Missing Child South Shangrila/Patuxent Homes


Jeff said:
The trick here is that the parents lived on South Shangri-La. Or at least that is where the police where originally dispatched to. That is on the other side of Great Mills Rd. This 8 YO crossed Great Mills road to get over there. So that is a pretty good little haul for an 8 year old who only moved in a week ago.

But we don't know the whole situation.

The only thing I can say is that I had an 8YO he would be well aware of the fact that I would not have been happy with his crossing Great Mills. And he would have known this before the fact. But he is back home with the folks. Hopefully the folks will have a sit down without the boy present and pick a good direction to go in.

Editing here. I think I took your post out of context. I thought you were refering to the short distance mentioned earlier by the other post regarding how short a bike ride it would be for the boy. Now I see I think you were just chiming on on the later discussion. About the general proximity of Spring valley and Midway to Pegg's Road. I apologize.

people might get the wrong Idea about this place and think its a fun place to chat and keep up with local events :


Stop Staring!!!!!
Dougstermd said:
people might get the wrong Idea about this place and think its a fun place to chat and keep up with local events :

I am sorry. (Not much better there huh?). Guess I need more practice. Maybe you folks need to start an SOMD online mentoring group. I need proper training by a pro. How about a dedicated thread or SubForum. "How to conduct yourself in a proper fashion while participating in our discussion forums. 'JACKA$$ :smack: '".


Am I on track now?


Stop Staring!!!!!
Geek said:
:clap: Cops rock

I am with you there. Here is an attaboy for all our officers in St. Mary's. :yay:

As a kid growing up I was a little hardhead. Got into several issues with the law. My own fault, but at the time found excuses to blame it on everyone else.

But when I grew up, especially after getting married and having kids I straightened up and now see things from the other side of the police officer.

Back when I was young the police stood beteen me and the good/honest folks, Now they stand between me and the folks that have not figured out how to act.

The cops are there, right in the middle. And do it voluntarily. I didn't ask them to do this. The shift work hours stink. Family relationships are likely pretty awkward at times. They deal with things daily that I don't think I could deal with.

Yep COPS ROCK!!!!!!!!!
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New Member
chernmax said:
I'd be spanking some parents a$$ for lack of proper supervison of a minor!!! :coffee:

My oldest son, 11, has told me he will be at one place, got distracted, ended up at another and I have had to search the area for him, so I'm not so quick to blame the parents, I was a very adventurous child myself. In fact, when I was around that age, I was lost over night in the woods with two other girls, police called, searching and everything. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
Glad they found him. It's really not that far from the kid's house to Spring Valley if you travel like an 8 year old on a bike - there's lots of shortcuts to take on foot or on a bike. It only seems like a long way to go if you are in a car, since there are no shortcuts and plenty of red lights.

It made me laugh to hear people mention coming in when the streetlights turned on; that's the rule I lived by, too. Too bad my current neighborhood has no streetlights and no sidewalks; I guess parents just say come home at dinner time? If they are paying attention to their kids at all, that is. :rolleyes:


I bowl overhand
I can see and understand what happened.. I did the almost the same thing as a 9 year old.

New neighborhood, kids gets excited and wants to see where all the other kids are. takes off on his bike thinking "I'm just going to ride up here a ways (aound the block maybe)" and before you know it, concentrating on riding his bike he forgets the way home. Also being in the mind set of an 8 year old he figures it can't be hard, he concieves a plan to find his way home, and of course it not only doesn't work but gets him even further from home.

I moved into a new neighborhood, and my first day in school my mom didn't come to pick me up on time, so I took off on my own adventure, thinking "I can find my way home, and my parents will be soooo proud!" Shortly after I left the school it started to rain, and I thought, "I'll be home in 5 minutes I won't get too wet!" I think it was three or four hours later my mom found me wandering in a neighborhood not even close to our house.. but numbers on the houses told me I was REAL close. That was my plan, I knew the number on my house, I'd find the number on a house and follow it to my number. Sounds like a logical plan for a 9 year old.. Where those numbers led me, I have NO idea.

Little guy took off to explore the local neighborhood and got lost, not a big deal now that he's been found. I'm sure him and his parents are happy to be back together again.. and HUGE kudo's to the little guy for waiting for the police or parents to come get him.


I bowl overhand
bohman said:
Glad they found him. It's really not that far from the kid's house to Spring Valley if you travel like an 8 year old on a bike - there's lots of shortcuts to take on foot or on a bike. It only seems like a long way to go if you are in a car, since there are no shortcuts and plenty of red lights.

It made me laugh to hear people mention coming in when the streetlights turned on; that's the rule I lived by, too. Too bad my current neighborhood has no streetlights and no sidewalks; I guess parents just say come home at dinner time? If they are paying attention to their kids at all, that is. :rolleyes:

I don't know how many times I tried to convince my parents I didn't see the lights come on..


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:

I don't know how many times I tried to convince my parents I didn't see the lights come on..

:lmao: And when my parents got me a watch to thwart this tactic, I started setting my watch slow... "But Mom, my watch says I'm on time!"


Stretch's Mom
Jeff said:
I lived in Heards Estates for a while. I always kept some of those little FRS radios around. I alays knew where my kids were. Other parents started catching on as well. The kids would even play on the radios and we would all know they were all Ok.

If they were at one freind's house and wanted to go to another they would just let me know. If it was dinner time, I could just tell them to come home. They wre actually very handy. I bought them some of those little Fanny Pack type belts to keep those in along with the Pokemon Cards.

I always knew where your kids were, cuz mine were usually with them.



Stop Staring!!!!!
IrishGal said:
I always knew where your kids were, cuz mine were usually with them.


I hear ya.

When you see the Bill tell him I still want him. :lmao: