Name Brand Crisis Question!


Lexington Punk

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I'm just waiting for one of the many MPD's to post something rev

Originally posted by cariblue
And away from those they have nothing in common with.

So true!


Football season!
Nothing to do with how much you spend for an item as long as you like it.

Which is why the outlet malls do so well. Lots of people like the same stuff, but aren't dumb enough to buy it in some of the big department stores.


Be about it
Originally posted by SmallTown
Which is why the outlet malls do so well. Lots of people like the same stuff, but aren't dumb enough to buy it in some of the big department stores.

Yep, I LOVEEEE outlet malls!!

Lexington Punk

While were on the subject:
I was at the Dollar Store the other day. I just happened to be in need of a spray nozzel for my garden hose. I saw one and picked it up. Of course I knew I was taking a chance bying an item like that at a dollar store but it was right there in front of me. I took it home and it didnt work worth a darn. Now, even though I knew the risk (it was only a buck) and bought it anyhow shouldnt I still be able to expect it to work or at least work reasonably well, regardless of the price?


Originally posted by SmallTown
one of the worst generic items are the food lion brand kitchen trash bags. Thin pieces of crap that couldn't even hold a piece of cotton.

I agree, I was a DA and saw a jumbo roll of trash bags in Walmart. Looked like a great deal so I got them, what a mistake. Now I have 200 trash bags not fit to use.

When I lived in Memphis I had a buddy who worked for Kraft foods in the cooking oil plant. He was the packaging supervisor and one day he invited me down to see the process. They had a big machine that filled the bottles and put the label on them. Next to the end that they load the bottles in was several huge boxes of empty bottles. Each box had a different style of bottle. These guys would load the bottles and make a run, hen switch bottles and make another run. Same oil, different bottle and label.
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I use an awful lot of balsamic and red wine vinegar. Maybe I'm nuts but I can taste a huge difference in brands. Apple Cider and White Vinegars are different too, just not as blatant. Maybe I'm just ultra sensitive.

Trash Bags.... Huge difference between brands.

Salad Dressing Major Name brand buyer!

ST sweetie you have certainly been accused of being and MPD. Remember when the rumor spread that you were really Larry Gude? :roflmao:


Originally posted by SxyPrincess
What if you buy your clothes from the thrift store, but they're "brand name?" :really:
I buy from thrift stores...espeically since I go through sizes so quick. I can' t afford to buy new all the time.


I buy from thrift stores...espeically since I go through sizes so quick. I can' t afford to buy new all the time.

Me too. I shop for the kids at the thrift store and I find many cloths with tags still on them.


yeah yeah
Originally posted by IM4Change
Me too. I shop for the kids at the thrift store and I find many cloths with tags still on them.

I must not be going to the right Thrift stores! :mad: Cause the ones I went to on monday sucked balls!