I like that video and its info and I wish Christians would finally face these reality so we could improve.nhboy said:Heyns Lecture Series Video
You are the greatest miss quoter of the Bible and scripture of all who participate in this forum.JPC sr said:I like that video and its info and I wish Christians would finally face these reality so we could improve.
This kind of info from Biblical scholars has been around since at least 1707 and it became widely known by the early 1800's and I have read great informative books about Biblical criticism dated from 1920 - 1950 and we have it in this present day as in this link HERE.
By taking out the fake and wrong things from the Bible then the greater truth is all that remains,
and that greater truth really rocks.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,
4and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
Titus 1:13-16
13This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith,
14not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth.
15To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.
16They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.
Claiming the Bible is "God's word" is not accurate not Biblically true at all.ItalianScallion said:Uh Hello Just Plain Confused (JPC). Whose word are we going to be judged by? God's Word. What is another name for the Bible? God's Word.
:jpcmoment:libby said:Well, I did use "mis-quote" because 2A did, but you are correct, that interpretation was the exercise in question.
Another example of JPC stupidity.JPC sr said:Claiming the Bible is "God's word" is not accurate not Biblically true at all.
The Bible says that Jesus the Christ is the word and not the Bible link HERE John 1:1-14
Claiming the Bible to be God's written word might sound nice but the Bible does not agree.
The apostle Paul said that all scripture is inspired of God link HERE but at that time the Bible was not written.
Therefore the modern Bible scholars now separate from the Bible what is indeed "scripture" and what is not.
Much of the Bible is fake and fraud like Jonah in the belly of a big fish and the last chapter of Mark's gosple which are clearly discovered as untrue.
When we take out the fake parts of the Bible then what is left is scripture indeed.
Amen.ItalianScallion said:... His Word does not return empty.
2ndAmendment said:Another example of JPC stupidity.
Link to Bible text HERE if you have a reference to that claim.SamSpade said:Indeed. Peter refers to Paul's writings as "scripture".
Christianity is the narrow gate to the light. Your persistent lies are the broad doorway to darkness.JPC sr said:...
It really would be nice for Christianity to come out of the darkness.
I say that 2A has not-purposely shown a big reason for the confusion,2ndAmendment said:Christianity is the narrow gate to the light. Your persistent lies are the broad doorway to darkness.
It would be really nice if you would come out of your stupor.
The video on that link refers to the Greek and Aramaic New Testiment and not the Hebrew Old Testiment,The presenter in this video fails to mention that each scribes work was meticulously checked by a chief scribe. He says that the scribes made intentional changes. Jewish scribes were forbidden on pain of great penalties from making intentional changes or unintentional errors in their text.
Claiming the Bible is "God's word" is not accurate not Biblically true at all.
The Bible says that Jesus the Christ is the word and not the Bible link HERE John 1:1-14
Claiming the Bible to be God's written word might sound nice but the Bible does not agree.
The apostle Paul said that all scripture is inspired of God link HERE but at that time the Bible was not written.
Therefore the modern Bible scholars now separate from the Bible what is indeed "scripture" and what is not.
Much of the Bible is fake and fraud like Jonah in the belly of a big fish and the last chapter of Mark's gosple which are clearly discovered as untrue.
When we take out the fake parts of the Bible then what is left is scripture indeed.
Well I still like the Bible and I use it for reference often.But since you refer to the Bible so much to support your arguments against the Bible, perhaps you could outline which parts of the Bible God revealed to you as false?