Million More Movement will it help?


Im On 1.
Hi everyone, Im new. :howdy:

Most of my friends went to the million more movement today down in DC. I was invited to go but declined - to me I just think its another bunch of hoopla from Mr. Farrakhan.

I personally think that if people didnt learn anything 10 years ago from his speech they wont learn anything 10 years later. The crime rate has increased and so has the homicides in DC alone.

Do you think it can/will help the black community?


Working for the weekend
Qurious said:
Hi everyone, Im new. :howdy:

Most of my friends went to the million more movement today down in DC. I was invited to go but declined - to me I just think its another bunch of hoopla from Mr. Farrakhan.

I personally think that if people didnt learn anything 10 years ago from his speech they wont learn anything 10 years later. The crime rate has increased and so has the homicides in DC alone.

Do you think it can/will help the black community?

Welcome!! :howdy:

The black community needs a leader that will motivate and inspire them, not like Farrakan who leads by using fear and outrageous accusations as a motivating factor.


New Member
harleygirl said:
Welcome!! :howdy:

The black community needs a leader that will motivate and inspire them, not like Farrakan who leads by using fear and outrageous accusations as a motivating factor.
I think the "black community" needs to stop segregating themselves as the "black community" and swearing that the white man is out to get them, and allow themselves to be treated equally. If the "white community" ever tried to have a march or something simular for themselves and not allow the "black community" all h*ll would break loose......But on the upside I hear they are considering "letting" the hispanic community and poor white people join in next time :rolleyes:


New Member
Mr. Farrakhan......:duh: Now there's a pillar of credibility...... All you need to do is watch his speeches to see what he is.

:qoute: "When is the government gonna give the poor man what he is due??"

Due?? Due my ass!!! Earn it mofo!! :burning:


Well-Known Member
The Nation of Islam is a gang of racists.
Louis Farrakhan is an extreme racist and is the leader of this racist gang.
Anyone even thinking that the NO levee's were bombed by the Government is an idiot.
Louis Farrakhan is an idiot.

Just listen to any of his speeches, especially the latest, and if you choose to participate in his sponsored march, what does that make you? The man has never preached anything but divisiveness and hatred toward whites.


Not dead yet.
Last weekend's gathering downtown did more for the general population of the USA (and world) than anything Farakhan has ever done, I'm sure. I heard part of Louis Palau's speech on the radio and he was uniting and inspiring.


"Typical White Person"
willie said:
The Nation of Islam is a gang of racists.
Louis Farrakhan is an extreme racist and is the leader of this racist gang.
Anyone even thinking that the NO levee's were bombed by the Government is an idiot.
Louis Farrakhan is an idiot.

Just listen to any of his speeches, especially the latest, and if you choose to participate in his sponsored march, what does that make you? The man has never preached anything but divisiveness and hatred toward whites.

Exactly, Nation of Islam is the equivlent of the KKK for the black man yet for some reason they are considered more main stream and more acctepted than the KKK. I don't understand it. I guess it is more acceptable to some of our country to hate white people then it is to hate blacks. I am ofcourse a supporter of neither group but I would like to see alot more hell raised from the country as a whole anytime this idiot tries to organize any kind of march.


9/11 - Never Forget!
willie said:
The Nation of Islam is a gang of racists.
Louis Farrakhan is an extreme racist and is the leader of this racist gang.
Anyone even thinking that the NO levee's were bombed by the Government is an idiot.
Louis Farrakhan is an idiot.

Just listen to any of his speeches, especially the latest, and if you choose to participate in his sponsored march, what does that make you? The man has never preached anything but divisiveness and hatred toward whites.
:yeahthat: ...and it's really inspiring to hear Calypso Louie Farrakhan ramble on about how he was picked up by the two smaller craft and taken up to the mother ship UFO where he was met by Elija Mohammed, founder of the "Nation of Islam" who told Louie about how America was going to start a war against the muslims. Calypso Louie forthwith went to Libya where he warned Khadafi about the American plans. This guy is not only a race monger but also a dangerous wacko. What makes him dangerous is that he actually has followers that listen to his hate filled garbage.


24/7 Single Dad
vraiblonde said:
Help them what? :confused:
continue the concept that black people are victims and to stupid to achieve the American Dream without help from the white massers that run the gubbermint.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
continue the concept that black people are victims and to stupid to achieve the American Dream without help from the white massers that run the gubbermint.
Oh. Then the answer is 'yes'.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hi Qurious...

Qurious said:
Hi everyone, Im new. :howdy:

Most of my friends went to the million more movement today down in DC. I was invited to go but declined - to me I just think its another bunch of hoopla from Mr. Farrakhan.

I personally think that if people didnt learn anything 10 years ago from his speech they wont learn anything 10 years later. The crime rate has increased and so has the homicides in DC alone.

Do you think it can/will help the black community?

..and welcome.

A couple questions if you don't mind. Farrakhans target audience is black males so;

Are black?

Are you male?

How old are you?

And what do you think about the movement? What did your friends think before hand and what do they think now?

Then we can throw all that into a conversation including my 41 year old white male opinions.

I'm interested.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I listened to Farrakhan and Co. last night on CSPAN - what a load of crap. My opinion is that this whole crew should be thrown in prison for inciting a riot, along with anyone who believes their bullshit.

I believe blacks are at a disadvantage in America. But it's because they listen to Farrakhan, Jackson, Sharpton and that ilk, not simply because of skin color.


vraiblonde said:
I listened to Farrakhan and Co. last night on CSPAN - what a load of crap. My opinion is that this whole crew should be thrown in prison for inciting a riot, along with anyone who believes their bullshit.

I believe blacks are at a disadvantage in America. But it's because they listen to Farrakhan, Jackson, Sharpton and that ilk, not simply because of skin color.
i'm sure not all listen to them...


New Member
vraiblonde said:
I listened to Farrakhan and Co. last night on CSPAN - what a load of crap. My opinion is that this whole crew should be thrown in prison for inciting a riot, along with anyone who believes their bullshit.

I believe blacks are at a disadvantage in America. But it's because they listen to Farrakhan, Jackson, Sharpton and that ilk, not simply because of skin color.
:yeahthat: :clap:


Well-Known Member
dustin said:
i'm sure not all listen to them...
Very true and not all of them will loot at any opportunity but it's enough of them to make life harder for the hard working black citizen.