Mitch fall down go boom....again


Just sneakin' around....


Well-Known Member
I get that all the time, was sitting next to a lady at a bar last Saturday and she asked how old I was..She called me a liar when I told her..Had to produce my license...:lol:
They let you have a license at your age!? :shocked:



Well-Known Member
They do - it's called voting. And election after election they vote to keep him.
That's the easy answer, but here are the facts.
Senators are elected for 6 years. Mitch is 82 years old . Same age as me by the way. So I know what I am talking about./
2026 his term is up so he was 5 years younger when 2020.
He could walk then, he could speak..
At 80 years old a lot of things are happening. Growing old cannot be resolved by getting back your youth.
Pelosi is 84 I believe Steny is 85, Trump is 78.

4 years, 6 years, can make one hell of a difference. Believe me I know.

We need age limits. These people are too old to be committing themselves for the next 4 to 6 years.
I vote for Trump knowing his age, but I also voted for Vance because i feel he can take the country and run with it if Trumps age catches up with him. Hopefully when Trumps age becomes a burden he will pass the torch. We all watched as Biden went down as Feinstein went down, as Mitch has gone down.
I know my limits , I don't why these powerful sumbitches do not know theirs, why they do not step aside and enjoy the few years they have left with family and friends . They have all the money in the world, they can enjoy being hailed as former powerful people.
I assume power is like dope. they are addicted to it. But with power comes a burden, And when the burden becomes too much there should be a way to relieve them if they are too stupid to relieve themselves. Kamala if she had been a real Vice President would have acted to relieve Biden.
That's one reason she lost.

't kno
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
why they do not step aside and enjoy the few years they have left with family and friends .

My guess is they don't have any friends, unless you count their "good friends across the aisle" and other backstabbing political operatives; and they've long ago alienated their family because they were too busy powermongering.

You look at Trump and the way he interacts with his kids and grandkids - you see genuine affection and a real father/grandfather. They joke and laugh and the granddaughter mocks him affectionately, Trump's always bragging them up - they are recognizable as a family. But if you've ever seen, say, Hillary Clinton with her grandkids they act like they don't even know her. Biden's grandkids wouldn't go near him, and when forced to do so for a photo op they were obviously shying away.

These people don't have family and friends. All they have is the cold, thankless, meaningless job.

But I wonder also if they aren't pressured by the overlords to stay put for votes or influence or simply because they know too much about the corruption. I'm sorry, Mitch, you can't retire because we need to you shake the bushes for more donor bucks. We need you to lay the hammer on so-and-so to make them do what we want.

Dunno. But you're right - it's odd that they don't want to retire and enjoy what's left of their golden years.
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