More on the Biden Crime Family


Well-Known Member
Hunter must have been on crack to take a laptop with kiddie porn on it to be repaired.
And then to leave it there. One of the most stupid moves I ever read about


Power with Control
Jesus christ you idiots will believe anything.

This is what happens when the elderly get access to the internet and didnt grow up with it and dont know how to read things to understand if they are true or not.

"When the New York Post published the alleged contents of a computer hard drive purporting to document the Ukrainian and Chinese business activities of Hunter Biden, the newspaper cast the information as a "smoking gun."

Enter the FBI.

Less than three weeks before one of the most contentious presidential campaigns in history, federal authorities are investigating whether the material supplied to the Post by Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, is part of a smoke bomb of disinformation pushed by Russia.

The inquiry, according to a person familiar with the matter, is at least in part, aimed at determining whether Russia has set its sights on a familiar target: Biden's father, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. The person is not authorized to comment on the matter publicly and asked not to be named in order to speak candidly."

So, yet again, we see a stark contrast. Names, dates and places and people willing to step forward. As always, its being contested by "sources close to", "unnamed sources", "anonymous sources with inside knowledge".

They feel they don't need to really answer the allegations, just throw enough sand in the air to get past the election.


PREMO Member
Jesus Christ you idiots will believe anything.

Hunter and Joe Biden with Kenes Rakishev (far left), and Kazakhstan’s former prime minister, Karim Massimov.

Hunter and Joe Biden with Kenes Rakishev (left) and Kazakhstan's former prime minister, Karim Massimov (right)


Well-Known Member
Hunter must have been on crack to take a laptop with kiddie porn on it to be repaired.
And then to leave it there. One of the most stupid moves I ever read about

Computer repairman said he looked drugged.


Well-Known Member
Hunter and Joe Biden with Kenes Rakishev (far left), and Kazakhstan’s former prime minister, Karim Massimov.

Hunter and Joe Biden with Kenes Rakishev (left) and Kazakhstan's former prime minister, Karim Massimov (right)
What’s your point? Didn’t you dismiss the dozens of pictures of Trump and Epstein? Or the “criminal” Clinton’s?

We’ve alll heard this story before from Trump and Guliani and they have both lost all credibility.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
What’s your point? Didn’t you dismiss the dozens of pictures of Trump and Epstein? Or the “criminal” Clinton’s?

We’ve alll heard this story before from Trump and Guliani and they have both lost all credibility.
I can feel the breeze from all that desperate hand waving all the way over heah,,,,


Well-Known Member
Biden is a Crony Establishment Drone and a Lying Sack of crap

Spin Baby Spin ..... Hunter is going to Jail

Just like Hillary and all the others.

If you haven’t figured out Trumps game by now you are beyond all hope. Everyone but him is a criminal. Everyone but him is lying. Everyone but him is means and has it out for him.

How can you not see a pattern after four years of the same crap?

The only ones going to jail are the Trumps


PREMO Member
The only ones going to jail are the Trumps


Based on What ... come one Sapidus some facts, not progressive OPINION and Not Fantasy Conjecture

Everyone but him is a criminal.

Be Specific - What Crimes has Trump been Charged with ...... even the NYT could not show any Russian Collusion with there tax story

Everyone but him is lying.

yeah ok ..... Trump is a lot of this, I've admittted this repeatedly - he is a boorish, self promoting, prevaricator, who get crap wrong from time to time

I'll still take the Anti Establishment Outsider over the Crony Establishment Pol who has done nothing in 47 yrs except use his Political Position to enrich himself and his drug addled son Hunter

At least Trump made his money on his own, yeah trading on the Trump Brand whom everyone wanted a piece of, and not his positioon in Government as a Senator and then VP
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Well-Known Member
Just like Hillary and all the others.

If you haven’t figured out Trumps game by now you are beyond all hope. Everyone but him is a criminal. Everyone but him is lying. Everyone but him is means and has it out for him.

How can you not see a pattern after four years of the same crap?

The only ones going to jail are the Trumps


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Pretty cool how Kushner was instrumental in negotiating that breakthrough middle east peace treaty, eh?

What did Slow Joe or Barry ever accomplish over there?...besides starting a bunch of regional conflicts, I mean.

Besides..that tweet is a total lie. "all Trumps kids" are not working at the White House. You libs are insane...every thing you post is a lie.