Mother in law babysitting children


New Member
Okay my husband and I have been fighting ever since his mother has been babysitting our kids while we are at work. My problem is that she baby sits them at our house. I don't like the fact that every single day she is over there. On top of it she does things that drives me crazy like moving things around to where she wants them, washing my clothes, the list goes on and on. He says I'm acting like a "little girl". I asked him to ask her to just babysit the kids. He won't do it. He says there is nothing wrong with what she is doing. It's driving me crazy. We can't afford to put them in daycare right now. Am I wrong and am I acting like a little girl or should he respect me and ask her to stop?
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New Member
So you are NOT PAYING this woman and she is watching your children, cleaning up your house and washing your clothes, and you have a problem with it? Send her to my house!!


Well-Known Member
MissMissy said:
Okay my husband and I have been fighting ever since his mother has been babysitting our kids while we are at work. My problem is that she baby sits them at our house. I don't like the fact that every single day she is over there. On top of it she does things that drives me crazy like moving things around to where she wants them, washing my clothes, the list goes on and on. He says I'm acting like a "little girl". I asked him to ask her to just babysit the kids. He won't do it. He says there is nothing wrong with what she is doing. It's driving me crazy. We can't afford to put them in daycare right now. Am I wrong and am I acting like a little girl or should he respect me and ask her to stop?
Is there a reason YOU can't put boundaries on what she does while she's in YOUR house? However, your complaint kind of sounds like a control issue - it's your house and you want things done your way. I'm not saying that's bad, it IS your house. But, some parents really are just trying to help, and maybe don't realize they're seen as intrusive (is it too much that this was on Everybody Loves Raymond last night!).


Sounds like MIL is doing you a huge favor and you should stop biatching and be grateful to her. If you don't want her to do you laundry or move your stuff, be mature enough to talk to her about it yourself. Remember, she took care of your husband for MANY years before you came along so he is used to it and probably not willing to hurt her feelings. You don't like it, fix it yourself.
Wo-Man up.


New Member
On the serious side, have you spoken to her about moving things around or doing the laundry? Just be honest and tell her it makes you feel uncomfortable. Just make it seem like you think that by her doing all those things that you are taking advantage of her and you'd rather her just focus on the kids and give them the 100% attention they need.


Probably Both

Tough one here because you have the relationship with your MIL, relationship with your husband and your husband's relationship with his Mom. Do you think that she realizes the things that she does bothers you? Could you speak with her directly in a mature constructive objective way? :elaine: I don't know that I would want my husband talking to his mom for me as much as I would want to come to an amicable agreement directly with her. But it is oh so easy for me to arm chair quarterback. In the end, remember the reason why she is help you, and try to be appreciative of that. I couldn't watch kids all day and not do something else or have things the way I want them. :smack:


My Sweetest Boy
jetmonkey said:
You should go to her house and do her laundry, see how she likes it.

When I babysit Boy, I always do Pete's laundry. I get bored, I just can't sit. Maybe the m-i-l gets bored too.


New Member
cattitude said:
When I babysit Boy, I always do Pete's laundry. I get bored, I just can't sit. Maybe the m-i-l gets bored too.
Will you babysit Lucy and Willy next time I go on travel?


I am so very blessed
cattitude said:
When I babysit Boy, I always do Pete's laundry. I get bored, I just can't sit. Maybe the m-i-l gets bored too.
Bubba needs a babisitter every now and then. :whistle:




Pea Brain
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
When I babysit Boy, I always do Pete's laundry. I get bored, I just can't sit. Maybe the m-i-l gets bored too.
What do Pete's underpants look like?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
So, you have two kids that you can't afford daycare for and your MIL is watching the kids for free, I assume, AND she's doing your laundry. Man. You poor thing.