Mother in law babysitting children


vraiblonde said:
I agreed with her in the other thread. MIL is out of line.

Pfft.... small price to pay.

What "things" are being moved around.

If shes digging around in the 'secret drawer' where the gag-balls, cat o' nine-tails and chocolate flavored butt-corks are, I can see why this would be a problem.

If she's moving hummel figurines around on top of the entertainment center, then "BFD" is what I say.


Thats how them b*tch's R
I can kinda of see where she's coming from. I feel uncomfortable with people even family being in my house when I'm not there. I might be able to handle dishes, dusting and general cleaning but please leave my laundry alone and definitely don't go through any papers I have on the counter. They (papers) are there for a reason. JMO.


Active Member
vraiblonde said:
I agreed with her in the other thread. MIL is out of line.

Oh I agree with her too. My mil does that kinda stuff when she comes over for a visit, It drives me crazy.

Nanny Pam

MissMissy said:
Okay my husband and I have been fighting ever since his mother has been babysitting our kids while we are at work. My problem is that she baby sits them at our house. I don't like the fact that every single day she is over there. On top of it she does things that drives me crazy like moving things around to where she wants them, washing my clothes, the list goes on and on. He says I'm acting like a "little girl". I asked him to ask her to just babysit the kids. He won't do it. He says there is nothing wrong with what she is doing. It's driving me crazy. We can't afford to put them in daycare right now. Am I wrong and am I acting like a little girl or should he respect me and ask her to stop?
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Child,....have you taken leave of your senses?


New Member
jetmonkey said:
You should go to her house and do her laundry, see how she likes it.

:yeahthat: The nerve of her to clean your house and watch your kid for free. I mean damn, she doesn't care about you or your family at all! :sarcasm:


Right now, she is doing you a tremendous favor and you should suck it up! :peace:


She will be dead one day and at least your husband will wish she was still around to do annoying things, you might miss her too. Lighten up.


New Member
I can see where some of that can be annoying but try my shoes because it could have been you.
My mom died of cancer right before I entered high school. Never saw my husband, prom, kids, graduation, first house, etc........
What I wouldn't give to have her for one day do all those things. I do daycare and some of the cleanup we all do together, so maybe she involves the kids in folding laundry, helping sweep etc. The kids love it and you have little adults one day that can actually take care of themselves. To top it off, they will have so many wonderful memories of gma!! :bawl: Gotta go.


Leave her no laundry to do and move the items back where you want them. she'll get the hint after a while. enjoy the other free stuff she does because it wont last forever.


I'd be pissed if MIL was washing all my clothes in HOT, shrinking them, using bleach when she's not supposed to, and washing Dry-clean only clothes.
I would unplug the washer before I went to work so she'd think it was broken.
I hate when someone moves something of mine because then I'm looking all over the house for it if it's not in plain should glue everything down. :lmao: