Mother in law babysitting children


My Sweetest Boy
BS Gal said:
So, you have two kids that you can't afford daycare for and your MIL is watching the kids for free, I assume, AND she's doing your laundry. Man. You poor thing.

sux don't it?


something makes me think she's not getting the answers she was looking for and could take back to her hubby and say....see, all these people agree with me. :lmao:


New Member
cattitude said:
Not really, didja ever see the movie Shallow Hall? :thongscene:


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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
cattitude said:
sux don't it?

And to think, mil probably gets the kids dressed in the a.m., gets them their breakfast, cleans up after them all day, plus doing the laundry and "moving things", most probably from the dishwasher to the cupboards or the laundry room to the proper closets and drawers, once cleaned, folded, ironed and dried. That would really send me over the edge. I'm telling you, if she's washing sheets and making beds, the woman of the house should probably put that mil in her place. :rolleyes:


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MissMissy said:
Okay my husband and I have been fighting ever since his mother has been babysitting our kids while we are at work. My problem is that she baby sits them at our house. I don't like the fact that every single day she is over there. On top of it she does things that drives me crazy like moving things around to where she wants them, washing my clothes, the list goes on and on. He says I'm acting like a "little girl". I asked him to ask her to just babysit the kids. He won't do it. He says there is nothing wrong with what she is doing. It's driving me crazy. We can't afford to put them in daycare right now. Am I wrong and am I acting like a little girl or should he respect me and ask her to stop?
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YOU should speak up to her if YOU don't like it. If she is taking great care of the kids, I would just count your blessings that you have that available to you. Honestly, I'd be THRILLED to be in your situation. :lmao:


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BS Gal said:
So, you have two kids that you can't afford daycare for and your MIL is watching the kids for free, I assume, AND she's doing your laundry. Man. You poor thing.

:lmao: I don't get it either.


Well-Known Member
I think you should lighten up a little. This is your husband's mother for heaven's sake. Certainly you can deal with these small annoyances in light of everything that she is doing for you. Sorry, but you sound a little spoiled... Think about what's important - she is caring for your most precious possessions, and saving you hundreds of dollars, plus doing extra work for you. I'm sure you can live with your stuff being moved around. How ungrateful!

Here, you need this: :buttkick:


Wow, after reading through all this, I see not many agree with her. I have to say, I don't either. She has no idea how lucky she is and I don't think she's getting quite the responses she was expecting. Oh well, if nothing else, maybe she learned it's not all that bad and it will stop the fighting with her hubby.


New Member
MissMissy said:
Okay my husband and I have been fighting ever since his mother has been babysitting our kids while we are at work. My problem is that she baby sits them at our house. I don't like the fact that every single day she is over there. On top of it she does things that drives me crazy like moving things around to where she wants them, washing my clothes, the list goes on and on. He says I'm acting like a "little girl". I asked him to ask her to just babysit the kids. He won't do it. He says there is nothing wrong with what she is doing. It's driving me crazy. We can't afford to put them in daycare right now. Am I wrong and am I acting like a little girl or should he respect me and ask her to stop?
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If he really loved you he'd get a second job.


Active Member
riverrat said:
So you are NOT PAYING this woman and she is watching your children, cleaning up your house and washing your clothes, and you have a problem with it? Send her to my house!!

I didn't see anything in there about cooking. Sounds like she is worthless to me.


Watch it
vraiblonde said:
I agreed with her in the other thread. MIL is out of line.

The MIL tries to do something nice by cleaning. Maybe she thinks the parents work hard enough and is trying to help. Why is that "out of line"? All this chic has to do is saying "thanks for offering, but no thanks". Quit being a big chicken and talk to's your MOTHER-IN-LAW for God's sake not some stranger.


MissMissy said:
Okay my husband and I have been fighting ever since his mother has been babysitting our kids while we are at work. My problem is that she baby sits them at our house. I don't like the fact that every single day she is over there. On top of it she does things that drives me crazy like moving things around to where she wants them, washing my clothes, the list goes on and on. He says I'm acting like a "little girl". I asked him to ask her to just babysit the kids. He won't do it. He says there is nothing wrong with what she is doing. It's driving me crazy. We can't afford to put them in daycare right now. Am I wrong and am I acting like a little girl or should he respect me and ask her to stop?

Ok - I just got here and I haven't read the entire thread, so I'm sure someone else has already said something similar but....

Am I dreaming, or is someone complaining about free day care and free laundry service.

You may have a point about moving your things around... but seriously, if that's the only penalty for a live-in nanny/housekeeper then send her over to my house.

Hell, she can use my Xbox360 games as frisbees if she likes to fiddle and fidget with things!

Buying new video games is hella cheaper than daycare and a maid.