Coventry17 said:
No matter how divided the country may seem on the Iraq situation, there's nowhere near the amount of tension and civil strife that was present during the Viet Nam era. The country survived that one and we'll get through this one, too.
I was around for VN and I even though I served my country when I was called on I held similar views about that war as I do this one. And while I remember being called unpatriot by people with opposing views I was never called irresponsible by the POTUS or accused of aiding and abetting the enemy by the VPOTUS simply because I questioned their policies. Nor do I recall being called a terrorist or traitor by those on the other side of the argument. Maybe that sentiment was there and I was somehow isolated from it.
The internet has certainly made a big difference as far as people being able to spread their message much further, whether that message is of tolerance or hatred. Maybe that's the difference. Anyway, I hope you're right.