Just shoot the ****** cow..what the ****???
High Velocity Mineral Supplement.45 Lead Injection Needed
This doesn't happen in a civilized society.
I love the vids of them getting karma. Booby traps, glitter bombs, paint bucket on the head....And it could work for porch pirates too.
This doesn't happen in a civilized society.
The black ones in that video are feral...scum...non-human beings. I just got off the phone talking for a half hour to one of my lifetime best friends who happens to be black and a county deputy. What makes the difference???
High levels of MAOA-L, Monoamine oxidase & testosterone.What makes the difference???
Oh. Thought it was the joint pain and shakes that made older people more passive.thus the reduction in violence in older populations.
Not confused on Fathers day would be my guess.The black ones in that video are feral...scum...non-human beings. I just got off the phone talking for a half hour to one of my lifetime best friends who happens to be black and a county deputy. What makes the difference???
Flint schools superintendent referred to the incident as "a physical altercation between two scholars."
High school teacher knocked unconscious after female student hurls metal chair at her head in Flint, Michigan: source
Flint schools superintendent referred to the incident as “a physical altercation between two scholars.”thepostmillennial.com
The incident took place at Southewestern Classical Academy,
This makes me sick. That poor kid doesn't stand a chance.