Anyone who has doubt's about this class should come by and try it out! Any other speculations you try and make are pointless. If you think someone is multi posting, big frigging deal --doesn't dillute the potency of the class one bit. Also, If you think it's too far then wait for something to start in St.Mary's, but we will be learning this intricate style of fighting, and will probably acquire a purple belt by the time you decide to commute to do it! I know I regret not doing this #### four years ago when I first encountered Pride Fighting on the ol' cheat box!
Also, I don't think anyone I have met would want to grapple with someone who sits at home and studies texts (on an anonymous forum) in order to discover what they feel are incoincidental similarities --you obviously have a lot on your plate and are far to busy to take this class, so stay home.
Anyway, this class is legit, but sitting at home gripping about the woes of mankind will not clear the clouds; so just fill up the tank and show up!
See ya at class!
--dragon --
"You will know me when you grapple me!"