More RW propaganda on global warming...


itsbob said:
I mean, of course the earth warms, it cools too, it's cyclic and if you look at past hitory you can see the cycles and also see we SHOULD be in the middle of a warming cycle, in that instance I believe in Global Warming.
Yeah, I mean it was just as recent as in the early 70s climatologists were predicting a global ice age was coming and we were all going to die. All I can say is :faint: I’m glad that’s over and we are finally warming up. :sarcasm:


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...we can figure out all the details later. In the mean time we HAVE to DO SOMETHING, NOW. :jameo:

Before it's TOO LATE.

That's just what the liberal media wants you to think. They only report matters in a partisan way in order to push forward their radical agenda of supporting terrorists. They use nonsense like "facts" and "science" in order to do this...but we won't fall for it. Think about it...if they didn't want Al Gore to win Oscars and get rich so he could fund Al-Qaeda, we would never have heard anything about "global warming".

If the liberal, mainstream media were to report on things in a fair and balanced manner, they wouldn't even call it "pollution" or "smog". They'd call it exactly what it is: Freedom Clouds.

You know why America is responsible for producing the majority of the worlds Freedom Clouds? Because we have the most Freedom, that's why! So much so, that our Freedom Clouds are enjoyed by everyone all over the world...for free! But you wouldn't know that if you only watched NBC sir.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Lenny said:
Let me get this straight. Al agrees with Andy that balanced reporting is biased reporting and must therefore be condemned? Does that mean that Fox news is a spokesperson for the anti-Chirst and must be destroyed?

No actually this is fairly consistent with a point he made in "Earth in the Balance". He doesn't think it's journalistically honest to present both sides of a debate IF the larger consensus is extremely biased to one side.

For example - aren't there two sides to the debate on whether the Holocaust took place, or the moon landing? You have those who say it did, and those that say it didn't. So therefore, the two sides are *even* - or at least, it appears that way because each side is granted equal time on the air.

In Gore's mind the issue of global warming is completely settled, so presenting it as a balanced argument is as ridiculous as giving equal time to flat earthers. It gives the illusion that the jury is out on the subject, but it's not. It's more like, there are STILL people out there who believe the moon is made of green cheese, but it doesn't mean a discussion needs to be "balanced".


Super Genius
Kerad said:
If the liberal, mainstream media were to report on things in a fair and balanced manner, they wouldn't even call it "pollution" or "smog". They'd call it exactly what it is: Freedom Clouds.

You know why America is responsible for producing the majority of the worlds Freedom Clouds? Because we have the most Freedom, that's why! So much so, that our Freedom Clouds are enjoyed by everyone all over the world...for free! But you wouldn't know that if you only watched NBC sir.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kerad said:
That's just what the liberal media wants you to think. They only report matters in a partisan way in order to push forward their radical agenda of supporting terrorists. They use nonsense like "facts" and "science" in order to do this...but we won't fall for it. Think about it...if they didn't want Al Gore to win Oscars and get rich so he could fund Al-Qaeda, we would never have heard anything about "global warming".

If the liberal, mainstream media were to report on things in a fair and balanced manner, they wouldn't even call it "pollution" or "smog". They'd call it exactly what it is: Freedom Clouds.

You know why America is responsible for producing the majority of the worlds Freedom Clouds? Because we have the most Freedom, that's why! So much so, that our Freedom Clouds are enjoyed by everyone all over the world...for free! But you wouldn't know that if you only watched NBC sir.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Kerad said:

That's just what the liberal media wants you to think. They only report matters in a partisan way in order to push forward their radical agenda of supporting terrorists. They use nonsense like "facts" and "science" in order to do this...but we won't fall for it. Think about it...if they didn't want Al Gore to win Oscars and get rich so he could fund Al-Qaeda, we would never have heard anything about "global warming".

If the liberal, mainstream media were to report on things in a fair and balanced manner, they wouldn't even call it "pollution" or "smog". They'd call it exactly what it is: Freedom Clouds.

You know why America is responsible for producing the majority of the worlds Freedom Clouds? Because we have the most Freedom, that's why! So much so, that our Freedom Clouds are enjoyed by everyone all over the world...for free! But you wouldn't know that if you only watched NBC sir.

...facts and science. I didn't expect you to fall out of character with such a resounding thud.



New Member
Do you all have any scientific evidence that you use to dismiss global warming :confused: I'm just curious because alot of the threads I see, say something about global warming being a media inspired frenzy. Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the subject is all :flowers:


Super Genius
Seraphim said:
Do you all have any scientific evidence that you use to dismiss global warming :confused: I'm just curious because alot of the threads I see, say something about global warming being a media inspired frenzy. Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the subject is all :flowers:
I can accept global warming. I just disagree that humanity is the main cause. Scientific evidence? According to the plots for CO2 levels provided by the environmentalists (if they actually give you ones that go back far enough), there is a similar spike of CO2 every 125,000 years. Try to prove that industrialization caused those...

I'll try to find a link...truby20 provided it initially.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The science...

Seraphim said:
Do you all have any scientific evidence that you use to dismiss global warming :confused: I'm just curious because alot of the threads I see, say something about global warming being a media inspired frenzy. Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on the subject is all :flowers:

...I used is limited to the nature of the stated problem; excess CO2 in the atmosphere is trapping heat from the planet at dangerous and catastrophic levels.

CO2 is essential to life on this planet.

Plants cannot live or produce oxygen without it.

A CO2 molecule is heavier than an oxygen molecule.

We're told back in the day atmospheric CO2 levels were around 270 ppm or so. We're told that they've leaped to somewhere around 350 ppm today.

Supplementing, adding CO2 to plants enhances their growth at levels up to 1,000 ppm. 2,000 ppm is toxic. Now, that's a scary word, but it means, in context of plant growth, that it's no longer benefiting the plant and is simply excessive, not deadly.

If you live in a 'normal' home, CO2 levels run from 350-1,000 ppm. If you live in a stuffy home, it's more like 1,000-2,000 ppm. At this level, people tend to be drowsy. From 2,000-5,000 people get headaches, have trouble concentrating, are sleepy all the time and have elevated heart rates. At all of these levels, though not ideal, plants still live and grow. So do humans.

So, open a window more often.

Where does it go? Life requires CO2. The ocean consumes it as does every single blade of grass or leaf on a tree or vine in a jungle. It gets consumed.

Do your own research on the net to get a feel for co2 and consider it in context. Coastal cities have changed over the years, dramatically in some cases, long before the industrial age, due to sea level and continental changes. How can that be? The earth belches all manner of true toxins from it's uncountable cracks and seams, both into the air and into the sea in titanic volumes every second of time. Plant decay, human breathing, all manner of natural occurrence involve CO2.

And here's the bottom line; If the worst of human activity is really true, Al Gores inconvenient truth, if C02 is actually a man made horror, a ticking time bomb, then we're all dead anyway because there is NO way to do ANYTHING about it.

Consider the levels of human activity today, including growing food. We're going to increase human CO2 output by something like 70% over the next 50 years simply due to population growth. Couple that with estimates that the rise in CO2 over the last 150 years has helped greatly increase food output AND natural habitat growth.

If you reduce CO2 output you WILL reduce the ability to heat, shelter and feed massive numbers of humans. Think of all the activity that goes into manufacturing any and everything that goes into a human life.

Of course, if we all just go back to nature, live in mud huts and eat weeds, man made CO2 levels will plummet, 100's of millions will die and the earth will not even notice.

In short, the only way to stop CO2 climb is to kill off vast numbers of humans. And for what? To address a temperature change that is statistically irrelevant in the planets history?

People get invested in ideas, flat earth, sea monsters, ice ages, global warming, the designated hitter, and that's it; they're invested. It MUST be. None of these things have practical solutions. None of these things are gonna change without some unforeseen counter reaction that may be worse than the original unfounded fear, but, yah gotta BELEIVE. It gives people reason to go on, to get up every day.

For me, I believe that irrational fear causes global warming.


Super Genius
Larry Gude said:
We're told back in the day atmospheric CO2 levels were around 270 ppm or so. We're told that they've leaped to somewhere around 350 ppm today.
A point about that...the "back in the day" CO2 data is obtained from ice core samples in the arctic. Concentrations today are measured in Hawaii. There is an adjustment factor based on location that should be applied...and they conveniently don't apply it.

...and that is an inconvenient truth :lmao:
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Doesn't fit...

ylexot said:
A point about that...the "back in the day" CO2 data is obtained from ice core samples in the arctic. Concentrations today are measured in Hawaii. There is an adjustment factor based on location that should be applied...and they conveniently don't apply it.

...and that is an inconvenient truth :lmao:

...the paradigm.

This is a religion complete with everything you need to explain away whatever inconsistencies, or facts, that arise.

People want something to believe in.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...the paradigm.

This is a religion complete with everything you need to explain away whatever inconsistencies, or facts, that arise.

People want something to believe in.

Hey you, get off of my freedom cloud!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't worry...

Idiot said:
Hey you, get off of my freedom cloud! won't be around much longer. We're killing ALL the clouds. it we're making more clouds?

But...more clouds would be...shady, ie, cooler?

Or is cool bad?

Or is BAD good!??!?!?

:jameo: :jameo: :jameo:


I'm the Boss of Me
Seems to me that most people who don't believe in global warming, have that belief because the alternative view is too painful. They like to have a nice comfortable world where everything will be okay. Well, you can deny the truth only so long as it doesn't come up and smack you in face.


Super Genius
forestal said:
Seems to me that most people who don't believe in global warming, have that belief because the alternative view is too painful. They like to have a nice comfortable world where everything will be okay. Well, you can deny the truth only so long as it doesn't come up and smack you in face.
Provide proof of what you consider to be "the truth" and I might agree with you :shrug: