

tired and content....
Is that where you see wierd auras around the edges of your eyes? I just started experiencing that last year. Once in a while, I get these weird things going on off to my left or right. I don't even know how to explain them. It's like flashes in my vision. I've had a slight headache for some time.

Yes, I thought I was having a stroke the first time that happened to me (I was pregnant at the time). My arms and side of my face tingle and go numb on occasion with them as well. I also get a disoriented feeling and feel really out it.


Walking for a cure!!
I just threw a bottle of Topimax in the garbage. I just started it on Columbus Day weekend for my post sinus surgery induced migraines. The stuff made me lose my depth perception and I couldn't focus. I almost crashed my car. My vision is still messed up. I missed a few days of work because I couldn't get out of bed.

They started me out on Midrin, but you can only take 5 a day, and that stuff doesn't work. I makes me mad how I've never had migraines until I had sinus surgery, and my ENT doctor is like..."I don't know. I don't see anything wrong." Something is wrong!

Neurologist scheduled me an MRI Wednesday. Then I have an appointment afterwards to see if there is something else that will work.

Try this stuff. It is a combination of Vitiman B2, magnisium & feverfew. No drugs and no side effects. If you take it as directed it works wonders.


Good luck!!


New Member
I just threw a bottle of Topimax in the garbage. I just started it on Columbus Day weekend for my post sinus surgery induced migraines. The stuff made me lose my depth perception and I couldn't focus. I almost crashed my car. My vision is still messed up. I missed a few days of work because I couldn't get out of bed.

What dosage were you on? I started having problems when Dr. Mathews kept increasing my levels. When I saw the new neuro. and he saw what she had me on and why, he immediately dropped it and the side effects went away.


I just threw a bottle of Topimax in the garbage. I just started it on Columbus Day weekend for my post sinus surgery induced migraines. The stuff made me lose my depth perception and I couldn't focus. I almost crashed my car. My vision is still messed up. I missed a few days of work because I couldn't get out of bed.

They started me out on Midrin, but you can only take 5 a day, and that stuff doesn't work. I makes me mad how I've never had migraines until I had sinus surgery, and my ENT doctor is like..."I don't know. I don't see anything wrong." Something is wrong!

Neurologist scheduled me an MRI Wednesday. Then I have an appointment afterwards to see if there is something else that will work.

Medicines come with a sheet that tell you what the possible side effects might be, did you bother to read them before driving? Topamax makes me feel "funny" the morning after taking them which is why I take 100 mgs at night only and I haven't had any noticeable migraines since starting this medicine. Side effects that I have had is feeling "funny" during the day and not being able to drink soda any more, so far that's all. :shrug:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Today I got Treximet. No instructions, just two of them and a prescription. From what I read on the internet, you only take them if you DON'T have a migraine. So...anyone tried this? Brain scan is being scheduled.
Today I got Treximet. No instructions, just two of them and a prescription. From what I read on the internet, you only take them if you DON'T have a migraine. So...anyone tried this? Brain scan is being scheduled.

Think they'll find anything ? :popcorn:


Well the Botox injections are not working so I guess we go to surgery now. Will tell you what the doc says when he calls. :frown:


Medicines come with a sheet that tell you what the possible side effects might be, did you bother to read them before driving? Topamax makes me feel "funny" the morning after taking them which is why I take 100 mgs at night only and I haven't had any noticeable migraines since starting this medicine. Side effects that I have had is feeling "funny" during the day and not being able to drink soda any more, so far that's all. :shrug:
Oh, aren't we a presumptuous. Did I mention anything about feeling funny? No. My doctor took a good 15 minutes explaining the side effects to me. Turns out, I have borderline glaucoma. Topimax and glaucoma don't get along very well; thus the reason for the vision problems.


Oh, aren't we a presumptuous. Did I mention anything about feeling funny? No. My doctor took a good 15 minutes explaining the side effects to me. Turns out, I have borderline glaucoma. Topimax and glaucoma don't get along very well; thus the reason for the vision problems.

I currently am having vision problems on Topamax and stopped it right away and will call dr asap.


Today I got Treximet. No instructions, just two of them and a prescription. From what I read on the internet, you only take them if you DON'T have a migraine. So...anyone tried this? Brain scan is being scheduled.

Haven't tried that yet, but have tried Imitrex which is part of that and it did nothing and I have tried Axert and also Topamax but had to stop topamax for now because of side effects. Good luck.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Haven't tried that yet, but have tried Imitrex which is part of that and it did nothing and I have tried Axert and also Topamax but had to stop topamax for now because of side effects. Good luck.

I took one last night and the headache went away. Woke up with a slight headache and took one this a.m. NO headache. No weird side effects as far as I can tell, so far. It's kind of nice not to have a headache.


I took one last night and the headache went away. Woke up with a slight headache and took one this a.m. NO headache. No weird side effects as far as I can tell, so far. It's kind of nice not to have a headache.

Imitrex made me feel funny and made my face and arms numb when I took it. But since I stopped the topamax the migraines have started back up, waiting for a call back from dr..