My cat is injured and lost in Dameron


My Sweetest Boy
She used to jump over the baby gate in our hallway and I noticed she hesitated and would not/could not jump it. She has a very slight limp. She has an appointment tomorrow morning at All Kinds to be sure she is ok.

I hope she doesn't remember you ran over her. She may come in your bed tonight and suck away your breath. :jet:


New Member
I am so glad Brownie is ok. I think the movie that mentioned a cat sucking away your breath was Cat's Eye with Drew Barrymore. The little troll in that movie freaked me out when I was little.


I wanna be a SMIB
Im so glad shes home, I hope when she goes to the vet, she gets a clean bill of health. I bet she wont go near the car again. Im just so happy you found her or she found you, either way shes home. Now, about that crown, I want one.


resident Spring Bunny
BROWNIE IS HOME!!!! I have been out all morning,picked up my kids,and came home to find her on one of the doors open,no windows,either. I don't know how it happened! But she's home...I crammed a crown on her head and made her my avatar!

:yahoo: GLAD is she okay!
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New Member
I am so glad she came home.Don't blame yourself for her being up under your car. Cats go up there to stay warm. Maybe now you should keep her inside at all times. There are so many dangerous things that happen to cats outside. You and your cat would feel so much better if she was inside. The cat because she would be so nice and warm and you because you wouldn't have to stress about something happening again. If you are concerned about how she would be staying in all the time, they adjust very fast. I had a feral that I rescued, which had never been in a house at all. He adjusted so well. They would much rather be inside all warm and cozy then outside. Again I am so glad that she came home. She was probably just as glad to get home.


New Member
I would agree with some of that,but if *they* would much rather be in than out,why do they go out? Our cat stays right by the door at all times,and after she runs in and eats she's back out. Keeping her in is near impossible,as she will simply wait until someone is coming in or out. I don't think for one minute she would rather be in....I feel like it's about quality of life,and I was definitely upset when she was gone and I'm pretty sure taking a Honda to the leg was not good for her either,but if going out is what she loves to do so much,than eventually we might all have to pay the price...and I let her go. Only now I'm much more cautious about looking for her before moving my vehicle.