JPC sr
James P. Cusick Sr.
Mr. Ferarri
I would never turn your words around into my own.
I have studied the Bible for many years and I knew about Jesus being crucified on a Wednesday before the Thursday Passover sabbath day (Jesus was the Passover sacrifice - lamb of God) then three days and three nights later on the weekly sabbath Saturday he rose near sundown.
You simply found out that old news info and then told it here and I already knew about it years ago.
Of course I was pleased that you found it and posted it here.
If I gave that impression then it was a mistake.
What I said is that the "Good Friday" to "Easter Sunday" is not three (3) days and three nights so the Orthodoxy is incorrect,
but the 3 days and 3 nights are correct from Wednesday till Saturday evening.
Please don't take my words (the question about Wed-Fri vs. Fri-Sun) and turn it into your own as if that was what you were referring to all along. You never mentioned those days until I did and now you are making it seem as if I am in agreement with you, which I am not.

I have studied the Bible for many years and I knew about Jesus being crucified on a Wednesday before the Thursday Passover sabbath day (Jesus was the Passover sacrifice - lamb of God) then three days and three nights later on the weekly sabbath Saturday he rose near sundown.
You simply found out that old news info and then told it here and I already knew about it years ago.
Of course I was pleased that you found it and posted it here.
camily said:Re-read your posts. You WERE saying he wasn't there three days and three nights.

What I said is that the "Good Friday" to "Easter Sunday" is not three (3) days and three nights so the Orthodoxy is incorrect,
but the 3 days and 3 nights are correct from Wednesday till Saturday evening.