Monday Morning is the BIG day...


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling this one isn't small.. I'm so much bigger this time...

I gained 8 lbs in one week and my blood pressure was spiked so they took me in that day to be induced... and that is w/ the first one that was 9lbs 8 oz :faint:

I doubt w/ the sizes of your other ones though that you will have on that big!


Loving My Life...
I gained 8 lbs in one week and my blood pressure was spiked so they took me in that day to be induced... and that is w/ the first one that was 9lbs 8 oz :faint:

I doubt w/ the sizes of your other ones though that you will have on that big!

I really hope not... I gained almost that much in the last week but my blood pressure was fine.. Half of that is probably from my damn feet and ankles being so swollen :lol: They didn't seem concerned...


Still waiting :tap: they just broke her water about 4 Come on CODY!!!

Hopefully it's not much longer. I was induced back in March and my little angel took forever and a day to join us. :frown:

How's she feeling, holding up ok?


It's a boy. Born at 4:43 pm, weighing 7lbs 13.9 ozs. Mom and baby are doing good. :yahoo:

Many congrats to Mommy and baby! Oh, and Daddy too! Glad to hear everything went well. Can't wait to see some pics when things calm down a bit. :yahoo:


Kicking back
It's a boy. Born at 4:43 pm, weighing 7lbs 13.9 ozs. Mom and baby are doing good. :yahoo:

Glad the baby is here safe and sound but I can't wait for your sister to get fixed though just as you hopefully did Miss Perky/ Pee Pee. I love kids, mostly other peoples kids but I am just really sick and tired of being a hard working tax payor that hears over and over again about another unwed mother living with their bebe daddy and suckin off my dime for insurance, wic, housing etc. I could care less less many kids you have as long as you and bebe daddy are the only one paying the bills for each and everyone of them. It just pisses me off that women that don't work and are not married manipulate the system to have the best of both worlds. Bebe daddy money and government benefits. What happened to personal responsibility for yourself and your offspring?