Middle East War Briefing


PREMO Member

Is a Preemptive Strike in the Offing?

Perhaps the most worrisome news of the day is the Iranian threat to launch a massive drone and missile attack against Israel. Up to this time, Iran has worked with considerable effect through its proxies, principally the Houthis in Yemen, Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, and — if it is not too far-fetched to suggest — Iran’s increasingly reliable proxy outrider the United States of America under the feckless and incompetent Joe Biden.

Like his mentor Obama before him, Biden is one of Israel’s most consistent and determined critics and, judging from his betrayal of Israel at the United Nations, a capricious and untrustworthy ally as well. Indeed, Biden cares more about Democrat constituents in Dearborn, Mich., the Somalian capital of the U.S., who chant "Death to America," than about one of America’s most reliable friends and partners.


PREMO Member

Iran Threatens To Attack US Troops If Biden Comes To Israel’s Defense: REPORT

Iran is potentially prepping a retaliatory attack against Israel, which killed several Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC) members in an airstrike in Syria on April 1. The U.S. is currently helping Israel prepare its defense in light of Iran’s looming attacks, but Tehran is warning the Biden administration that if it interferes, it will launch attacks against U.S. troops in the Middle East, according to U.S. officials who spoke to Axios.
Iran has told several nations throughout the Middle East that it holds the U.S. responsible for the Israeli strikes, even though the Biden administration directly told Tehran otherwise. The Biden administration is worried behind closed doors that Iran will include U.S. forces in its retaliatory attacks.

“The Iranian message was we will attack the forces that attack us, so don’t **** with us and we won’t **** with you,” one U.S. official told Axios. Iran may choose to launch attacks within days at this juncture, another U.S. official told The Wall Street Journal.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Just heard that Iran has sent/are sending drones to strike Israel. Things keep cranking up with our total failure of foreign affairs.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Just heard that Iran has sent/are sending drones to strike Israel. Things keep cranking up with our total failure of foreign affairs.
If there’s one thing Joe’s good at, it’s being wrong on foreign policy.

He’s built up three 3 1/2 years of those mistakes


PREMO Member
🔥 Now let’s tie these developments together with a ribbon of conspiracy thinking. Some people (e.g. below, 150,000 followers) took Biden’s unqualified, absolutist pledge to go to war with Iran as maybe Biden is trying to provoke Iran into doing something:

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War blogger Brian Berletic agrees (62,000 followers):

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And perhaps unintentionally, the Economist (allegedly 27 million followers, but only 54 likes 🙄) implicitly agreed, tweeting after Israel’s embassy attack but before the Biden Plan shifted into gear, and hiding its meaning in the passive voice:

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But why? If Biden is trying to provoke Iran — which seems completely reasonable to me — it seems more likely to be for reasons such as blaming Iran (and stingy Republicans) for what is about to happen to Ukraine, and so the U.S. can enter a wartime period where mailaway voting rules might be loosened up again, just like last election cycle.

That’s all kooky talk, of course. Our neocon leaders by nature may be aggressive, belligerent, and provocative, but they aren’t crazy. They’re not crazy, right? Right? I mean, they wouldn’t provoke an Israeli-Iranian war and invite retaliatory domestic terror attacks in America just to grease the skids for more mail-in balloting? That’s too far even for them. Isn’t it?

Surely they couldn’t be that incompetent?



PREMO Member
Just heard that Iran has sent/are sending drones to strike Israel. Things keep cranking up with our total failure of foreign affairs.

Iran Launches Airborne Attack Against Israel; Waves of Drones on the Way

Iran on Saturday afternoon launched dozens of drones from its own territory toward Israel, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has confirmed.

“A short while ago, Iran launched unmanned aerial vehicles from its territory towards the territory of the State of Israel,” the Israeli military said in a statement.

“The air defense array is on high alert at the same time as the Air Force planes and Navy ships that are on a mission to protect the country’s skies,” it added. “The IDF is monitoring all targets.”

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has issued a statement confirming its launch of an attack on Israel, saying it is in response to the IDF’s earlier strike on a consular compound in the Syrian capital of Damascus. The April 1 airstrike killed several high-ranking Iranian commanders, including Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, among several other IRGC members.

The IRGC said it will hit specific targets in Israel with dozens of drones and missiles, reported Iranian state media.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
An attempt to turn him into a wartime president?

Basically polishing a turd.


PREMO Member

Iran Threatens the U.S. to 'Stay Away' After Launching Attacks on Israel

“Stay away,” Iran threatened the U.S. in its mission to the United Nations.

"It is a conflict between Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the U.S. MUST STAY AWAY!," the statement continued, arguing that its attack on Israeli forces was a “legitimate defense” and a “response” to the Israeli strike that happened earlier this month in Damascus, Syria.

The strike touched down near the Iranian embassy, killing two senior officers in Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

“Conducted on the strength of Article 51 of the UN Charter pertaining to legitimate defense, Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus,” the Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations stated. “The matter can be deemed concluded. However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more severe.”


PREMO Member
"The matter can be deemed concluded," the mission argued. "However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more severe. It is a conflict between Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the U.S. MUST STAY AWAY!"

Iran on Saturday night launched three waves of projectiles consisting of suicide drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles at Israel in response to an attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus. Many attribute the attack, which killed seven high-ranking Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) members, to Israel, but no Israeli official has taken credit for the strike.

Article 51 of the United Nations charter makes clear that "nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security."

Iran has in the past not adhered to the diplomatic protection of embassies and consulates, particularly regarding the U.S. and Israel. Iran and its chief strategic ally, the U.S.-designated terrorist movement Hezbollah in Lebanon, have been blamed for bombing the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in 1983 in which 63 people, including 17 Americans, were murdered. And dual suicide truck bombers blew up the barracks of American and French members of a multinational force in Lebanon in 1983, in which 220 U.S. Marines, 18 U.S. Navy sailors and three U.S. Army soldiers lost their lives. Fifty-eight French troops were also murdered in the terrorist attack.



PREMO Member

The Biden Administration Granted Iran Billions in New Sanctions Relief Just One Month Ago

Tonight, as Iran launches attacks on Israel, it is important to remember that exactly one month ago the Biden administration granted new sanctions relief to Iran that gave the country access to billions.

The move was criticized by Republicans and downplayed by Democrats and the liberal media.

It’s just another reminder that Biden has a habit of making the exact wrong decision on foreign policy every single time.

FOX News reported in March:

US frees up billions in sanctions relief to Iran as Tehran proxies wreak havoc in region
White House national security advisor John Kirby on Friday said the funds from a sanction waiver extended this week by the Biden administration to permit Iraq to purchase energy from Iran will not go to its “mullahs.”
“None of this money goes to the mullahs. None of this money goes into Tehran. The sanctions relief that is provided actually goes to vendors that provide humanitarian assistance to the Iranian people,” he told Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich, during a Friday press briefing. “Not only do the Iraqi people not suffer because of this, the Iranian people aren’t going to suffer because of this.”
“That allows for Iraq to be able to work its way off of Iranian energy so that they can keep the lights on,” Kirby said.
The Biden administration on Thursday came under criticism after it again extended a sanction waiver despite repeated pushback from those concerned that Iran could misuse the funds.



PREMO Member
🚀 Whew! That was a close one. Last night, following a week of escalating, overheated war rhetoric and pugnacious threats painfully excreted by bellicose Biden Administration officials, the Iranians dramatically popped the blister of international tension. Iran was politically forced to respond to Israel’s enigmatic April 1st missile strike on Iran’s diplomatic annex in Syria, which depopulated sixteen Iranians.

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So late yesterday, Iran launched a harmless, slow-moving, unmanned drone swarm toward Israel. Over a period of about 8 hours, the swarm lazily floated toward Israel over Iraq like a noisy, buzzing cloud, giving Israeli, U.S., British, Jordanian, and French fighter jets ample “drone gallery” practice.

Then around seven o’clock, Israel’s Iron Dome air defenses shot down whatever was left of the swarm except for seven cruise missiles, which somehow got through, blowing an unoccupied military latrine in southern Israel to smithereens and vaporizing one very unlucky Negev desert cactus.

There were no Israeli deaths, no injuries, nor even any significant property damage. But the Irans seem satisfied. Russia Today’s top headline this morning reported Iran’s mullahs say it’s over: “‘Punishment’ of Israel completed, no intention to continue – Tehran.

By contrast, the good doggies in Western corporate media rushed to publish an obvious government-approved boilerplate narrative — or else they all coincidentally ran variations on exactly the same headline, because why try to offer customers anything unique?


Corporate media’s rubberstamped narrative was that, with U.S. help, Israel fended off a 330-drone Iranian attack and — now that Iran officially says it’s over and Israel was unscathed — Biden, the great diplomat, called for peace, warning Israel to stand down, even though Israel is threatening to counter-retaliate due to the cost of its defense.

Some puzzling questions remain unanswered. First, no corporate media platform will ask why the Israelis started it by attacking Iran’s embassy. I’m sure Israel had a good reason for the provocative first strike, but what was it?

The media’s remarkable lack of curiosity about that singular fact is becoming a bigger story than the attack itself.

The second unanswered question is, why did the Iranians show so much restraint? They obviously didn’t even try to punch through Israel’s Iron Dome. Iran did the minimum that was necessary to save political face, and did that slowly and obviously enough that six countries could scramble jets and enjoy a exciting dogfighting afternoon, hours before the drones and slow-moving cruise missiles neared Israel.

Sometimes the pace of events these days leaves us feeling like we’re watching a show instead of news.

Several commenters strongly suspected that Iran had secretly coordinated with Israel in advance. It would not be unprecedented. In 2020, after Trump ordered the strike that killed Iranian General Soleimani, the story goes that the President negotiated with the Iranians, letting them fire a few missiles at pre-designated targets, which were just some evacuated Iraqi desert bases. Then Trump announced it was over, and the Iranians seemed satisfied with a show of force that hurt no one:

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All seems well now too. The good news is, in the likely event that Israel does in fact stand down, this warmaggedon crisis appears to be concluded. The world can de-escalate to the point analysts blandly call the status quo ante. If hardline neocons were hoping to provoke a wider middle eastern war, they were thwarted by surprising Iranian restraint.

Meanwhile the poor Ukrainians are even more despondent, since Israel is receiving all of Uncle Sam’s attention.



PREMO Member

Given the circumstances, Israel had a legitimate right to take out Mohammed Reza Zehadi, who, along with Yahya Sinwar, masterminded the murderous, sadistic military attack against Israel.

However, reports are that this is not how Biden sees things. Instead, he apparently thought that Iran was owed a chance to strike at Israel as long as it tempered its attack:

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, a Turkish diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday, adding that Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Ankara that any action it took had to be “within certain limits.”

Earlier this week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to Fidan to make clear that escalation in the Middle East was not in anyone’s interest.
“Iran informed us in advance of what would happen. Possible developments also came up during the meeting with Blinken, and they (the US) conveyed to Iran through us that this reaction must be within certain limits,” the source said.

If this “permission” sounds familiar, it’s because Biden did exactly the same thing with Putin in the lead-up to the Ukraine War:

President Joe Biden appeared to suggest the US may not heavily punish Russia if it conducts a “minor incursion” into Ukraine, prompting the White House to swiftly clarify his remarks.
Speaking to reporters Wednesday, Biden said that he predicts President Vladimir Putin will invade Ukraine and that NATO needs to be in agreement on a response.
“I think what you’re going to see is that Russia will be held accountable if it invades, and it depends on what it does,” Biden said.
“It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and we [NATO] end up having to fight about what to do and not to do.”

Of course, the big difference is that, in Ukraine’s case, Biden has been emptying our entire military stockpile into Ukraine as a gift to a government that treated his son so generously—all over what truly started as a border dispute. Meanwhile, when it comes to Israel, which is faced with an enemy that is explicit about its genocidal desires, Biden has been desperately trying to hand Hamas and, by extension, Iran a victory. Now, having had Israel exhaust her Iron Dome defense system (and you can bet that Biden will slow-walk its replenishment and make Israel pay cash up front), Biden has told Israel that she is forbidden to retaliate.

And speaking of retaliation, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby just warned Iran that if it attacks the U.S., Iran can expect America to retaliate. The Biden rule in D.C. is that Israel may freely be attacked but that Israel, alone among nations, must just sit and take it.



Well-Known Member
During WW2, Roosevelt locked away in camps thousands of Japanese who were American, many of them fought in Italy and fought well.
Today we have Muslims and Palestinian protesters loose on our streets. If we go to war our first move should be to get rid of these people, and it won't be in camps. The Japanese in America did not cause us problems , they weren't marching in the streets against us, this time it is different.
Will the Muslims and their youthful friends in this country that are now marching in the streets be willing to fight here for their relatives and friends over there? I would assume we must be ready if they do. We could be involved in serious Civil disturbances at the same time we get sucked into this mess in the Middle East. Remember the Japanese came here learned our language and became Americans. The Muslims are here to change us into a Caliphate. Their religion tells them to do it.


PREMO Member

Let's Get Ready to RATIOOO! Laughable Post About Iran Attacking Israel Proves There ARE Dumb Questions

We don't even know where to begin when we see posts like this from Patrick Bet-David.

Especially the question about Netanyahu baiting the United States into war.

Dude, Iran attacked Israel.

Hamas attacked Israel.

How TF is any of that Netanyahu baiting us into a war?



Look, we get it, after what Democrats pulled in 2020 we don't blame people for being suspicious and maybe even paranoid but c'mon.
