Larry Gude
Strung Out
No. I am never wrong.
Warron said:Larry Gude any event, it seems Mr. Fiance is in negotiations to take a Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) polygraph but doens't want it video taped which the GBI has to do for evidence trail.
I think you got this backwards. The police refused to allow the polygraph to be video taped as was requested by the guy as a condition of taking it.
"The fiancé and his lawyer have requested the police polygraph to be videotaped, something Belcher said no law enforcement agency "that's worth anything" would do."
Ckracka wants a poly. The guy did his own poly with his lawyer. The GBI does not count this private poly and requires, if it is to be admissable, that THEY do it and it be filmed.
If this is wrong, it is NOT my fault for I may have gone off the deep end.