Yes the reverse 911 system is good but it is indeed useless [as is internet information] without power or cable.
For months I have been talking about CERT [Community Emergency Response Teams]. I had my vhs marine radio on the whole time we were dealing with this emergency. I heard the winds could be up to 50 knots and extrapolated that they would be between 60-70 MPH. I knew we were in for bad times because of CERT training and I have a generator and a 72 Hour supply pack.
For months I have been telling people that we need to know how to shelter in place because there is always a time when victims are on their own. Say for instance you sprain your ankle really bad, there is a period of time [may be seconds to days] before someone arrives to assist you. You need to know how to take care of yourself , to get reliable information and give reliable information.
For more information please go to my website and click on disaster & evacuation.
I would love to talk about this issue more, now that it is fresh on your minds....
Oh and yes Patrick, I did make it to the Solomons fest and then I came back to my neighborhood to help those who needed our help moving trees, getting messages, or getting something to eat....