Motorcycle diet...


24/7 Single Dad
_MightyMouse_ said:
The first stage of denial is overcoming jealousy. :whistle:
_MightyMouse_ said:
What you can't find a woman to ride on the back of your junk, so you resort to putting a bunny on the back as a passenger... :razz: ...
_MightyMouse_ said:
And, you probably have a bad taste in your mouth about Harley's because a rider probably stole your girlfriend/whipped your a$$... :razz:
_MightyMouse_ said:
Continue to ride your Japanese GoldWing with your headset talking to your fellow Deutsche BMW rider while I pass you with your ole lady on the back :howdy:


Finishing last
Come on guys, we all ride right? We ride different bikes and different styles. APS is correct, it's a Kaw Vulcan 750. Yes it was styled after the heritage. I've heard them called slant heads. :lmao: I'm less worried about what I ride, and more interested in getting out there to ride.

The only thing I don't like are these guys like the one who weaved between me and a truck in front of me last week. Went around me on the right, crossed in front of me then went around the truck in front of me on the left. All on a single lane road. Idiot! Then just a quarter mile up the road I saw him turn into a CrackDonalds!!! Instant idiot just add crotch rocket.

To answer another question, I am changing the stator. It's burried in the lower end of the motor and requires the motor be pulled to change it. Unfortunately one of the bolts on the right exhaust header was rusty and weak, snapped when removing the nut. Now I need to extract the old post somehow.