MSP bravery


Vince said:
I never wore a helmet when I rode a bicycle back when I was a kid. Had lots of falls/accidents and it didn't hurt my brain much. :jameo: :confused: :bonk: :dead: :twitch:
Well as far as you know.


vraiblonde said:
Having been involved in not one, but TWO accidents involving wayward cyclists, I say cops should execute them on the spot if they see them breaking traffic laws.
Execution might be a bit harsh, but if they're going to kill themselves anyway by riding out in front of the cars.....Oh, what the hell, go ahead and execute them.

Maybe there has been some brain damage that I've forgotten about. :confused:


New Member
smcop said:
Where did this happen?

about 9 years ago, in PG county, it was probably 7 a.m. on Sunday, he was the only car on the road (parked waiting) not driving, it was a small community, not a lot of traffic even during "rush hour". I know enough to not pull out in front of cars, it was a 4 way stop and not a car in sight.


New Member
slaphappynmd said:
about 9 years ago, in PG county, it was probably 7 a.m. on Sunday, he was the only car on the road (parked waiting) not driving, it was a small community, not a lot of traffic even during "rush hour". I know enough to not pull out in front of cars, it was a 4 way stop and not a car in sight.

And the judge found you guilty?


I wanna be a SMIB
slaphappynmd said:
I got a ticket while riding my bicycle, I went through an intersection, without stopping, no hands on the handle bars, and no helmet. $170, I was 12.

Do you have to stop at traffic lights and stop signs if your on a bicycle? And a ticket like that for a 12 yr old, THAT cop needed to get a life.


I AM an enigma
vraiblonde said:
Having been involved in not one, but TWO accidents involving wayward cyclists, I say cops should execute them on the spot if they see them breaking traffic laws. Driving the wrong way against traffic, blowing through red lights.....maybe they don't give a crap, but it would have sure ruined my day if I'd killed one of them.

And I must specify that these were not "cyclists" that tried to commit suicide in front of my car, as in someone who bikes seriously, but punks on bikes who shouldn't be allowed off their own sidewalk.

So I'm sure that cop had a reason to hassle that guy on the bike.

LOL!!!! How well put! I look at it this way....when they (the bikes) are fully insured and tagged, (as I MUST be) then I will gladly share the road with them...until then, I just try not to kill them.


Well-Known Member
awpitt said:
When riding a bicycle, you are subject to the same laws you are when driving a motor vehicle. The MST must have had a reason.

Well, there you go, Tiki. MSP officers are generally hard-asses, but I doubt that even those guys will arrest a guy on a bike for a minor traffic violation.


I am so very blessed
baileydog said:
Do you have to stop at traffic lights and stop signs if your on a bicycle? And a ticket like that for a 12 yr old, THAT cop needed to get a life.
:dork: Of course bicyclists need to stop at traffic lights and at stop signs. Can you imagine the chaos on the roads if the bicyclists didn't stop? :doh:

And in this scenario, it was a PERFECT time for a cop to instill in this 12-year-old the rules of the road, and to help teach that dis-obeying the rules does have consequences. Ah.....a $170 ticket does sound excessive, I"ll give you that.


smcop said:
But did you have to pay a fine like this guy?

I have never gotten a ticket that didn't require me to pay a fine.

But what I meant was, he didn't say that he contested the ticket and lost. He only said he got a ticket. As far as I know, judges don't need to be there when tickets are given.


I wanna be a SMIB
BadGirl said:
:dork: Of course bicyclists need to stop at traffic lights and at stop signs. Can you imagine the chaos on the roads if the bicyclists didn't stop? :doh:

And in this scenario, it was a PERFECT time for a cop to instill in this 12-year-old the rules of the road, and to help teach that dis-obeying the rules does have consequences. Ah.....a $170 ticket does sound excessive, I"ll give you that.

I know it was like a hundred years ago, but when I was a kid, half the fun of riding a bike was to try to catch and pass the traffic when they got caught at lights. It truly was a kinder gentler time then. And alot less traffic. :lmao:


New Member
Toxick said:
I have never gotten a ticket that didn't require me to pay a fine.

But what I meant was, he didn't say that he contested the ticket and lost. He only said he got a ticket. As far as I know, judges don't need to be there when tickets are given.

Well here is the thing. I was waiting for this guy to answer that question, because a twelve year old in the State of Maryland can not be given a traffic citation. The only thing that would happen is it be referred to Juvenile Justice, and they do not issue fines.


New Member
Toxick said:
I have never gotten a ticket that didn't require me to pay a fine.

But what I meant was, he didn't say that he contested the ticket and lost. He only said he got a ticket. As far as I know, judges don't need to be there when tickets are given.

Further, running a stop sign 9 years ago was a $70.00 fine, and not wearing a helmet would have been another $30.00 fine, equalling $100.00, not the $170.00 he quoted.

I believe there is a reason to suspect this guy may not be telling the truth.


I bowl overhand
smcop said:
Well here is the thing. I was waiting for this guy to answer that question, because a twelve year old in the State of Maryland can not be given a traffic citation. The only thing that would happen is it be referred to Juvenile Justice, and they do not issue fines.
A 16 year old is a juvenile, can they get a ticket/ fine??

How about a 15 year old driving without a license, or DUI.. can they get a ticket??

At what age CAN you get a ticket?


Main Streeter
itsbob said:
A 16 year old is a juvenile, can they get a ticket/ fine??

How about a 15 year old driving without a license, or DUI.. can they get a ticket??

At what age CAN you get a ticket?
You can at any age. The difference is what court system you go through. Juvenile court or adult court.


Stop Staring!!!!!
BadGirl said:
:dork: Of course bicyclists need to stop at traffic lights and at stop signs. Can you imagine the chaos on the roads if the bicyclists didn't stop? :doh:

And in this scenario, it was a PERFECT time for a cop to instill in this 12-year-old the rules of the road, and to help teach that dis-obeying the rules does have consequences. Ah.....a $170 ticket does sound excessive, I"ll give you that.

When I was about 12 or so I had gotten a new 10 Speed. Rode up to the county park, hauling butt through the parking lot with a couple of buddies. Lady backs out of her spot and I T-Boned her. I went flying over the top of her car and landed on the far side, dazed, confused and totally embarrased. Her concern was that I was OK. Heck, I was a 12 YO boy, nothing hurt me of course. But I got back up and pushed my broken up bike the 5 miles or so to get home.

That is what it took for me to get me to use a little more common sense while riding a bike. Maybe if a COP had seen me barreling through the parking lot he could have starightened my little butt out. But it's easy as all get out to get nailed on a bike since they are a little harder to see coming. Especially when some energetic 12YO is peddling his butt off. The lady in my case did not see me coming and did not have time enough to react even if she did.