When do we start?
Cool Sharon! Sounds like a plan...we can all sit around and discuss such scintillating topics as:
1. How to Deal with Bigotry Against the Fat and Lazy on the Internet
2. Automated Home Maintenance for the Chronically Fat and Lazy
3. Designer Mu-Mu's for the Fat and Lazy Who Still Wanna Look Cool
4. 101 Sweat-Free Careers for the Fat and Lazy
5. Subversive Retalliation at AYCE Buffets for the Fat and Lazy
and for Cari (who can be our token non- fat and lazy person), we'll have a special guest speaker to cover the topics of:
1. Little-Known Aspects of Paganism in Christian Religions Today
2. 101 Ways to Discredit the Annoying Online
3. Showing Your Soft Side – When It Pays and When It Doesn't
4. Dare to Be a Bitch, Part X