MISSING PERSON - Marcel Brooks of Mechanicsville


Staff member
Many people would appreciate any help on this:

Marcel William Brooks
DOB: 6-8-46
5’-09” / 180 lbs

Marcel Brooks, a Mechanicsville, MD resident, was last seen at 1:00 pm in the DC Metropolitan area on March 24th, 2007. He was scheduled to meet a family member at the Exchange on Andrews Air Force Base on that date – and never arrived.

He is operating a light brown 1997 Chrysler Town and Country Van - Maryland Registration M005413.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to contact the Prince George’s County Police Department at (301) 749-5064 or the St. Mary's County Bureau of Criminal Investigations at (301) 475-4040.



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Active Member
I see a resemblance in the picture for sure, but I'm not sure with the age--I read that the man in the picture was born in 1946. Could be his son? I'm not good at guessing men's ages...
mudpuddle said:
I see a resemblance in the picture for sure, but I'm not sure with the age--I read that the man in the picture was born in 1946. Could be his son? I'm not good at guessing men's ages...
Born in 1946 would make him 62 going on 63. That would be the father.


Active Member
If it is the father, it is definitely him. But my Doctor looked a little older to me (thinner). Could be this picture isn't that recent...
mudpuddle said:
If it is the father, it is definitely him. But my Doctor looked a little older to me (thinner). Could be this picture isn't that recent...
Yes, it very well could be an older picture. I just spotted another article where the refer to the missing man as "Sr."


You're all F'in Mad...
kwillia said:
My mom was born in 45 and she will be 62 this year. :smack:

Edited: Crap ... I went the wrong way on the number line...:banghead:

:love: Using your math I'm now 10 years younger than my chick! :yay:


Active Member
Thank you so much...It is him. How sad this is. I hope he is found soon and well. My prayers to him and his family!