MISSING PERSON - Marcel Brooks of Mechanicsville


Well-Known Member
I think that there is another woman involved or possibly drugs. I read somewhere that it is common for a doctor to have a drug problem and be able to hide it for years.:shrug:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
You know what I hope? I hope he was just having a midlife crisis and ran off to renew the old magic. Now that he's caught, he'll go back to the wife and family and be content that he's still got it. :yay:

Everybody's got a hungry heart....

I'm reading along.... got here and started laughing...


I was thinking something along that line too. :shrug: Stress maybe!


I bowl overhand
sockgirl77 said:
I think that there is another woman involved or possibly drugs. I read somewhere that it is common for a doctor to have a drug problem and be able to hide it for years.:shrug:
i think he was planning on meeting Azzy in FL..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
i think he was planning on meeting Azzy in FL..
So he *was* on drugs?

J/K - I'm sure Dr. Brooks wasn't on drugs. He just wanted to run away from home for awhile. Raise your hand if you've never wanted to do that. :shrug:


FOUND ALIVE.........
A police officer in an Alabama town found Marcel W. Brooks Sr. alive and sitting in his van reading an atlas Monday, and a detective said the missing St. Mary’s optometrist reported he’d been kidnapped.
On Tuesday, Brooks said he was still in Alabama and looking forward to his wife’s arrival that day to accompany him home.

‘‘It’s always nice to be home,” Brooks said.
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You're all F'in Mad...
I think you're supposed to post a link when you steal a newspaper article and put it on the forums... :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Inkpen said:
I'm sorry...I believe I included contact/copyright info on the article:
You're supposed to excerpt and link :nono:

I think Dick's onto something. The abduction story sounds like total horsecrap.


I went to school with his daughter. It just seems odd. Was he found in the van bound or anything or just sitting in the front seat looking at an atlas?


New Member
He was just sitting in his van looking at a map according to the papers.

I was talking to his daughter yesterday via email. Her family is just happy that they found him alive and well. I didn't ask for too many details, but I guess they aren't too concerned about the unanswered questions right now. Just thankfull he is OK. She is supposed to come see me before she flys back home. Maybe they'll have more answers then.


New Member
SoMDMama82 said:
He was just sitting in his van looking at a map according to the papers.

I was talking to his daughter yesterday via email. Her family is just happy that they found him alive and well. I didn't ask for too many details, but I guess they aren't too concerned about the unanswered questions right now. Just thankfull he is OK. She is supposed to come see me before she flys back home. Maybe they'll have more answers then.

I hope anyone who considers themselves a "friend of the family" and "gets information" respects that information and doesn't feel the need to play investigative reporter and report back here only for it to be ripped apart and speculated upon. You don't know the circumstances and you weren't there... no one was, only Dr. Brooks. His family is thankful he is home and all here should be thankful that they haven't had to go through a similar situation. End of Story. :patriot:


New Member
I did not mean it like that. I already have some information which I've heard that has not been reported on the television or newspaper, but would not never post their business out here like that.

I mainly wanted to get across that the family right now is unconcerned about the questions which remain unanswered, and are just grateful he is alright. The answers to their questions will come later.

I know it may have came off differently, but that was what I mean to get across.


New Member
SoMDMama82 said:
I did not mean it like that. I already have some information which I've heard that has not been reported on the television or newspaper, but would not never post their business out here like that.

I mainly wanted to get across that the family right now is unconcerned about the questions which remain unanswered, and are just grateful he is alright. The answers to their questions will come later.

I know it may have came off differently, but that was what I mean to get across.

Ditto. I wanted to impress the same... "respect the family."



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not trying to be insensitive, but if you do not want to become famous, don't do stupid things and get law enforcement involved. It's a surefire way to get yourself in the papers and allow everyone a peek into your personal life.

Dr. Brooks is no different from the Runaway Bride or anyone else who once was a private citizen but is now a celebrity.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
I think Dick's onto something. The abduction story sounds like total horsecrap.

I agree that it sounds suspicious, like it's a cover story to explain his absense. Have you ever heard of Aimee Semple McPherson, whose unexplained disappearance and reappearance was a nationwide sensation in the 1920s?


My Sweetest Boy
vraiblonde said:
I'm not trying to be insensitive, but if you do not want to become famous, don't do stupid things and get law enforcement involved. It's a surefire way to get yourself in the papers and allow everyone a peek into your personal life.

Dr. Brooks is no different from the Runaway Bride or anyone else who once was a private citizen but is now a celebrity.

Thank you. I didn't want to sound mean so I didn't say anything. I'm certainly glad for his family's sake that he is alive and apparently well. But it sure sounds like he disappeared of his own volition and that boo-boo cost a lot of taxpayer money, not to mention police time.