shipping lines, forcing shippers to send their cargo vessels on a longer, more expensive route around Africa. This raises fears of more inflation and more supply chain disruption that could derail the “global economic recovery.”

Corporate media widely reported that Republicans backed Biden’s decision to strike Yemen, or whoever made it, since Biden is a mental flatline and Lloyd Austin is … where is Lloyd Austin? Anyway, for example, from Fox:

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Fox mainly quoted only Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell for backing Biden, hence it was only “top Republicans.” But the non-corporate media reported the exact opposite, that Republicans and Democrats were upset about the strikes. For example, from the Intercept:

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The Intercept article quoted a long string of Democrat Congresspeople claiming Biden exceeded his Constitutional authority. (The legal issue seems more complicated; Biden obviously may respond to attacks on US assets, for example.) The Democrat objections may be less about the Constitution and more about their objections to the Gaza war, since the Houthis are Gazan allies. To evidence this, the first democrat mentioned in the article complaining about Biden was Rashida Talib.

But several Republicans were equally nonplussed. Marjorie Taylor Greene also showed up in the list, for instance:

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Where is the Secretary of Defense? It’s been 12 days since Lloyd Austin went into the hospital. Four days ago they said he was doing well and was recovering. Is he home yet? Or is he still in the hospital? If so, why? Why haven’t we seen or heard from the Secretary himself?

I hate to be the one to ask this, but: Is Lloyd Austin still alive?

Things are kind of dicey out there in the world right now. We sort of need some stability at the top of the military. Can we maybe get a proof-of-life video? Or how about a forecast of when Austin will be back at the helm?



PREMO Member

Iran hits Pakistan with air strike, killing two children, in latest escalation of conflict in the region: Tehran carries out attack as world focuses on Gaza and Red Sea

An Iranian strike on targets inside Pakistan killed two children and wounded three other people overnight, the Pakistani government has said, further stoking fears of a wider conflict in the Middle East.

Pakistan's foreign ministry issued a statement confirming Tuesday's attack, which was first announced by Iranian media reports that were later withdrawn.

Islamabad called the attack an 'unprovoked violation' of the country's airspace, with the strikes reportedly targeting bases of Sunni militant group Jaish al-Adl, and warned of 'serious consequences'.

The attack further raises tensions in a Middle East already roiled by Israel's war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and comes less than a week after a UK-US coalition attacked several targets in Yemen in response to Houthi strikes on shipping vessels.

It also threatens relations between Iran and Pakistan, which have long eyed each other with suspicion while maintaining diplomatic relations.

Analysts have suggested Iran used the fact that the West is focused on the crisis in Gaza and the Red Sea as cover to carry out its own military action.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Indeed, I'm a little fuzzy on the play here .... what the justification is
Just spit-balling here, but Iran might be wanting to be subject to a direct attack against them to justify using a recently developed nuke.


PREMO Member
Just spit-balling here, but Iran might be wanting to be subject to a direct attack against them to justify using a recently developed nuke.

Interesting supposition, do they have a nuke yet ?

I thought a Nuke was 5 - 10 yrs out