More ABWs on a roll


Well-Known Member
Ok, I’m going to disagree here. Look at the picture on the left. Feet aren’t set, twisting at the back, arms flexed, this is not the form required to powerfully smash someone with a chair. Contrast that with the picture on the right. Notice the feet are set, this allows for either a powerful swing or an equally powerful launch. Next see the hips, well padded and turned to provide maximum follow through. This is classic Sumo form. Now onto the arms, the first thing we notice is the tattoo work which tends to disguise the attack, much in the same way as a WW2 destroyer. Now notice how she’s got it cocked over the right shoulder, this allows for either the smashing overhead blow or the launch of the object over the first row of defenders. Next look at the set of the jaw, on the right the jaw says quit acting up and we can have a cup of tea and if all goes well we’ll tie each up for a while. Contrast this with the picture on the right, the set of the jaw here says “I gonna **** you up and then I’m gonna **** you up again”.

This synopsis brought to you by Mutual of Omahas Wild Kingdom, I’m your host Merlin99 Perkins along with Jim Fowler wishing you a happy New Year
So true I love Wild Kingdom


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
