motorcycle driving between lanes of traffic


Well-Known Member
Tonight I was going northbound on 235 in the Hollywood area. There were several cars in each lane when a guy on a motorcycle came up between us on the yellow line. We were approaching a light, but were probably still going around 40 mph at the time. I could not believe it! After reading many of the posts on this forum about being mindful of motorcycles, I would like to think that I am more cautious when pulling out on a road to make sure I don't pull into the path of a bike. But this guy should also be more cautious. What if I had not heard him/did not realize he was driving between me and the car to my right and I chose to drive on the right side of my lane, up to the line??? He would have been toast. When i told someone about this, they said that they had heard that this was actually legal. If it is, it is the stupidest law I have ever heard of.


mama to two
Tonight I was going northbound on 235 in the Hollywood area. There were several cars in each lane when a guy on a motorcycle came up between us on the yellow line. We were approaching a light, but were probably still going around 40 mph at the time. I could not believe it! After reading many of the posts on this forum about being mindful of motorcycles, I would like to think that I am more cautious when pulling out on a road to make sure I don't pull into the path of a bike. But this guy should also be more cautious. What if I had not heard him/did not realize he was driving between me and the car to my right and I chose to drive on the right side of my lane, up to the line??? He would have been toast. When i told someone about this, they said that they had heard that this was actually legal. If it is, it is the stupidest law I have ever heard of.

That doesn't make sense, does it? I would find it unnerving to have a motorcycle come up between me and a vehicle in the other lane. This concerns me because my son just purchased a motorcycle on Saturday. Cycles and cars/trucks should be able to share the road together safely.
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Tonight I was going northbound on 235 in the Hollywood area. There were several cars in each lane when a guy on a motorcycle came up between us on the yellow line. We were approaching a light, but were probably still going around 40 mph at the time. I could not believe it! After reading many of the posts on this forum about being mindful of motorcycles, I would like to think that I am more cautious when pulling out on a road to make sure I don't pull into the path of a bike. But this guy should also be more cautious. What if I had not heard him/did not realize he was driving between me and the car to my right and I chose to drive on the right side of my lane, up to the line??? He would have been toast. When i told someone about this, they said that they had heard that this was actually legal. If it is, it is the stupidest law I have ever heard of.

Not legal in MD anyway. Used to be in CA, but I don't know now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Tonight I was going northbound on 235 in the Hollywood area. There were several cars in each lane when a guy on a motorcycle came up between us on the yellow line. We were approaching a light, but were probably still going around 40 mph at the time. I could not believe it! After reading many of the posts on this forum about being mindful of motorcycles, I would like to think that I am more cautious when pulling out on a road to make sure I don't pull into the path of a bike. But this guy should also be more cautious. What if I had not heard him/did not realize he was driving between me and the car to my right and I chose to drive on the right side of my lane, up to the line??? He would have been toast. When i told someone about this, they said that they had heard that this was actually legal. If it is, it is the stupidest law I have ever heard of.

Was it this guy?



Power with Control
Not legal in CA anymore either. I am pretty sure it's not legal anywhere in the States. And stupid besides. WTH would you trust your safety to drivers?


Not legal in CA anymore either. I am pretty sure it's not legal anywhere in the States. And stupid besides. WTH would you trust your safety to drivers?
:yeahthat: I can't find anywhere that they changed the law in CA, but lane splitting is illegal in Md. Lane sharing is legal (two motorcycles riding side by side in the same lane).


:yeahthat: I can't find anywhere that they changed the law in CA, but lane splitting is illegal in Md. Lane sharing is legal (two motorcycles riding side by side in the same lane).

Not saying they haven't made it illegal, but I saw a few people doing it a couple of weeks ago in Cali..


New Member
I ride...SAFELY and obey all traffic laws. I am more cautious on my bike than in my car but idiots like this guy give us a bad rap. This is why cars are tailgating me and squeezing me out of my lane because they think we're all azzholes like that guy. It makes the roads less safe for the rest of us bikers. SMH.....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I ride...SAFELY and obey all traffic laws. I am more cautious on my bike than in my car but idiots like this guy give us a bad rap. This is why cars are tailgating me and squeezing me out of my lane because they think we're all azzholes like that guy. It makes the roads less safe for the rest of us bikers. SMH.....

You can't afford to let cars tailgate you. A rear-ender is a fender bender for them and a trip to the hospital for you. Or worse. I am NOT advocating zooming between cars. I am advocate and aggressive self defense where you use your advantages, acceleration, maneuverability and braking to protect yourself from dangers. Separate yourself, create space.

Rely on your fellow mans concern for your well being on a bike as little as possible. You can't afford it.



You can't afford to let cars tailgate you. A rear-ender is a fender bender for them and a trip to the hospital for you. Or worse. I am NOT advocating zooming between cars. I am advocate and aggressive self defense where you use your advantages, acceleration, maneuverability and braking to protect yourself from dangers. Separate yourself, create space.

Rely on your fellow mans concern for your well being on a bike as little as possible. You can't afford it.


Well Stated! :buddies:


All someone has to do is open their car door for some reason and that's all.

Sport Biker rider I worked with on Bolling years ago, came in one morning all ticked off... He'd lane split in Northern Virginia because the traffic was of course at a halt... someone in a Civic actually threw their door open when they saw him coming... He was livid... I told him not only was it illegal, he was a freakin self-important idiot... Even when I ride in California, I don't lane split... cell phones, coffee, donuts, smoking, steering with their knees? No thanks... Just because you can get through that gap doesn't mean you should!
You can't afford to let cars tailgate you. A rear-ender is a fender bender for them and a trip to the hospital for you. Or worse. I am NOT advocating zooming between cars. I am advocate and aggressive self defense where you use your advantages, acceleration, maneuverability and braking to protect yourself from dangers. Separate yourself, create space.

Rely on your fellow mans concern for your well being on a bike as little as possible. You can't afford it.

In light of this post and many others of recent... I've come to the conclusion you've fallen and bumped your head one too many times.


Well-Known Member
Sport Biker rider I worked with on Bolling years ago, came in one morning all ticked off... He'd lane split in Northern Virginia because the traffic was of course at a halt... someone in a Civic actually threw their door open when they saw him coming... He was livid... I told him not only was it illegal, he was a freakin self-important idiot... Even when I ride in California, I don't lane split... cell phones, coffee, donuts, smoking, steering with their knees? No thanks... Just because you can get through that gap doesn't mean you should!



mama to two
I ride...SAFELY and obey all traffic laws. I am more cautious on my bike than in my car but idiots like this guy give us a bad rap. This is why cars are tailgating me and squeezing me out of my lane because they think we're all azzholes like that guy. It makes the roads less safe for the rest of us bikers. SMH.....

I don't understand why drivers treat you that way. I guess they don't realize that they are the a-holes. I don't get that mentality. I leave more than ample room between my car and the bike(s) ahead of me. It is your road (cyclers), too. I always think when the biker is looking in his rearview, he appreciates the space I give him/her. Now, that my son has a cycle, I hope others will look out for him. My hub is a runner, and runs on Rt. 4 alot, I always tell him that worries me. He actually had a woman in a van, he feels deliberately push him into the weeds/trees while running on one of our neighborhood roads. He couldn't believe he had to jump to avoid her. He was running towards her and could see that she was staring right at him. The road he was on is not even heavily traveled. Why do people play such deadly games with their vehicles?