3. Is there a gun in the house? Is ammunition stored with it?
_____yes ____no If yes, Where is it located:
For some reason this question made me feel uneasy.
My initial thought was, "why so you or someone you know can break in my house"
I would answer if I thought the question more on the lines of safety.
See how this sounds:
Does anyone residing in the household own firearms? yes no
If yes, for what purpose do you have the firearm(s).
At any time that a firearm(s) has/have been purchased during my employment, do you agree to notify me immediately? yes no
If I am hired for this position are you willing to safely store the firearm(s), unaccessable to the children, store ammuntion seperately, keep the firearm(s) under lock and key and visually show me that this has been done? yes no
Also: (If I find out that this is an issue in your home, I retain the right to terminate contract immediately and leave without notice)
I would add this above the signature and word it more like:
I retain the right to terminate the contract immediately and leave without notice if discovered that any of the information provided above is false.