

New Member
My 16y.o. daughter has had migraines for a few years. Some that have been so bad they have required a trip to the emergency room! We narrowed down some of the foods that triggered them such as chicken noodle soup in the can, which she was eating daily! Once she stopped the migraines have become less frequent. When she does get one we use imitrex. It is magical!!!

When she gets a migraine she is incapacitated for two days, the first day in terrible pain and the second wiped out! She also cannot drink any diet soda.

Hope this helps.


Walking for a cure!!
I have suffered with migraines for the past 15 years. I have tried numerous preventative meds: Topamax (my hair fell out); Inderal did not really help much) Flexeril (a muscle relaxer, helps but knocks you out) and Elavil (Amitriptyline - couldn't wake up in the morning)

It is tough trying to work through all the meds and see what works for you. Some of the abortive drugs (Imitrex, Maximalt (sp) have side effects, leaving you feeling fuzzy headed. The thing is everyone reacts to stuff differently, so it can be a bit of a trial and error process.

One of the best preventive meds I have tried is a vitamin supplement called Migrelief http://www.migrelief.com/index.htm

This was recommended by my neurologist Dr. Harry G. Kerasidis, MD. He is awesome. http://www.chesapeakeneurology.com/index.php

Good Luck to you I hope you find relief soon!


I didn't know whether it was proper to post his name or not, he is also my Neurologist and he is GREAT! I agree with the trial and error thing. After answering this post earlier I got slammed with a headache from Hell out of the blue so I injected myself and I don't have headache anymore, but I feel so drained and my skin hurts almost like a sunburn, even my scalp. I get so sick of these headaches. But I am greatful its not like it was, I had them daily for years! Thanks to Dr. Kerasidis I am a lot better now. :yay:


Soul Probe
I often get scotoma, or in other words, migraine aura without headache. I'm on Topamax 100 mg daily as a preventative prescribed by Dr. Kerasidis and haven't had a problem with it since.


wandering aimlessly
Thank you all for the advice. I've printed out this thread, and what I've learned about the medicines mentioned, so that I'm prepared for my doctor appointment.


Have tried Imitrex, Axert and currently on Topamax. No luck with Imitrex or Axert so we shall see what's next. Imitrex made me feel high and made me numb and did nothing for the pain.


New Member
Have tried Imitrex, Axert and currently on Topamax. No luck with Imitrex or Axert so we shall see what's next. Imitrex made me feel high and made me numb and did nothing for the pain.

That sucks that none of those work for you. I was taking Midrin/Duradrin and that helped a little but it would leave a nasty taste in my mouth for the whole day. And there was nothing I could do to get rid of it. Imitrex did take away the pain but of course I felt the side effects from that. My throat would feel very tight. It's hard to find the right medicine that will actually work, and where you won't suffer too bad of side effects.


Have tried Imitrex, Axert and currently on Topamax. No luck with Imitrex or Axert so we shall see what's next. Imitrex made me feel high and made me numb and did nothing for the pain.

I have been having to take various pain pills because none of the migraine medications work on me either. If I catch it soon enough, Amerge helps, but does not make it go away.

What is worse for me is that I have only one kidney and taking all these pain pills is only killing my kidney.

I finally get to go for my Botox injections on the 14th. I sure hope they help or it's surgery next. I do not want them cutting on my head! :faint:


One of the best preventive meds I have tried is a vitamin supplement called Migrelief

Never tried that one my son and myself both suffer horrible Topamax was the drug of choice but too expensive right now have to deal Relplex seems to work well but the side effect is an upset stomach.

Have tried everything sometimes just worth it to go to urgent care and get a shot funny the imetrix shot works great but not the pills

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I often get scotoma, or in other words, migraine aura without headache. I'm on Topamax 100 mg daily as a preventative prescribed by Dr. Kerasidis and haven't had a problem with it since.

Is that where you see wierd auras around the edges of your eyes? I just started experiencing that last year. Once in a while, I get these weird things going on off to my left or right. I don't even know how to explain them. It's like flashes in my vision. I've had a slight headache for some time.
Is that where you see wierd auras around the edges of your eyes? I just started experiencing that last year. Once in a while, I get these weird things going on off to my left or right. I don't even know how to explain them. It's like flashes in my vision. I've had a slight headache for some time.

Go to the Dr.


Soul Probe
Is that where you see wierd auras around the edges of your eyes? I just started experiencing that last year. Once in a while, I get these weird things going on off to my left or right. I don't even know how to explain them. It's like flashes in my vision. I've had a slight headache for some time.

Mine starts like a flashing blind or white spot on the edge of my vision. It can be either eye or either edge, it takes it's pick. Sometimes it then grows to a full blown geometric colorful type pattern that flashes and slowly floats from one side to the other (I affectionately refer to this as my "psychadelic acid trip"). It doesn't go away when I close my eyes. It lasts anywhere from 20-40 minutes and usually leaves me with a dull headache.


yeah yeah
Zomig has always worked for me. Quick, Efficent, and works in like 30 minutes. I get everything from eye ora's, numbness, nausea/vomiting, sensitivity to light, quick breathing, etc. I literally have to hole myself up- and wrap blankets on my head and keep all light out of the room and lay so still. I started getting them when I was in the 4th grade- and they thought I had a stroke. My entire right side was drooping. And to this day- when I get them- it looks like I had a stroke- because of everything that is happening. But- its because of the numbness.

It sucks when you are pregnant, because there is nothing you can do. It's either a trip to the ER for IV meds of crap- and having the idiots shine lights in your eyes (like that makes sense) and or riding it out.
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I just started using the meds..:shrug:
That was more of an FYI, not implying that anyone should be doing that.

Is that where you see wierd auras around the edges of your eyes? I just started experiencing that last year. Once in a while, I get these weird things going on off to my left or right. I don't even know how to explain them. It's like flashes in my vision. I've had a slight headache for some time.

Go to the Dr.

I find it really amusing that you guys converse like this in the forum and not face to face..... :smirking:


New Member
I also take Topamax as a preventative, but only 50mg. I take Relpax when I actually get a migraine, but I am only getting one every couple of months or so.

I have been going through treatment for TMJ for the last several years, which was apparently the root cause of most of my migraines. Before I started my treatment I was getting them everyday for over a month! :dead: Then I had some appliances put in my mouth and they went away within 2 weeks. The process has been long, slow and expensive, but has been worth it.

I am hoping to be completely off the Topamax when I complete my treatment, but we will see because I also have a hormonal component to my migraines and "mixed headaches" that it also helps prevent. If I start having headaches again all the time, I will just start taking it again. No biggie.

I can tell you what neuro not to go to -- Dr. Shoba Mathews. I switched to her when my insurance would no longer cover Dr. Kerasidis' office and she upped my Topamax so high it was causing other problems. I started seeing someone else, who dropped me back to 50mg, and all the other issues cleared up. I also recently read in the paper where she was sanctioned by the medical board for something.

Good luck with your migraines (or not having them). I hope you are able to find something that works for you.


New Member
Zomig has always worked for me. Quick, Efficent, and works in like 30 minutes. I get everything from eye ora's, numbness, nausea/vomiting, sensitivity to light, quick breathing, etc. I literally have to hole myself up- and wrap blankets on my head and keep all light out of the room and lay so still. I started getting them when I was in the 4th grade- and they thought I had a stroke. My entire right side was drooping. And to this day- when I get them- it looks like I had a stroke- because of everything that is happening. But- its because of the numbness.

It sucks when you are pregnant, because there is nothing you can do. It's either a trip to the ER for IV meds of crap- and having the idiots shine lights in your eyes (like that makes sense) and or riding it out.

When I was pregnant, my insurance would pay for me to go to a physical therapy place that would do cranial-sacral therapy. It was recommended by my neuro that I was seeing at the time (we lived in Columbia), since I could not take anything. It worked wonders! I was pregnant with my daughter and having all kinds of migraines and it really helped control them. Don't ask me the ins and outs of how it works... I just know that it did. And it was just really gentle, so there is no risk for the baby and felt just so relaxing. The key was to find a PT place that had someone that could do it, so that the ins. would pay for it.


I just threw a bottle of Topimax in the garbage. I just started it on Columbus Day weekend for my post sinus surgery induced migraines. The stuff made me lose my depth perception and I couldn't focus. I almost crashed my car. My vision is still messed up. I missed a few days of work because I couldn't get out of bed.

They started me out on Midrin, but you can only take 5 a day, and that stuff doesn't work. I makes me mad how I've never had migraines until I had sinus surgery, and my ENT doctor is like..."I don't know. I don't see anything wrong." Something is wrong!

Neurologist scheduled me an MRI Wednesday. Then I have an appointment afterwards to see if there is something else that will work.