My sick cat


Well-Known Member
Celts said:
Said cat got into the basement and got into a box that had the red pin cushion in it.
Rule # 1 with cats..put away sewing stuff..cats lick thread, and cant get it rid of it because of barbs on tongue.
He blames the cat and expects people to feel sorry for him?
I asked how it happened and took a long time to got answer.
Go blow it off elsewhere...

So maybe he learned his lesson about cats and sewing stuff just like you learned your lesson with letting the cat outside. :eyebrow:


New Member
Cowgirl said:
Hey asshat, Did Huntr1 physical stab the cat with the needle? No. Did he put the needle in the cat's food bowl? No. He said the cat got into the sewing stuff. Obviously it was an accident. People aren't spitting red at you for "any reason," they're giving you red because you are acting like the true piece of crap that you are. Obviously people can't watch their animals 24/7. If Huntr1 didn't take responsibility, then he'd have let the cat suffer and not take it to the vet. As for the other half of the needle...why don't you let the VET worry about that?

He allowed cat to get into basement and into box.

He took cat into the vet becasue of the abcess..which too a long time to surface.
Where is the other half?? Cant bother to find that?
I challange the status quo and get the flack.
Dont blame the cat..blame the owner!!


New Member
Cowgirl said:
So maybe he learned his lesson about cats and sewing stuff just like you learned your lesson with letting the cat outside. :eyebrow:

Would hope so..and learned not to blame the cat for his stupidity!


New Member
elaine said:
The vet did address that. Didn't you read that part? said that to xray the cat would require sedation.
MIGHT (MAY) be stressful to cat..
Which is more injection and gas to be sedated and a few xrays?
Or to have broken half in body to do more damage. dentist telling you too stressful to give you novacaine to fix tooth.
So you live with bad tooth.
Whic is more stressful????
So owner coped out and 1/2 needle is unaccounted for.
Poor cat.


professional daydreamer
Celts said: said that to xray the cat would require sedation.
MIGHT (MAY) be stressful to cat..
Which is more injection and gas to be sedated and a few xrays?
Or to have broken half in body to do more damage. dentist telling you too stressful to give you novacaine to fix tooth.
So you live with bad tooth.
Whic is more stressful????
So owner coped out and 1/2 needle is unaccounted for.
Poor cat.

I think I'd follow the advice of my vet, since s/he knows more than you. Unless you're gonna' tell me you're a vet.


New Member
elaine said:
I think I'd follow the advice of my vet, since s/he knows more than you. Unless you're gonna' tell me you're a vet.
No, I am a pet owenr..and I would want to know where needle is.
Not all vets in this area are good vets ya know.

But heck...some people cant think for themselves so they follow the crowd, like cows...Moooo


professional daydreamer
Celts said:
No, I am a pet owenr..and I would want to know where needle is.
Not all vets in this area are good vets ya know.

But heck...some people cant think for themselves so they follow the crowd, like cows...Moooo

You're so perfect. Can I come live with you and take lessons?


New Member
Hey look..more red!!
Keep it up and I will make the 50 Post point soon and gave back to all that gave to me!

My sick cat 04-05-2007 03:47 PM STHU - Love, Ehesef
No idea who Ehesef is..maybe a made up I do a search?

No harm in trying...


New Member
elaine said:
You're so perfect. Can I come live with you and take lessons? dont wanna live here..I walk around in a kilt all day and scratch myself when my dog is not looking. :wench:


Celts said:
Hey look..more red!!
Keep it up and I will make the 50 Post point soon and gave back to all that gave to me!


Thank you for this afternoon's entertainment. Have a good weekend. :howdy:


New Member
Wenchy said:

Thank you for this afternoon's entertainment. Have a good weekend. :howdy:

POST# 51..YEA!!

You are welcome..comeon back for more Scottish sconing and scolding..
Somedays the kilt is on and others it is have been warmed.

Have a nice easter and dont eat kind and melt them down instead..and pour over microwaved Peepers. :lmao: !


professional daydreamer
Celts said:
Oh Crap... this S-u-c-k-s big time..

Good lord! 04-05-2007 04:27 PM you can't give red while you're in the red. haha.

Gotta be in the green to give red?
Humm... :coffee:
