Mormons and polygamy


I bowl overhand
Stonethrower says that by talking about the Book of Mormon the Mormons are spreading lies.

I'm reading the Book of Mormon and so far [and I've read up to the book of Mormon in the Book] I haven't found the part that promotes polygamy. He claims to have read the book. He says it's an alternate gospel and I am going to hell. He says I have scales over my eyes.


They can't prove the Book of Mormon is a lie anymore than they can prove the Bible is true...

Is just ridiculous that they think Mormons will be cast out in hell because their beliefs are not lockstep with theirs.. yet the Mormons believe EVERYone will be afforded a chance to sit in heaven (except for a very select few).


Active Member
Stonethrower says that by talking about the Book of Mormon the Mormons are spreading lies.

I'm reading the Book of Mormon and so far [and I've read up to the book of Mormon in the Book] I haven't found the part that promotes polygamy. He claims to have read the book. He says it's an alternate gospel and I am going to hell. He says I have scales over my eyes.


I am sorry, I missed the part where he affected his own eternal security by judging the condition of your soul and condemned you to hell. Would you point that out to me?

I asked you a question earlier: are you aware that LDS doctrine is not strictly confined to the BoM?


Active Member
They can't prove the Book of Mormon is a lie anymore than they can prove the Bible is true...

Is just ridiculous that they think Mormons will be cast out in hell because their beliefs are not lockstep with theirs.. yet the Mormons believe EVERYone will be afforded a chance to sit in heaven (except for a very select few).

"afforded a chance to sit in heaven" - What does this mean exactly? According to LDS doctrine:
1. What is heaven?
2. Who goes there?
3. How does one get to "heaven"?

And since you are speaking for what "they" believe (I can't specifically tell what group of people you are referring to - my apologies), please answer the same three questions for "they".

Thanks for your time.


New Member
I am sorry, I missed the part where he affected his own eternal security by judging the condition of your soul and condemned you to hell. Would you point that out to me?

I asked you a question earlier: are you aware that LDS doctrine is not strictly confined to the BoM?

I can't find it either right now.... maybe it got erased....

I know that my buddy the Mormon has a book like the one I'm reading but hers has the Old and New Testament in the front. I know there is more to read when I finish the section I'm in. I've already read the stuff in the book about finding the plates.... I know there are Pearls of Wisdom.... and there are covenants.... I've still got that part of the book I have....

Like I said.... so far... the book does not support polygamy.

I do like the book. It's easy reading, so far.



Active Member
His comment is a lie. The comment is not true, he knows it's not true, so it is a lie. Clear enough for you?

No. Not really. You are telling me that the LDS Doctrine supports the entire truth of the entire Bible? Or is there more to this story? Are you LDS?


Active Member
I can't find it either right now.... maybe it got erased....

I know that my buddy the Mormon has a book like the one I'm reading but hers has the Old and New Testament in the front. I know there is more to read when I finish the section I'm in. I've already read the stuff in the book about finding the plates.... I know there are Pearls of Wisdom.... and there are covenants.... I've still got that part of the book I have....

Like I said.... so far... the book does not support polygamy.

I do like the book. It's easy reading, so far.


Is it possible you read incorrectly?
Or is it possible you misinterpreted?

I'd be willing to hear how he weighs in to this directly (that is, if he hasn't "shaken the dust", so to speak). You know, to get the true story directly from the source and all...


Active Member
I know that my buddy the Mormon has a book like the one I'm reading but hers has the Old and New Testament in the front. I know there is more to read when I finish the section I'm in. I've already read the stuff in the book about finding the plates.... I know there are Pearls of Wisdom.... and there are covenants.... I've still got that part of the book I have....

Like I said.... so far... the book does not support polygamy.

I do like the book. It's easy reading, so far.


It is called a Quad - four books. And is that all the authoritative literature of the LDS faith? And is the written word their only authoritative source? What else, if anything, constitutes LDS doctrine?

And will you investigate all of it? CAN you investigate all of it? Do you know any LDS who have? And if so, will they share it all with you? The full story?


Lem Putt
No. Not really. You are telling me that the LDS Doctrine supports the entire truth of the entire Bible? Or is there more to this story? Are you LDS?

He said:

No they do NOT they use a small part of the King James Not all of it!

That is not true. He presented it as true, it is not true, so he is either a moron or he is lying. I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he is not a moron, therefore he is lying.

They use as much of the bible as anyone else does. To say otherwise is a lie. Now do you understand?


Lem Putt
You should've went with moron.

I know. I've dealt with him enough to know you are 100% right. Did you see his post a few months ago complaining about the noise and wanting to call the HOA? Those damn cicadas weren't respecting his desire for peace and quiet.


New Member
It is called a Quad - four books. And is that all the authoritative literature of the LDS faith? And is the written word their only authoritative source? What else, if anything, constitutes LDS doctrine?

And will you investigate all of it? CAN you investigate all of it? Do you know any LDS who have? And if so, will they share it all with you? The full story?

I don't know. I'm reading the book.... which is a lot more than some people will do before passing judgment.

There are a lot of people who claim to know all about the Christian faith without having read the whole Bible.

I do have a friend who is LDS. She also teaches the Old Testament to youth. She knows the New Testament better than I do. I have another friend who knows the history of the Mormons. She knows the stories behind a lot [if not all] the doctrines.

I don't know if I'll read everything that has been written about the LDS. I plan to finish this book.

Meanwhile.... I plan to finish the Gospels on line and continue reading and studying the New Testament again.

The only thing I know for certain.... I belong to Jesus.



New Member
"afforded a chance to sit in heaven" - What does this mean exactly? According to LDS doctrine:
1. What is heaven?
2. Who goes there?
3. How does one get to "heaven"?

And since you are speaking for what "they" believe (I can't specifically tell what group of people you are referring to - my apologies), please answer the same three questions for "they".

Thanks for your time.

So I contacted my friend. Here are the answers to your questions from a wonderful mother, wife, and friend who has been in the church her whole life.

1. What is heaven? Heaven is where God dwells. It is our eternal home, we know there are many mansions in heaven John 14:2. There are three degrees of glory (Corinthians 15:40-42), we will be judged by Christ after His second coming and be assigned to a kingdom (telestial, terrestrial, & celestial), this will be determined by how we lived our mortal life. We are eternally Christ's children,(1 John 5:11-13) he ransomed us, we owe him our mortal lives by forsaking the world. If we really want to know answers to our questions we ask him!!! He will tell us! 1 John 5:14-15

2. Who goes there? I believe that it is what's going on here on earth. Missionary work, the Lord's work, his Gospel. In heaven people are taught Christ's gospel, to follow and know him, become like him, and become one with Him. So the work is teaching and learning and we are all at different levels of understanding and obedience.

3. How does one get to "heaven"? I believe the spirit world is all around us. There are both good and evil spirits working with us or against us in our quest to endure to the end in mortality. If we want to live with God we must rely totally on Christ to get us there he is the gatekeeper! We must listen for and follow promptings of the Holy Ghost exactly, it is the voice of God. If one repents of all sins they are forgiven through the power of His Atonement, even of murder; (denying the Holy Ghost is the only son that is not forgivable. Mark 3:28-30.) We will earn our reward based on our life lived here...2 Corinthians 5:7

So that's my take. ;-)​



New Member
So I contacted my friend. Here are the answers to your questions from a wonderful mother, wife, and friend who has been in the church her whole life.

1. What is heaven? Heaven is where God dwells. It is our eternal home, we know there are many mansions in heaven John 14:2. There are three degrees of glory (Corinthians 15:40-42), we will be judged by Christ after His second coming and be assigned to a kingdom (telestial, terrestrial, & celestial), this will be determined by how we lived our mortal life. We are eternally Christ's children,(1 John 5:11-13) he ransomed us, we owe him our mortal lives by forsaking the world. If we really want to know answers to our questions we ask him!!! He will tell us! 1 John 5:14-15

2. Who goes there? I believe that it is what's going on here on earth. Missionary work, the Lord's work, his Gospel. In heaven people are taught Christ's gospel, to follow and know him, become like him, and become one with Him. So the work is teaching and learning and we are all at different levels of understanding and obedience.

3. How does one get to "heaven"? I believe the spirit world is all around us. There are both good and evil spirits working with us or against us in our quest to endure to the end in mortality. If we want to live with God we must rely totally on Christ to get us there he is the gatekeeper! We must listen for and follow promptings of the Holy Ghost exactly, it is the voice of God. If one repents of all sins they are forgiven through the power of His Atonement, even of murder; (denying the Holy Ghost is the only son that is not forgivable. Mark 3:28-30.) We will earn our reward based on our life lived here...2 Corinthians 5:7

So that's my take. ;-)​


Since you asked....