They do - it's called voting. And election after election they vote to keep him.
That's the easy answer, but here are the facts.
Senators are elected for 6 years. Mitch is 82 years old . Same age as me by the way. So I know what I am talking about./
2026 his term is up so he was 5 years younger when 2020.
He could walk then, he could speak..
At 80 years old a lot of things are happening. Growing old cannot be resolved by getting back your youth.
Pelosi is 84 I believe Steny is 85, Trump is 78.
4 years, 6 years, can make one hell of a difference. Believe me I know.
We need age limits. These people are too old to be committing themselves for the next 4 to 6 years.
I vote for Trump knowing his age, but I also voted for Vance because i feel he can take the country and run with it if Trumps age catches up with him. Hopefully when Trumps age becomes a burden he will pass the torch. We all watched as Biden went down as Feinstein went down, as Mitch has gone down.
I know my limits , I don't why these powerful sumbitches do not know theirs, why they do not step aside and enjoy the few years they have left with family and friends . They have all the money in the world, they can enjoy being hailed as former powerful people.
I assume power is like dope. they are addicted to it. But with power comes a burden, And when the burden becomes too much there should be a way to relieve them if they are too stupid to relieve themselves. Kamala if she had been a real Vice President would have acted to relieve Biden.
That's one reason she lost.
't kno