Naughty Scooter...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What was NOT mentioned...

...was whether or not Libby endangered national security by revealing her identity.

In other words:

Scooter did not play nice with investigators so he will be spanked and they have no case in terms of 008, aka Valerie Plame Wilson Bond.


New Member
rack'm said:
2 years of digging and that all the libs could get? :duh:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Since when did Patrick Fitzgerald become a I seem to recall everyone having a COW when Clinton committed perjury, but now i guess its no big deal since it is a Republican that does it. You all just kill me with this "its ok for a Republican" but when a Democrat does it, throw the book at him!

You are just making yourself look stupid. Wake up, the guy lied through his teeth, and you know it, and it just KILLS you that it is a Republican. I can't wait till they finish with Rove's investigation, he will probably get even more charges, then you can bash Fitzgerald again and make yourselves feel better.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Racingwolf said:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Since when did Patrick Fitzgerald become a I seem to recall everyone having a COW when Clinton committed perjury, but now i guess its no big deal since it is a Republican that does it. You all just kill me with this "its ok for a Republican" but when a Democrat does it, throw the book at him!

You are just making yourself look stupid. Wake up, the guy lied through his teeth, and you know it, and it just KILLS you that it is a Republican. I can't wait till they finish with Rove's investigation, he will probably get even more charges, then you can bash Fitzgerald again and make yourselves feel better.
While it's possible that what you say is the truth (that he lied) he currently has only been indicted and not been convicted or admitted guilt. On the other hand Clinton did admit his guilt. Notice a difference?


Racingwolf said:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Since when did Patrick Fitzgerald become a I seem to recall everyone having a COW when Clinton committed perjury, but now i guess its no big deal since it is a Republican that does it. You all just kill me with this "its ok for a Republican" but when a Democrat does it, throw the book at him!

You are just making yourself look stupid. Wake up, the guy lied through his teeth, and you know it, and it just KILLS you that it is a Republican. I can't wait till they finish with Rove's investigation, he will probably get even more charges, then you can bash Fitzgerald again and make yourselves feel better.

Ok, just as long as they get the same punishment slick willie got...........


Racingwolf said:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Since when did Patrick Fitzgerald become a I seem to recall everyone having a COW when Clinton committed perjury, but now i guess its no big deal since it is a Republican that does it. You all just kill me with this "its ok for a Republican" but when a Democrat does it, throw the book at him!

You are just making yourself look stupid. Wake up, the guy lied through his teeth, and you know it, and it just KILLS you that it is a Republican. I can't wait till they finish with Rove's investigation, he will probably get even more charges, then you can bash Fitzgerald again and make yourselves feel better.
I think rack'm was voicing disappointment at the Bush administrations lack of good faith and the pizz poor state of this investigation from the entertainment standpoint.

At this point in Ken Stars case we already had several indictments, plea bargans, contempt citations, a conviction or two, missing documents, Vince Foster, a blow job and a stained dress.

I am disappointed at the Bush/Chenny administration for only giving this a half assed try. You would think they could have done better than 1 indictment on the last day. :duh: Maybe some midget porn, a lurid rumor about Condi and Rummy, working a long night together. I mean come on!
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Pete said:
I think rack'm was voicing disappointment at the Bush administrations lack of good faith and the pizz poor state of this investigation from the entertainment standpoint.

At this point in Ken Stars case we already had several indictments, plea bargans, contempt citations, a conviction or two, missing documents, Vince Foster, a blow job and a stained dress.

I am disappointed at the Bush/Chenny administration for only giving this a half assed try. You would think they could have done better than 1 indictment on the last day. :duh:

Thanks Pete, I am just not wordy enough. :lmao:


rack'm said:
2 years of digging and that all the libs could get? :duh:

Ahhhh the spin starts here. Where are you getting your information that Fitzgerald is a liberal? The indictment means depositions, witnesses, trial, possibly more perjury charges (republicans have the same occasional mental condition as my 14 year old - selective memory), and possible conviction. The revelation will be the lengths this administration went to in order to sell Iraq. It's not going to be pretty (albeit sadly, sadly amusing). It's not over by a long shot.


No spin from me. I read the indictment and Libby looks dirty. Good on them for calling him to task. Now for a trial and if he is guilty punishment. :yay:

It looks to me from the indictment that they indicted him because he lied or attempted to mislead the Grand Jury and the FBI. It seems to me, and I may be mistaken, that the Grand Jury believed that every reporter in DC knew Plame was working for the CIA already so Libby did not "out her" per say because she was effectively outed already. The fool should have just told the truth.


Dixie said:
Yeah Pete but who told the reporters?
Who knows these things. Reporters find out crap everyday, a friend of a friend of a friends cousin's raquetball partner. :shrug:

Maybe it was Deepthroat? :lmao:


Pete said:
Who knows these things. Reporters find out crap everyday, a friend of a friend of a friends cousin's raquetball partner. :shrug:

Maybe it was Deepthroat? :lmao:

This is off the top of my head, but it was Scooter Pete only he cloaked it with I heard from other reporters that she was CIA when in fact he heard it from Cheney. He tried to lay it on the press.


Dixie said:
This is off the top of my head, but it was Scooter Pete only he cloaked it with I heard from other reporters that she was CIA when in fact he heard it from Cheney. He tried to lay it on the press.

He's a politician, you know he's lying, his lips are moving.


Dixie said:
This is off the top of my head, but it was Scooter Pete only he cloaked it with I heard from other reporters that she was CIA when in fact he heard it from Cheney. He tried to lay it on the press.
Well EVIDENTLY the Grand Jury, who was there, who listened to the testimony of Libby AND the FBI agents, AND Tim Russert, AND Judith Miller, AND Mathew Cooper, AND the dozens of other witnesses, do not agree with your wild ass speculation and conspiracy theory.

Why is this so hard for you? I am a die hard conservative throwing you a bone and agreeing that it looks like Libby willfully mislead the FBI and Grand Jury. I picture a high strung mover and a shaker, Washington insider who got too big for his britches and got pizzy about a CIA report so he ran his mouth too much and it got him in trouble. He is indicted, lost his job, (W BTW is coming through with his promise, Libby resigned within minutes of the indictment) and if convicted he will no doubt be punished. Why does it have to be some HUGE conspiracy, code word muttering, parking garage meetings under cover of darkness, shredded memo, tattoo of an octopus on their ankle secret society deal?

From what I am assuming, Novak, Russert, Cooper and Miller basically came off like Plame being in the CIA was the worst kept secret next to the list of ingredients used to make the mysterious "special sauce" on the Big Mac.

You sound rabid, like you will not be happy unless they uncover a document written in code, that is cracked by a Swiss super computer and it implicates Bush as the mastermind and the Marshals escort him form the White House in cuffs with a coat thrown over his head.
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Super Genius
I heard a rumor on the radio that Scooter and Miller had a fling. If that's the case...




ylexot said:
I heard a rumor on the radio that Scooter and Miller had a fling. If that's the case...


Which would explain why, even though she had a release months ago, she went to jail anyway to keep her beloved Scooterpie from getting in trouble....


Pete said:
Well EVIDENTLY the Grand Jury, who was there, who listened to the testimony of Libby AND the FBI agents, AND Tim Russert, AND Judith Miller, AND Mathew Cooper, AND the dozens of other witnesses, do not agree with your wild ass speculation and conspiracy theory.

Why is this so hard for you? I am a die hard conservative throwing you a bone and agreeing that it looks like Libby willfully mislead the FBI and Grand Jury. I picture a high strung mover and a shaker, Washington insider who got too big for his britches and got pizzy about a CIA report so he ran his mouth too much and it got him in trouble. He is indicted, lost his job, (W BTW is coming through with his promise, Libby resigned within minutes of the indictment) and if convicted he will no doubt be punished. Why does it have to be some HUGE conspiracy, code word muttering, parking garage meetings under cover of darkness, shredded memo, tattoo of an octopus on their ankle secret society deal?

From what I am assuming, Novak, Russert, Cooper and Miller basically came off like Plame being in the CIA was the worst kept secret next to the list of ingredients used to make the mysterious "special sauce" on the Big Mac.

You sound rabid, like you will not be happy unless they uncover a document written in code, that is cracked by a Swiss super computer and it implicates Bush as the mastermind and the Marshals escort him form the White House in cuffs with a coat thrown over his head.

Bush mastermind? :lmao: What was so rabid about my response? Your
die hard conservative group is in deep darlin' and it sounds like even you in your own squirrelly little way might be aware of it.


New Member
Pete said:
Well EVIDENTLY the Grand Jury, who was there, who listened to the testimony of Libby AND the FBI agents, AND Tim Russert, AND Judith Miller, AND Mathew Cooper, AND the dozens of other witnesses, do not agree with your wild ass speculation and conspiracy theory.

Why is this so hard for you? I am a die hard conservative throwing you a bone and agreeing that it looks like Libby willfully mislead the FBI and Grand Jury. I picture a high strung mover and a shaker, Washington insider who got too big for his britches and got pizzy about a CIA report so he ran his mouth too much and it got him in trouble. He is indicted, lost his job, (W BTW is coming through with his promise, Libby resigned within minutes of the indictment) and if convicted he will no doubt be punished. Why does it have to be some HUGE conspiracy, code word muttering, parking garage meetings under cover of darkness, shredded memo, tattoo of an octopus on their ankle secret society deal?

From what I am assuming, Novak, Russert, Cooper and Miller basically came off like Plame being in the CIA was the worst kept secret next to the list of ingredients used to make the mysterious "special sauce" on the Big Mac.

You sound rabid, like you will not be happy unless they uncover a document written in code, that is cracked by a Swiss super computer and it implicates Bush as the mastermind and the Marshals escort him form the White House in cuffs with a coat thrown over his head.

I am glad someone here agrees he DID do something wrong besides us Libs :smile: . The whole thing about it is, now, this trial is going to open up a whole new round of investigations into why we went to war to start with. This is going to bring out into the open all of the things we have been wondering about since the war started, and that is, did we go for the right reasons or were the American people lied to. I still think that he has not ended his investigation on Rove because there is more to this story than just the outing of Plame. I may be wrong, but something else is going on here and we just don't know what that is yet.


Dixie said:
Bush mastermind? :lmao: What was so rabid about my response? Your
die hard conservative group is in deep darlin' and it sounds like even you in your own squirrelly little way might be aware of it.
PuuuuuuuulllEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ this is nothing. Bush has bigger problems than what some dude named after canned pumkin did or did not say. Every democrat on the planet hates him and half his own party wants to spank him for being a wuss. All things considered this is nothing but a teeny bump in the road blow up because New Orleans is not flooded anymore and people got sick of Natalee Holloway.