St. Mary's
You can file a formal complaint I'm sure.
St. Mary's
You can file a formal complaint I'm sure.
last time I lived in a hood, there was a neighbor that let his cats run free.
the would use the flower garden in my front yard to take their dump and all you smelled at my front door was cat crap.
he didnt care, said it wasnt his problem.
then they had their little paw prints all over my new car along with some superficial scratches in the paint on the hood.
he didnt care.
he did however care the morning I started the car and discovered that the cat was on top of the engine, damn thing made a hell of a noise as it thumped around pulled by the fan belt.
I told him, I didnt care, it wasnt my problem and proceeded to hose off the engine compartment and the driveway.
Did you say that animal control has taken one dog from them already?
They admittedly gave the dog ecstasy?
Please do the pit puppy a favor and call animal control again.
In Pa. if you had an animal taken from you by authorities for cruelty, you are not allowed to have another....ever.
PS....take the bell off the cat, you aren't giving the poor thing any reconissance ability in addition to driving it insane.
Cat collars with bells should be outlawed.
Cat collars with bells should be outlawed.
Morningbell, you know the neighbor tries to get his dog to chase your cat, and you still let her outside? Aren't you worried the dog will kill her?
last time I lived in a hood, there was a neighbor that let his cats run free.
the would use the flower garden in my front yard to take their dump and all you smelled at my front door was cat crap.
he didnt care, said it wasnt his problem.
then they had their little paw prints all over my new car along with some superficial scratches in the paint on the hood.
he didnt care.
he did however care the morning I started the car and discovered that the cat was on top of the engine, damn thing made a hell of a noise as it thumped around pulled by the fan belt.
I told him, I didnt care, it wasnt my problem and proceeded to hose off the engine compartment and the driveway.
My cat never goes on cars, she hates them. I know the cat uses the dirt in the woods as her litter box, its all soft I have seen her and nobody here has flowers.
I am looking at both sides here. If cat would have never steped a paw outside there would be no issue. She was an outdoor cat to begin, I had no hand in that. She stays away from my neighbor's. The neighbor's dog had even went after 2 dogs at a nearby business, my cat never did that.
If my cat ever did any of the above things to my neighbor's property I would have made sure she didn't step a paw outside but she keeps to her property and socializes with the cats that belong to my other neighbor.
You don't know what your cat is doing if you can't see it.
If the dog eats your cat, you have no one but yourself to blame. How can you find fault is someone else allowing their pet to roam all over, when you're doing the same thing?![]()
You don't know what your cat is doing if you can't see it.
If the dog eats your cat, you have no one but yourself to blame. How can you find fault is someone else allowing their pet to roam all over, when you're doing the same thing?![]()
One word on the pitty..
That dog was nice, now I'm worried about his welfare and what he may wind up becoming. Your neighbors are wastes of flesh and once I have your old man convinced that I'll build him a half pipe on the back 40, you can put all this behind you. We just have to convince him that strapping that plow to his backside is good exercise and sexy!
Beagles are much nicer and much stupider anyway
I know that there are no places for her to go potty in any of my neighbor's yards, I know there are no kitty paw prints on any vehicles. I know she likes to hang in the roof of the shed in the feild behind the house on the edge of the woods.
I'm not really that worried about the dog eating our cat as the cat can and has defended herself from a dog before.
You can't compare an altered cat roaming with an unaltered pitbull roaming. Look at what happened in the horse thread with the two pitbulls attacking BeenSpur'd's horses. The dogs here are terrorizing the neighborhood!
When we leave our house they're walking fast towards us and barking the whole way, when I get my mail they do the same. They attacked the dogs at a local business, the ripped open a screen door to another neighbor's house and humped the dog inside and now they are barking all night long but yet its still my fault that my cat is allowed to come and go as she please? As I said we never had a problem before but now its getting out of hand.
Cat stayed in all night last night, she was tired from trying to dodge the dogs when she got too close to the house all day yesterday. Poor kitty.
I feel sorry for your cat. How do you expect her to defend herself from a pitbull? It's one thing if she slaps the dog when the dog sniffs her, but a totally different thing if the dog runs after her and bites her.I'm REALLY hoping nothing happens to your cat.