Moving to So. Md.--Advice??


I eat red meat
lanes said:
I know I probably sound like a snob
I'll agree with that. :biggrin:
These are my honest impressions of St. Mary's County after coming here from a completely different environment. I have met more than a few people here who have concurred with my observations. Wish your relative luck for me!
This area isn't for everyone, for some it has "grown" too much. BTW I have met quite a few that find this area to be exactly what they were looking for so I guess this is nothing more than "different strokes for different folks".


German American Lead Foot
I think St. Mary's County is a great place to live. It is more rural than an urban environment, but it is close to the city if that's where you want to go. An hour from Washington D.C., an hour and a half from Baltimore and about five hours to "The Big Apple." Culture is close by if you want it.

I find that people are very friendly here. Local people who live here are much nicer to "imports" that other places I have lived in the past.

The weather is great most of the time. We are surrounded by water and it's influence. If your friend has a boat or is interested in the Bay this is a great place to be.

Keep your eye peeled and you just might see a bald eagle fly by or maybe a F-18 fighter jet.

The cost of housing is more expensive here especially in the last few years, but compared to the Washington metro area you get more for your money. I'm glad my property it appreciating in value as fast as it is instead of depreciating.

I like living here! Yeah, it's kind of "smalltown" but the big town is not far away.

I find "lanes" comments interesting..... Columbus, Ohio? Also that she comes from an "educated backround" and she spells backround (backgorund).


New Member
lanes said:

After reading about all of your relative's interests, it would really serve him in good stead to look elsewhere. My husband and I have yet to find many creative, intelligent people around our age down here (i.e. people age 25 and up) and the ones we have met, have all moved out of the area, after only having been here a year or two.

This post is not meant to harp on St. Mary's County. There are plenty of positive things about the area. Most of the people are indeed friendly, and there are more things to do in the summer...

My husband and I both come from an educated backgorund, and the atmosphere down here is not really one of education. For example, we moved here from Columbus, Ohio, where there are several large and small colleges, and over 65% of the population there is under the age of 35.

To graduate college and then come here was a huge shock. This area is family-friendly, but lacks the vitality and youthfulness of places where there is more emphasis on education.

We have lived here for almost 3 years, and are making plans to move as soon as my husband finishes his Master's degree program next fall.

The people we have met, that have similar interests--i.e. coffee shops, bookstores, culture, etc. have all left St. Mary's for the same reason--"It is sucking the life out of them."

The cost of living here, compared with somewhere like Columbus, is outrageous. Why pay over $230,000+ for a house when you receive no amenities in return? In other places, when you pay that much for a house, you receive the benefits of a good school system. Not in St. Mary's County. You may receive the benefits of having nice restaurants, museums, or movie theaters. Not in St, Mary's County. If you are a retiree looking for a place to call home, this may be the place for you. If you have small children and just want to have a nice space for them and be really involved in a neighborhood, then this is the place for you.

But you can find other, more cost-effective places to make these things happen.

I know I probably sound like a snob, but I really am not. These are my honest impressions of St. Mary's County after coming here from a completely different environment. I have met more than a few people here who have concurred with my observations. Wish your relative luck for me!

Ok I have a solution, go back to Columbus for your degree, why use the system here if it is so lacking? Don't wait, go now! The county doesn't need you but, evidently you needed the county for some reason and came here without researching your alternatives. Why did you leave an area that was so good? hmmm? :confused: