Monday Morning is the BIG day...


Loving My Life...
:thewave: Congrats :thewave:

So details details... who is the Dr. on call? what made them decide to induce?

Polko is on call.. Dr. Shonekon (sp) listened to me and she set it up... Plus I gained almost 10 pounds in a week :yikes: So he's coming between now and Monday :lol: I'm scared and nervous :lol:


Well-Known Member
Polko is on call.. Dr. Shonekon (sp) listened to me and she set it up... Plus I gained almost 10 pounds in a week :yikes: So he's coming between now and Monday :lol: I'm scared and nervous :lol:

:huggy: Best wishes for a safe and healthy delivery for you and :baby: Keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
Polko is on call.. Dr. Shonekon (sp) listened to me and she set it up... Plus I gained almost 10 pounds in a week :yikes: So he's coming between now and Monday :lol: I'm scared and nervous :lol:

:yahoo: That is great!!!

I bet you are so excited! Keep us posted. Heres to an easy delivery :buddies: