depends on the school rule. if the rule is no phones, then no phone.
Students are allowed to possess operable
portable pagers (beepers), hand held portable
phones, personal digital assistants, and laptop
computers on school property.
School personnel including bus drivers
have the right to limit the use of electronic
communication devices that impede the
instructional climate in the school or
otherwise create a disturbance.
Portable pagers and portable phones may
be brought to school, but the use of cell
phones shall not be allowed during
instructional time or in any manner that
infringes upon the rights of other students or
staff members. In an exceptional
circumstance, a staff member may authorize
use of a cell phone for an appropriate reason.
These devices may be used after school hours,
with the permission of the supervising
teacher/staff member, including bus drivers.
Use of these devices during field trips and
other school-sponsored activities off school
grounds is subject to the same conditions at
the discretion of the supervising staff member.
The use of cell phone cameras shall not be
allowed on school property during
instructional time or in any manner that
infringes upon the rights of other students or
staff members.
PDAs and laptop computers may be used
during the instructional school day for
instructional purposes only, with teacher
knowledge and consent.
Improper use of any electronic device
may result in parent notification, confiscation
of the electronic device, revocation of
privilege, detention, in-school suspension,
Saturday School, and/or suspension.