I haven't finished the book yet.... but I'm working on it....
In the meanwhile.... I see why some might want to be this mean.... you're afraid that there might be a danger. I'm sure you would have fit right in with the Pharisees that dogged our Savior, saying He was working for Satan.
Sure.... Joseph Smith might have made a few wrong turns.... then again... maybe he did what he was told to do.... I wasn't there so I don't know....
I do believe there were others on the face of the planet who geographically could not receive the message directly from Biblical Prophets....
Should they go blindly in the darkness... Wouldn't God have sent them prophets and teachers as well?
If the continents shifted during the fall of Sodom [which is very possible], what would happen to the humans left on the continent across the oceans.... did they have to wait until the explorers and pirates brought them the good news?
Think about it.... Is it possible that a remnant of the tribe that was saved when Noah built the ark got stranded on another continent? Is it possible [even probable] that God had a plan to get the good news to them as well?
You, Stonethrower, talk about the biblical citations against cussing and then you post a miserable nasty screaming hateful thing like this instead of using the love of Christ to help those you deem to be blind.
You claim to have read the book of Mormon.... I'm in the 15th chapter of Helaman.... that's about 5 years before the birth of Christ.... I've seen the first commandment guide a society through some pretty horrible times.... These people follow the commandments or they suffer.... isn't that the same story as the Biblical Old Testament? The preachers [priests they are called] all talk about a Savior coming.... isn't that what the Biblical Prophets were talking about? If they were on another continent... would God leave them out?
Why would God leave out people who were geographically unable to hear the words of the Biblical Prophets? Doesn't He desire that all should have the information they would need to choose to follow Him?
Does God leave out the gays, lesbians, transvestites, trans-genders, adulterers, thieves, drunkards, liars, and murderers? Why wouldn't He have a plan for those who got stuck in a place where they could not hear the words of Isaiah for themselves... first hand.... or stand along the road watching Jesus beaten and bloody struggling to carry the cross?
Sure... you'll call it and alternate Gospel.... I haven't ruled that out because I haven't read the whole book yet.... but let me tell you... I know some Mormons who have a deep relationship with Christ that shames a lot of Bible toting babblers who say very nasty things and toot their own horns by quoting their own preaching.
After writing this morning I continued to read....
Helaman 16 seemed to just talk to me.... I left the link here for those of you who are brave enough to take a gander.... maybe you'll find it interesting.... I'm putting this here because I think Stonethrower's post was so nasty....