Parts of the Bible are false and untrue and the other parts are the scripture.
I disagree the Bible is Inerrant and Infalable word of God
Christ told the apostles that after the reserection that the Holly Spirit would come upon them so they would remember clearly.
JPC, In two earlier post you said that Christ dying on the cross is a free in for everyone. This is silly to me, if that were the case there would be no need for hell. It also defeats the purpose of the cross and Why go through a blood scarafice for the atoment of sin.
He's God he could have just made it so. Also it robs Grace and takes away from it. I provided the Westminster Confession because it provides a clear consise layout of the tennants of faith as to prevent any of my words from being misconstrud, and since scripture examples provided by numerous folks in the past havent been clear for you. I am a frm beliver in Sola Scriptura, but that on its self wasnt helpfull for you.
Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (God) is a wonderfull thing I wish everyone had one, having a personal relation ship with a God other than that of the Bible will send you to hell no matter how comfortable it is now. Any other God than Jesus Christ of the Bible, is not a God at all, (Sorry my Mormon friends)
I just listened to CS Lewis the ScrewTape letters maybe that would help clear things up for you as there is some great stuff in there. Its a narative between two demons a senior and a underling, and the stradigies used to attack man, and there was a section on false prohets like Buddah and Mohamed and how Satin uses them to his advantage.
Just out of coursity when you read the Bible did you read the whole thing?
Was it a study Bible with commentary?
Do you read your Bible Daily?
Do you have any fellowship with Christians outside of this forum?
I get an impression and I hope its wrong that your just out there and not part of the body of christ.
Do you have a church home?
I cant make it next Saturday, But why dont you join us at Nicolette park some Saturday at 3 Pm for burgers and feed both the body and the soul. The sermons is about 15 minutes and strait from Gods word, not Mans and trying to tie it back to scripture.
When entering the park turn left and its ussually the first pavilion. Everyones welcome and you will see all the kids from the neighborhood and lots of activity.

I disagree the Bible is Inerrant and Infalable word of God
Christ told the apostles that after the reserection that the Holly Spirit would come upon them so they would remember clearly.
JPC, In two earlier post you said that Christ dying on the cross is a free in for everyone. This is silly to me, if that were the case there would be no need for hell. It also defeats the purpose of the cross and Why go through a blood scarafice for the atoment of sin.
He's God he could have just made it so. Also it robs Grace and takes away from it. I provided the Westminster Confession because it provides a clear consise layout of the tennants of faith as to prevent any of my words from being misconstrud, and since scripture examples provided by numerous folks in the past havent been clear for you. I am a frm beliver in Sola Scriptura, but that on its self wasnt helpfull for you.
Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (God) is a wonderfull thing I wish everyone had one, having a personal relation ship with a God other than that of the Bible will send you to hell no matter how comfortable it is now. Any other God than Jesus Christ of the Bible, is not a God at all, (Sorry my Mormon friends)
I just listened to CS Lewis the ScrewTape letters maybe that would help clear things up for you as there is some great stuff in there. Its a narative between two demons a senior and a underling, and the stradigies used to attack man, and there was a section on false prohets like Buddah and Mohamed and how Satin uses them to his advantage.
Just out of coursity when you read the Bible did you read the whole thing?
Was it a study Bible with commentary?
Do you read your Bible Daily?
Do you have any fellowship with Christians outside of this forum?
I get an impression and I hope its wrong that your just out there and not part of the body of christ.
Do you have a church home?
I cant make it next Saturday, But why dont you join us at Nicolette park some Saturday at 3 Pm for burgers and feed both the body and the soul. The sermons is about 15 minutes and strait from Gods word, not Mans and trying to tie it back to scripture.
When entering the park turn left and its ussually the first pavilion. Everyones welcome and you will see all the kids from the neighborhood and lots of activity.
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