Monsters Ball

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New Member
My pet-pive

Every time I ride the keller bus home from work.. A big fat person has to sit next to me.. And, they are squashing me up against the window..


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Re: Halle is beautiful

Originally posted by PmoneyandTT
I had made a comment about what Jetmonkey said.. Billy Bob wouldn't of been with Florence from "good times".. Probably not, I would have to agree.. But its shallow of men to think she wouldn't be a good catch just because she isn't beautiful like Halle..
But Florida isn't skinny like Halle - she's a big woman. And she was a GREAT wife and mother. So how can we judge a person's value based on their dress size?


b*tch rocket

I have been on here since 97! I'm a real oldtimer so :biteme: Don't be offended TT, that was intended for JetMonkey. Really Jet, :biteme: And maybe a little of this :spank:

Sorry, :blushing: just having fun with the newly found emoticons! :party: I'm such a tool! :stupid: I didn't discover them til today thanks to sxy!

And btw, Halle's hooters are much larger than mine! :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So can we safely say that if we don't like you, you're a big fat pig. If we DO like you, you're merely (what was the term Frank used? Oh yeah...) STURDY.

If we don't like you, you're a butt-ugly broad. If we DO like you, you're interesting looking.

Does that about sum it up?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, now Jetmonkey's member title is really making me roll!
When I saw it, I burst out laughing and Larry thought I'd lost my mind.


b*tch rocket
Promises Promises! ;) Hey but wouldn't that be giving my milk away for free? :eek: :shocked: Darnit, guess I gotta be the cow! :angel: But wait! Wouldn't being a cow make me lazy? I'm so confused! :confused:

Weren't we talking about Billy Bob losing his racism between Halle's legs? :blushing: Now that was almost porno! :lmao:


New Member

Who knows what billy bob's character would of did if she was fat.. I don't think he would of given her two looks.. Thats my point... Since the black girl looked good, then he banged her out..

Most men would bang out a good looking girl... Thats my opinion.. I know guys that will not be with fat girls, I know guys that don't care what she looks like.. Its called Preference!!!!

The writer of the movie, thought it would be better to use a fine black female to catch the white mans character..

We are talking hollywood!!! I hear white men all the time saying, I would screw a black girl but not marry her..

My case and point is - I think fat people are lazy.. Im being honest.. Why is that so difficult to understand!!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It is Florida, TT - Florence was George Jefferson's maid. We're talking about JJ's mother.


Hairball Magnet
Wow, I feel like it's the movie Groundhog's Day! Aren't we reliving Friday all over again? I think it's the heat making everyone so cranky. (I know I AM!)

I was wondering where everyone was this afternoon! Who woulda thought the flame wars would be held on the MOVIE REVIEW thread, of all benign places?

Jeez...I'm SO BUMMED OUT! TT would probably not speak to me because I need to lose about 20 pounds... (but if I lose a pound so that I'm only 19 pounds overweight, you'll be my friend?) :rolleyes:

And Jet, you almost made me pee my pants! :biggrin:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sierra39
I need to lose about 20 pounds...
You can join the rest of us lazy fatties in the losers club. Weekly meetings will be at the AYCE buffet. See ya there! :getdown:


Hairball Magnet
When do we start?

Cool Sharon! Sounds like a plan...we can all sit around and discuss such scintillating topics as:

1. How to Deal with Bigotry Against the Fat and Lazy on the Internet
2. Automated Home Maintenance for the Chronically Fat and Lazy
3. Designer Mu-Mu's for the Fat and Lazy Who Still Wanna Look Cool
4. 101 Sweat-Free Careers for the Fat and Lazy
5. Subversive Retalliation at AYCE Buffets for the Fat and Lazy

and for Cari (who can be our token non- fat and lazy person), we'll have a special guest speaker to cover the topics of:

1. Little-Known Aspects of Paganism in Christian Religions Today
2. 101 Ways to Discredit the Annoying Online
3. Showing Your Soft Side – When It Pays and When It Doesn't
4. Dare to Be a Bitch, Part X



b*tch rocket
Hey now Cari! I consider myself to be a devout Christian! Unlike you and Vrai who are heathen non believers! :wink: I've just not progressed to preacher yet! :lmao:

TT, I do have a question though, what if you're not really all that fat, but you are lazy, is it the fat part or the lazy part? I'm about as lazy as they come!:biggrin:


My Sweetest Boy

I had to log off at 4:30 so I could lazily amble home to fix a non-stop buffet for me and my also lazy husband. I missed all the fun! Sierra, you are nuts...we must be in the right place, then. We were accused of being nuts, as I recall. Guess I'm a fat, lazy nut. I ride the Keller bus on occasion but I'm the one pressed up against the maybe I'm not fat but I need to lose pounds for sure and riding around in the new Mustang every night to get ice cream isn't helping. Gee, I'm rambling ...nothing's making sense...this must be the right thread because I can't make any sense out of TT...hmmmnnn..had a cat named TT once..she wasn't fat OR lazy...:hohum:


New Member
To funny

I have known TT for 2 months here at this job.
The most funniest thing, she does all of it on
purpose. She knows what gets people mad and upset. She does it to this guy all the time
here at work.. And he falls for it every single
time. I don't know anything about her christian
beliefs, she never talks about them. From what
I know about her, she does it to get a reaction
from people. And she knows exactly who to do it too.

We joke alot here at work, she makes things fun and exciting. One thing I do know she has respect for Blondie. She talks about her on occassion when we ride the keller bus sometimes together.

She is going to kill me for typing all this stuff.
But I feel its neccessary to come to my buddies
rescue, because I deal with her on a daily basis.

I may not agree with her insight on things, but she will have your back if your her friend. Most of you guys took her way to serious, I gotta laugh.. :razz2:


New Member

You just did it yourself. No need in passing on that information. Don't be mad at yourself, because you got caught up. But I'm not getting into this back and forth, you said your peace, I'm saying mine. This crowd is way to serious...


New Member
I think I did say it was funny

TT is a born comedian. She takes things and turn them around. That is what is funny.. I am but only a friend, co-worker.. I don't know what goes on in her mind, so if she is serious or not, I can only go what I see on the outside.. I know from working here with her, she does it to everybody, who allows her to do it.. Thats what Im saying..

It wasn't funny to you, or anyone else, because you only know her from the computer.. But I know her in the flesh.. I am a white girl, that likes hanging out with the black girl.. I'm not here to change your minds about her.. I just know her from seeing her every single day..
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